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Need help finding the rm2k3 CBS

Hey, guy. Look up at the top of the RMXP.ORG menu bar and dead center, you'll find the [Downloads v] menu.

From there, go to 'RGSS Scripts' and then, in the next screen, go to Battle Systems.

You'll find Cybersam's v2.5 and his 3.0 beta.

This coming from a guy who posted 1/2 dozen RTAB system scripts (the OTHER popular sideview system.) :D
That's not what I'm looking for. See, the demo I'm looking for uses cybersam's CBS, but they customized it so that the battle commands won't move around, and the battle status window looks sort of like the screenshot. I hate to be picky, but I don't really like how the battle command window moves around and is placed in the battle background on cybersam's original cbs.

On another note, if someone out there can help me modify cybersam's CBS to make it look like the screenshot, then that can work too.

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