Is that a wordpress site? The template you used is pretty miserable :/ I like your premise, but a blog engine might not be the best choice for what you want to do. As much as I hate CMS systems you might look into one, I am forced (forced! arggghhhhh) to work with Joomla 1.5 pretty often and it's fairly (*chokes*) straightforward, but you can get it to behave a bit like a blog and there are forums that integrate with it and such. More importantly it has a broader variety of features that may ultimately allow you to present your content in a more browseable way, and you can find some decent looking templates for it (if you ignore how bad most of them are from the code side).
If you are dead set on using a combination of blog engine and forum though, I suggest finding a pair of templates that match each other nicely and generally just look decent. makes some decent themes & templates for a variety of software (and from a developer's perspective they are less a nightmare to work with than most of what you see out there, if you write any code). The nice thing about them is that they tend to reuse the same concepts on several different bits of software so if you're using a combo you can often find matching pairs. Don't stop there though, please look around till you find something that looks smooth and consistent.
You might come up with something useful here if you nail down the presentation so you can get people to participate, and if you can back up presentation with enough good solid content. Good luck with it.
(Anyway I can't believe I just recommended a CMS or using premade templates. I hate them so much, they're the bane of my professional existence. Ugh. I feel dirty. I'm gonna go...)