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Need opinions: Weapon Set

i want to hear some opinions for these Weapons ( i will post more if i make more ):

This or they are only Sideview. I will make them to Charakterset Edits ( Visual Equipment ). But i only show the sideview ^^ ( sry ).
I make them for my Shooter-Engine.

Please rate them with a 10 point system ( 1/10.. 4/10..etc..), and say what i can make better... thx:thumb:

+ Weapon Archive "One Hand Weapons" is added
+ Cluster ( One Hand ) is added
+ New Weapon Idea: A weapon that creates a black hole in Front of the player.
+ A Friend of me has the Idea for a shocker Weapon. So i made an update for the Weapon Overview ( see picture ).
+ 200% zoomed Weapon pictures added
+ E-Stromer is Pixeled

Is it a gun?

I don't know if it's the color choice or the shading, but it took me quite a while to figure out what it is and where it's facing. I'm still not sure what all the parts of it are.

Do you have a bigger version maybe? It looks like you tried to add a lot of detail, but it was tough to sprite at that scale.
I have edited the starting post ( added 200% zoomed pictures )...

But now the answer of the first question: Yes, it is a gun. A Double Handed Gun ( in Game like a PumpGun with explosive bullets ).

Tipp: download the Picture and open it with Windows Preview ( rightclick on the file.. and Preview ).. there you can zoom as you wish.. and it automaticle adds blur ( smooth ).

and where it's facing
It is facing as follows ( every other weapon too ):
Back is Right, Front is left.
I have a full version of it ( all 4 directions ). But the only way to get it, is to wait for the Engine.
They're really nicely designed. I think it's easy to tell where they're facing. Very nicely done. I'm thinking an 8. Hope you show more soon. :)
Hope you show more soon.

Wish fullfilled XD

I added the "One Hand Weapons".. and in that Archive the Weapon called "Cluster". It?s the Start Weapon ( standard pistole ) and will be on the Key "1" on the first Position ( Counter Strike HUD like ^^ ).

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