The netplay system that you are using, just fyi, is way outdated and full of bugs. They have v2 out now and have discontinued support for that version. I have the files somewhere on my computer though. I'll look for them and edit here when I find something to help you with. Although, if I remember correctly, the battle system that comes with that system, was incomplete. I'll look into it though and update here.
EDIT: ok, I looked through my files and found the oldest version that I have, which is version 1.7. This one seems a bit more updated than the one that you have, but it should still be close. If you look in the scripts menu, (F11 shortcut), under the scripts [ABS]NON-Global ABS and [ABS]Mr.Mo's ABS, it gives some tips on setting up the enemies. In a short, simple version, this is what it says:
All settings go into comments inside the event
The first thing should say ABS to show that this event uses the ABS
Name of the enemy in the database - Use the enemy ID
0 - waits for you to attack it first
1 - the enemy will attack if you come with in sight, or hearing range.
2 - will only attack when you attack something else in its sight/hearing range.
3 - will attack when either #1 or #2 are true.
Sound - how many squares the enemy can hear 0 = off
sight - how many squares the enemy can see 0 = off
Closest Enemy *Mr. Mo's ABS
true/fasle - this enemy will attack the closest enemy to it.
Hate Groups *Mr. Mo's ABS
[0,1,ect...] - this sets the enemys that this event will attack. 0 is the player, any other number refers to a monsters ID in the database. So [0,1] would have this event attack either the human, or the monster in the database with the ID of 001.
the bigger the number, the less agressive.
speed - how fast the enemy moves
frequecy - how frequent the enemy moves
0 - enemy will be erased on death
1 - the enemy will trigger switch[ID] on death
2 - the enemy will set variable[ID = value on death
3 - the enemy will trigger self-switch[ID] on death
Now, you enemy event should look like this.....
comment: ABS
comment: ID 2
comment: Behavior 3
comment: sight 5
comment: sound 2
comment: closestenemy true
comment: Hategroup [0,1]
comment: Agressiveness 1
comment: speed 3
comment: frequency 3
comment: trigger 0
Hope this helps and that it hasn't changed too much from 1.63. If you want either of the newer versions, PM me and I'll send them to you.
Good Luck with it!