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New MMORPG Maker

I just wrote this new program, it's called the Quantum Editor. It makes Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games. It's a free, open source software written in C# and XNA.

Here's the website: http://www.quantumeditor.com
Screenshots: http://www.quantumeditor.com/screenshots.php
About Page: http://www.quantumeditor.com/about.php

It's currently sporting the following:

Map Editor - lets you make maps, including 'doodads' and animated tiles.

World Map Editor - lets you arrange your maps for seamless transition between them without fancy eventing.

Event Editor - lets you make 'scripts' without actually programming anything; has 100 functions or 'actions' as of this point.

Plus some other stuff.

It's brand new, so I'd really appreciate all your input and critiques! Everything works as far as I could tell, but I still consider it a Work In Progress and am hoping to develop it further.

I'd like to throw out a recommendation. Setup a plugin system for developers. That way people who know C# and want to expand on the engine without dealing with the source code directly, they can just create a simple plugin. Your plugin class can contain many methods that plugins can take advantage of. Like an "onUpdate" method for various objects: Players, events, etc... Maybe a global "onRender" method to allow developers to draw on the screen. Here's a lovely tutorial on creating a plugin system.
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/469 ... re-using-C

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