MarcGraubra;312053 said:
Thanks a lot for the comment.
I had hard time for drawing movement (that only a few months ago that I really drawing)
Thanks again.
If you've only been doing this for a few months, then I'd say you've got
some great natural talent going there. The style is adorable. Keep developing
it, and you'll end up with something very distinctive.
Images 1, 5, and 6 are the most static - Since number 5 looks like a priest,
you might consider having him take a step forward with one foot, and raise
his hands towards the sky a bit. If you can manage to tilt his chin up a bit,
that would help too.
Simple things is all it takes. A little movement of the hands, changing the
position of the feet. It's all stuff you're already doing with the other figures.
Good luck with your continued work.