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New PC



Hey guys,

I've wanted to get myself a decent computer for a while now so I found this site which allowed me to put together a machine.
The thing is though, I'm not very experienced with all this, while I know the computer will work, I'm not sure if the different parts I picked are good enough.
So I'm hoping you guys can tell me whether this setup will make sure I won't have to upgrade for quite some time.
Here's what I want to buy:

Processor: AMD FX-8120 - link

Graphics: ASUS ENGTX560 DCII - link
Note: I'm also wondering whether I even need to buy this,this is my old one, would that one be good enough or do you recommend an upgrade?

Power supply: OCZ ModXStream Pro 600W - link
I really don't know anything about this one, do I need more/less power?

Motherboard: ASRock 970 Extreme3 - link

Harddisk: Samsung HD103SJ - Couldn't find an english link so here's some info:
- Capacity: 1.000 GB
- Speed: 7200 rpm
- Cache: 32 MB

Memory: Corsair 16 GB DDR3-1600 Quad-Kit - Again, no link so here's some info:
- Capacity: 16384 MB
- Timings:
CAS Latency (CL) 9
RAS-to-CAS-Delay (tRCD) 9
RAS-Precharge-Time (tRP) 9
Row-Active-Time (tRAS) 24

DVD Drive: Sony Optiarc DDU1681S-0B - link

Case: Sharkoon T9 Value red edition - link
Enough fans, or will I need more?

That should be it.
Any input would be much appreciated, especially on the videocard and the amount of cooling I will need.

Thanks in advance.


Awesome Bro

Personally I wouldn't go for a bulldozer CPU, they're not as great as AMD were making them out to be, and only really excel with programs and stuff that can actually make use of all 8 cores (They actually suck major negro dick when it comes to certain programs and games)... I think you'd find more bang for your buck if you bought a Phenom II X6 1090T/1100T or something

Everything else seems fine in my opinion, and it never hurts to get more fans, lol

Actually, might I recommend looking at the Coolermaster GX650 PSU instead? It's not a modular PSU, but has a little extra power outage (Although to be honest it's not really needed for what you have, but I guess it's there for the future if you upgrade your GPU or something) and is quieter too, I think it's also cheaper (Not sure about in $/€, but over here (£) it's cheaper anyway). I'm using one and I've not had any problems or anything, and when idling, I can't hear ANYTHING coming from my PSU unless I put my ear right up to it, lol



Hmm yeah I've heard some bad things about the bulldozer, but i wonder though, wouldn't it become more and more usefull as time passes?
Since I expect that all programs will eventually make use of the technology. (Plus, it's incredibly cheap)
But I'll look into that one you posted anyway.

Actually, might I recommend looking at the Coolermaster GX650 PSU instead?

That sounds good, I'll check if it's actually cheaper and if not, if the price is low enough.
I definitely like the fact that it won't be noisy!

Also, what's your opinion on the videocard?
Do you think I should upgrade to that or will my old one do just fine?

Thanks a lot for your help!


Awesome Bro

Well in theory I suppose so, but very few programs, and I don't even think any games, use even 6 cores yet, so my 1090T isn't being put to the test fully, and it's more than necessary to play all the latest games and such (Although more games these days are dependant more on the GPU...)

As for the GPU, personally I'd keep with what you have, and just overclock the CPU clock a little, not sure how nVidia cards are in terms of overclocking though since I've used ATI/AMD all my life pretty much (My first computer had an onboard nVidia chip, and that's it, lol), you'll have to ask someone else about that, I mean, it depends how much you're willing to spend too, because if people say you do need to upgrade your card, I could probably recommend some nice AMD ones, lol



Yeah I'm trying to spend as little as possible, so if my old one will do I'll probably stick with it.
I can always replace it later if needed.

I'll keep looking into different CPU's, hopefully I'll find a cheap & good one (Though I'll probably go for that one you posted.)

Thanks, you've been a great help.

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