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Need feedback on a story im writing. (Will be a RMXP game )

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    For the past 120 years the dark god Zan has ruled the human realm. With his might he plunged the world into chaos and dismay. Cities are now overrun with criminals and Zan's minions begin to appear and rampage throughout the forests. A stone tablet was found in the middle of the Zakahr desert that had a prophecy written by an ancient race of creatures. After the tablet was translated it was discovered that evertything that had happened was written in it.... They were nearing the appocolypse.
    The tablet also shows how to stop the destruction. It states that in order to restore peace, the two main realms must unite and defeat Zan in a great war. These realms are known as Caltari and Nevolin. Caltari is the human's realm where Zan rules with dark rage. Nevolin is the shadow realm ruled by the ancient race of creatures that wrote the tablet. This race of creatures where created by the humans with magic and they were sent into the shaod realm to rule until they were needed. They were known as the Selrain. Beings of shadows. They had powers beyond what any normal person could even immagine.
    The portal that the humans made to send the Selrain into Nevolin has long been destroyed by Zan. On the back of the Tablet was a map to another portal that was made even before the humans created the Selrain. No one knows who or what made it. In order to open this portal four gates surrounding it must be unlocked. All but one of the keys are scattered throughout Caltari. The final key is with the Selrain. Each key has a special power. No one yet knows what each keys power is.

This is all I got so far.

its the introduction to the story

I need some feedback and ideas on how to improve it. Thankiez :3
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