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New RP sign up! (read up!)

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I'm want to try and create an RP on this forum. Stop me if I can't. I blam Luminier ( kidding  :grin: )
But here it is

Background Story: In a what would have been world, elves and humans live together in the modern day. Each with they're own strengths and weaknesses: Humans have technology. Elves have magic (not advanced Fire Storm and Ice Blast stuff, but simple Heal magicks ect.).
    But recently, an underground force is pushing to enslave elves. Governments are falling, and nothing can be done.
    ...Or so we think....
    Setting: Afton / Woodbury Minnesota.  MODERN

Character Form:
Race: (Elf or Human)
Age: (11, 12...)
Location of Home: (3581 Manning...)
School: (Gorman, Hunter, or make up your own.)
Pre-Owned Items: (e.g. Clothes, pets)
Image*: (url here)
Characteristics: (Looks, hair, eye color)
Personality: (e.g. Shy, loves animals)
Background: (About the character, what has happened before)
* Optional

Ex.   / My character
Name: Darien Murray
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Age: 12
Location of Home: 3561 Manning Ave. S Afton, MN 55001. Across from elves.
School: Hunter Bi-Race Public Elementary
Pre-Owned Items: Clothing, Necklace from his mother, Ruined picture of his mom and dad.
Image*: (url here)
Characteristics: Brown hair, bangs to his eyebrows. Blue Hair. Light tan skin.
Personality: Quiet. He loves to watch the elves across the street. He has a strange seven sense to know how someone feels.
Background: Darien was an orphan as long as he can remember. All he has for a memoir of his parents are a necklace and a ruined
picture. He has some proof that he has a sister, but doesn't know who. His Foster Father hates elves, and tries a lot to get him to a Human only school.

Anyone can join, and be creative!
This is to be fun!

Please Sign up!



You two guys,

When it's been made clear that the administation don't like a topic and expect it to be changed it's a little stupid to reply to it as it is. Don't do it.
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