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Nanos ( element concept art ) first attempts

Hey guys I've just bought a second hand laptop (, one of those with the screen that rotates and becomes a tablet computer?). Anyways, I've been waiting for one for a while now and figured that now I've got it, I can start working on art for a game that never got anywhere because of the lack of attention and help generated.

Considdering this is one of the most active areas of the forum (I think), I figured before I really unveil it again, I'd drum up a bit of interest with the first attempts at some of the elementals. They are made in photoshop CS3 after an initial sketch to map out the concept. (Please note, this isn't a topic to debait my choice of categorisations and they arent for people to use, this is a place to display my work and get some interest lol). Please do not steal or use these.

The nanos fit into a few groups.

1, The pure elementals. [When traced back, these cannot be broken down]

2, The Resulting Elementals. [When traced back, these break down into 2 pure elementals]
(I'll name these tomorrow when I find my list.)
3, Bound Elementals. [When traced back, these break down into resulting elementals and essence elementals]
(I'll name these tomorrow when I find my list.)
0, Essense Elementals. [When traced back, these (like pures) cannot be broken down]
(I'll name these tomorrow when I find my list.)

Group 1.
Fire, Air.

Edit: damn I forgot where on the forum I was, my mistake, can someone move this topic to resource analysis please?
well the air elamental is extreamly weird. It looks more like water. Maybe if it was shaped more like a twister then a ball? IDK. Theres just something weird about it.

I love the fire elamental!
The air elemental looks like a dust bunny! The fire really doesn't look like fire, maybe add little sparks coming out of the flame.
Heh on the sub elements, there are tornadoe looking ones, the air was meant to sort of look like a airy cloud, the fire being a cliche ball of fire.

I'll do a few more ove the next few days. On the next update, I'll post the concept sketches for each one then the photoshoped concept under it.
Yeah, I guess I'll have to rework them.

The concept is that every nano starts as a ball (or a box in a few instances) and the design concept is built around that. Air was meant to be almost a cloud shape as some of the more advanced (evolved) elementals are things like gust or tornado, fire was meant to be a fire ball, there are others that are similar but I guess I missed the mark on this one.

I'm currently with my girlfriends family for a few days so progress will be slow on getting those sketched concepts up, but I promis they are coming.

Then hopefully we should be able to correct these mis-shapens lol.

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