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Neige's Forge



I'm sure there's a use for 3D weapons around here, they're made with a simple 3D program called Swift 3D (Good for web stuff exports right to flash with little fuss)
Here's some of the stuff I cooked up for whatever reason, feel free to use it in any way you want, some are original and some are fan based just please give credit if used :)

FFVII Buster Sword (fan obviously):

Some weird Knife thing (original):

Ice Blade: (requested and not sure of the use)

I can make swords, spears, hammers etc and if I have time I'm open to requests.
cell shading is fun. I did this abillion years ago with Cinema 4D. Does swift have a cell shader addon or is it standard. This addon costs alot :(




It's not REEEEEEALLY cell shading, what it does is...it exports all the flat colors into shapes, then lines the grouped polygons. It's supposed to be total vector for sites and such. But it sorta looks like it don't it? So ..cell shading it is! hahaha. It does Vector rendering and Raster, it can get big in size fast, but trust me if you just want to make something simple/fast and put it on a site as fast as possible it works great.

Yes it's included with it, and you can export textured stuff to SWF format, but what it does is basically exports a jpg sequence out as a flash format.

Swift 3D uses ..I think Ravix 3 to render, but it's built in so no added fees yay!
And there's apparently a new version out..I smell a trial version run O:

Like I said, simple program, but it can do some fun little things! As I said, if you want any of these feel free to use them, if you want another render of a certain position then just poke me for it.
(and thank you very much for the compliments. And if I described this all too much, blame my antisocial nature!)
Hmn Vector rendering eh?

I just really like how it looks, and I'm (among other things) working through/learning 3DSM and I'm just wondering if there's a good way to render kinda like this in it. It has some applications for me :p



There's always cell shading to try to apply to get the look, though it's difficult to pull off the look sometimes. As for a fire sword? I haven't thought about it because that sword was a request, but who knows maybe I'll do it.

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