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new title screens need C & C

http://i527.photobucket.com/albums/cc36 ... Awsome.png[/img]

http://i527.photobucket.com/albums/cc36 ... 65/LoF.png[/img]

http://i527.photobucket.com/albums/cc36 ... oFdark.png[/img]

please tell me which one is your favorite and tell me how i can make these better, dont just say "those are the worst ive ever seen." Also remember to rate my title screens, if you like my title screens ill make a title for you if you need one for your game, just post the details.
the game is gonna be either Legend of Fantasia or Chronicles of Fantasia, depending on best title.
We are giving critism because we feel like it, not because it's our job. Please don't talk like your giving orders (and put capitals in front of your sentences).

First, the third screen isn't even 640x480. The second is LoF instead of CoF (well, what exatcly is the name of your game anyway? Decide yourself). I thiink I see a CoF in the middle of the sun of the first one or something but hell, it's absolutely unreadable.

Anyway, not that your style is bad, but all that blurry random lines really kill the eye. It almost makes me sick. You may want something a little less abstract for your titlescreen, I don't know if it's just me but it's quite repulsive, not because it's porely done, but it's just ugly.
First off, none of those look remotely like title screens. They aren't professional enough, they're the wrong size (presuming you're useing RMXP), and the text and pictures/logos are badly positioned.
Secondly, what is your game about? When is it set? From those, you can't tell much. Also, like Zekallinos said, you seem to have three different titles. Decide on the name of the game, and then you can make the title fit better.
All of the titles also have a bad choice of colours and effects. They all look scratchy.

I am also wondering how these can be used as title screens. At the moment, you have no room to fit any options on, without obscuring part of the image. You need to reposition parts of them so they work.

I'm sorry if that critisism is a bit harsh. At the moment, the bottom one is the best, but it still needs a lot of work. A title screen has to be something that catches the eye and looks good. At the moment they do neither.

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