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Need a really good scripters help

that's a pretty hard bargain for someone who doesnt understand much scripting, even im getting pretty good at scripting and im no where near implimenting that.. even with help...

Ok well um i have no clue but i suggest learning more about the basics of scripting and start looking into stuff like MySQL servers...



That is quite a thing to do but I have been fideling with it.

(btw, If you have next to no RGSS Skill I would not recomend it...)

1. Turn the server on (the instructions come with the download)
2. Open the game and make sure the game version matches up with the version typed in the server
3. and you should be good to go.

Of corse you have to make sure all the scripts from multi netplay are in your game, and you should also make sure that all scripts dont co eline with the SDK kit.

but like I sayed It takes a lot f patiens and a bit of RGss Skill to make all of this work...

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