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ok so we postponed the project for personal reasons and dediced we are going to aim for more old school and more Legend of yore/realm of the mad god Style.
Feel free to use these and just a line of thanks would be nice
They look really nice, but the bottom left looks really awkwards to me some how; perhaps its a bit too uneven, considering the rest of the uh, 'circle' ?
They look really nice, but the bottom left looks really awkwards to me some how; perhaps its a bit too uneven, considering the rest of the uh, 'circle' ?
Heh yeah I am working on water and soldi ground tiles now. Considering this game only has tiles during battles (the rest is done via interfaces, such as town navigation and stuff), i am focusing more on the interface
Your dirt looks nice. Perhaps maybe some variation with other versions of each tile might be good for large maps, I dunno; overall looks nice though when mapped out.
Tree's good, a bit small maybe although I presume you're just using smaller sprites than usual in which case ignore me.