Version 1.5
This script allows you to change the resolution of your project. You can now play with the resolutions 640*480, 800*600, 1024*768 and 1152*864.
Basically this script is an amalgamation of several other scripts.
- More Compatibility.
- Rewritten with SDK.
- You may change your resolution to:
640*480,800*600, 1024*768 and 1152*864.
- To start the game in Fullscreen.
- Fixes were made to: Menu, Battle and Transition.
- Function Screenshot.
- Created a new type of transition.
- This is a screen of the game running in the resolution 800*600.

Resolution Script: DOWNLOAD v1.5
The script is very large (or both :blink01
Requires SDK 2.0+ part 1-2, Put this script below SDK and above Main.
To change the resolution of your game look at the Resolution Script lines: 31 (WINDOW_WIDTH = Width) and 33 (WINDOW_HEIGHT = height). Choose from the following resolutions: 640*480 - 800*600 - 1024*768 - 1152*864, if other value is placed, will make a bug when the Game enter fullscreen.
To start the game in Fullscreen, look for line 35 (FULLSCREEN = false), true = Fullscreen and false = No Fullscreen.
Press the button F5 to capture the image (Function Screenshot).
To use the fullscreen press F11.
To exit the game just hit F4.
ALT key Disabled to prevent bugs.
Here is the biggest problem with this beautiful script
I do not know about the compatibility of this script but it should be incompatible with SKD and other scripts that modify the methods used by him, not to any other script window you want to ask, you have to change the height and width.
More than any form is a good script, and can be a source of inspiration for Scripters most advanced create other tools more compatible with other wonderful scripts.
Bunktown207 - For its problem with caterpillar scripts.
RenanHangai - Improvement addition and attaching scripts for resolution and tileset.
SephirotSpawn - Method Tileset I edited.
Mr.Mo - Dll of the resolution, to change the resolution of the screen.
Near Fantastica - Script of the original resolution.
f0tz!baerchen - For the script of Anti - Lag.
cybersam - For the second version of the script of screenshot.
Fuso - Generate Auto-tile Script.
This is a script that deserves special attention, and I had the great pleasure to post it for all. I hope you all enjoy and use if they want (just do not forget the credits :D ).