Commodore Whynot":17fe6vm5 said:
Rape, perhaps, or going into it without knowing what you are getting into; but with just general consensual and protected sex I don't see how it would destroy a life or mentally harm.
And that's the challenge. Legally, minors can't give consent. The odds are that an adolescent won't know what sex really is or the ramifications of it. As they grow older they discover the truth of what went down and that's what creates the trauma. Now, some may grow to be rather callous toward sex and view it as naught more than a biological impulse, But that doesn't change the fact that they were taken advantage of as a child, because their consent comes from manipulation. Children's minds are not developed to such a point that they have proper judgement to give consent to sex. Even if they know all the facts of sex at an early age, that doesn't mean they have judgement. Because of this, the only way to get sex with an adolescent is through rape or manipulation.
That is what causes the long-term damage, the fact that they were taken advantage of. And then what if a child learns about sex, but associates greater implications than the biological impulse? Y'know, if they value chastity as a religious concept. While you might not connect sex with anything greater than sex, there are those who disagree.
My ultimate point is that necrophilia will never result in long-term repercussions to a potential 'victim' if you have sex with them. (Remember, necrophilia and pedophilia are fetishes not actions. One does not
commit necrophilia by having sex with a dead body.)* Even by your analysis that sex is just sex, acting on pedophilia is still worse.
*Not necessarily directed at Commodore.