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Naming Weapons



Hey, I was just wondering if it was possible for someone to make me a script. I don't know if it's possible or really easy but I was just curious if, in my game, you can name weapons which you have aquired. I currently have made a common event which has you create your own weapons and add your own stats to them. But I wanted to give the feature more customisation by creating a name for it. Would this be possible? I will give the creator 100% credit.



Couldn't this be done by having a bunch of empty characters and naming the weapons in the database /n[whatever] then using the 'change actor name' command? I can see that being pretty inefficent but if you don't get a script for it, that could work.
I put this somewhere yesterday!!

I put this somewhere yesterday!!

Ok first have two of each weapon in the database..
(for shops to sell the normally named version )
then have a blank hero slot
now use this method:

Enter Hero Name: #the blank hero#
Change weapon (add new weapon to items)
$data_weapons[1].name = $game_actors[9].name
Change hero name: #the blank hero# (back to nothing)
Eh Voila newly named weapon!!

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