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New template FINISHED!

I have been wanting to do my own character template for rpgmaker XP/VX for a while, I wanted to make a somewhat taller and with a smaller head character, probably leaving more room to make cool outfits, since using the default VX template doesn't really make them noticeable.
I jsut started a while ago, for now I have only finished the front view, although I still have some issues to fix, like the legs, that move somewhat akwardly... btw I wanted it to have very few colors, because I'm a pretty lazy guy, and having it use only 3 shades of color makes it much more easy to make characters later.

EDIT: Male and female template finished! I'll go and make some examples and post them here as soon as I finish them.
http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/9272 ... te3mx5.png[/imgzoom]
http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/9710 ... te3ha8.png[/imgzoom]
c&c are welcome. =)
here are some simple samples I made in a few mins:
You've detailed the knees (though made it look strange with them a pixel in on both sides) but the arms look noodly. Knees need fixing and you need to either straighten the arms or make them look less round like flexipipe XD
ok thanks for the advice, added some shadows and changed a few things in the arms to give them more shape, also added the side view, and made the head slightly smaller just have to draw the back view now.
http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/9672 ... te3pt0.png[/imgzoom]
EDIT: just finished the back view, so now the male template is pretty much finished!
The good news is that it can be used with the VX RTP, if you use the big doors of course.
I think I'll stick to 4 direction, I told you I was lazy heh.
I'll make some sprites when I'm done with the female template. =)
Do they only walk up down, diagonally down left and diagonally down right? if not these are goin to look like they're strafing to the side while walking...
The front and back views are excellent, but the side views concern me.  I imported it into VX and it looks really bad walking left and right.  I think this would probably need custom tilesets or an edit on your part.
I don't know, they aren't facing completely to the side, but I've seen many charactersets that do that, completely to the side looks too fake to me, that why I changed a bit the side view, but it doesn't look weird to me at least. :/
These Templates make me laugh everytime I look at it because they are ripped and then they have a little chibi-type head ontop.

But these are pretty good
Hey, nice work, your templates are looking pretty solid. However, there is something I want to note. On the woman template, the bending arm while walking looks a little too large. The elbow should be higher from our point of view, and the arm overall should be a little smaller. As for the back view of the female, the arm that is swinging back, actually doens't look like swinging back, but more like she putting her hand on her butt (however appealing that may look :dead:). Otherwise, look good, and are definitely wwaaay more different from the oh-my-good-it's-chibi-time-again. For that, I bow to you. :thumb:
Oh, those side views, I assumed you were making 8 directional... You have:

Facing Downwards
Facing Down Left
Facing Down Right
Facing Upwards.

Might just look odd with square tiles, such as VX rtp.

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