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New, currently un-named project.

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I bought RPG maker xp for the purpose of making a game project I've been somewhat working on, now however I've reached a stage where I'm going to need help in creating this game.  I don't have a name for the game (I suck at names,) only a couple characters developed beyond a quick description, and there are some holes in the basic story.  So naturally I'm here looking for people who are interested in helping make this RPG Maker XP game a reality (probably will be freeware, so it's a free time project.)  The info I have so far is here: http://freewebs.com/shatteredcrystal.  Respond here if interested. (Being all of that is done by one guy, chances are there are some sucky ideas, but those can be changed of course.)
Im no genius here but I thhink this needs to be presented better.
Please can you update it before I may have to Report this to a mod
I moved this to Concept Development since you don't actually have a game yet.  Either way, you need to provide more information about your game idea.  Please take a look at this thread and include more information about your ideas.  You need to post your ideas here instead of linking to another site.  I'll give you 24 hours to fix your first post.
No do not just dump crappy topics in Concept development.  He clearly wants to recruit.  He can't do that in CD.  @ the original poster, either update your post to fit project discussion or its locked.
I moved it to concept development because he has story and characters on the site and it doesn't look like he has an actual game yet.  Although he is obviously recruiting, it also appears that he wanted help with his story, as well.  I'll keep it in Project Discussion if you want it here, but I feel it would be better placed in Concept Development.

revenile, you need to fix up the first post, regardless of where it is.  You need to have it based less on recruitment and more on either story development or an actual project.
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