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mysql.net and viruses???

Hello I was trying to make a mysql.net database becuase for netplay plus 2.0 for rmxp it said to go there and make adata base... Well I did this and whenn I first opened the page it asked me to install aactivex control that supposed to make the site run properly but it said it could contain harmful codeing. I said no and created my account loged in created the data base and went afk for about 5 minutes came back and I've been attacked by viruses! And the only other webpages I had open at that time where webpages of rmxp.org. And I know I couldn't had gotten the viruses from this site... Well my question I want to know is if anyone else had this problem? it was so bad I had to disconect from my internet and reformat my computer...

The reason why I ask is becuase the same thing happend to me on a nother fourm site for hosting lineage 2 servers... and the place of the forum seemed like it had very nice people on it but that forum gave me viruses too and I really really REALLY wanted to ask them if they got it to but every time I went back I got another virus... and had to reformat. And there was about 10 or 20 pages of replys on this thread which I got the viruses from...

So now that I can ask here safley becuase I know people are making online games with rmxp and I know people are hosting lineage 2 servers I want to know is it just me? or does anyone else ever have these problems?

If you could post here please and thanks and sorry if ithis is in the wrong forum I wasn't sure where to put it please move if needed. Thanks



It sounds like the viruses may already be on your computer, and they seem to attack when your on the internet or on a forum. Thats just what I am basing off of what you have just said.

What antivirus do you use? I would recommend you perform a full system scan and connect to the site that hosts your antivirus software. most likely they will have an online scan there as well. From there, please use that scan and, in a different window, download Mozilla Firefox if you haven't already. From what you are describing, you are using Internet Explorer 7, which has become extremely unreliable and frustrating, if not dangerously unsecure.

Also, please state the name of the virus that is attacking you. It could help evaluate the severity of the problem.



Are you sure it was viruses as well?

Like, was your virus removal software (if you had any) telling you you had viruses, or was your computer just bugging out?
Well at that time I was using IE eplorer 6 what comes with my computer. And it was avirus. Actually it was a bombardment of trojans and malware aoccrding to avast! 4 home eddition. Why I ahd to reformat is becuase avast was unabgle to delete those viruses. Every other virus I get it usually deletes them withut a problem. And if they're already on my computer why does it only activate when I enter those forums specificly? or those sites

So I'm guesing the answer is no you don't get viruses from mysql.net? Even if it where my internet explorer not secure enough to keep them out, those sites still have viruses weather you keep them out or not... I had mozilla but I'm not sure if I was using it then I don't think I was.
Umm, this sounds like a Video Games, Computers, and Consoles issue.

Avast! is a good program, and one I use, but like all safety programs it has the possibility to mistake things. When I was installing several things on this comp trying to uncripple it (from Microsoft) I was being told via nonstop pop up confirmation windows, how I may be -or just did/almost did, but was blocked- downloading malware.

Scan your IE. IE has a massive security issue that is often over looked. Upgrade as well, if you wish. I had a problem with IE and no longer trust the program, it got infected itself and my comp (before I semi fixed it and got Avast! or anything I just said) practically died. My explorer.exe (not IE, window's explorer) is still dead. I couldn't fix my IE, uninstall it, nothing. Even uninstallers from various websites didn't help, the thing kept spawning itself. I renamed it "delete.exe" and noticed iexplorer.exe was in my task manager.

Good luck, hope some of that might be of some help.
hmm well I never had that big of a problem before... just when it happend it installed some programs that where repetedly trying to accsess the internet but it said I was offline becuase I disconnected myself. from the internet. And someing called Buy Web Cash was installing too. Just your generel malware and trojan attack, that can't be fixed without reformatting. I just want to know why I get these viruses and no one else seems to... maybe it's becuase of my internet explorer. Should I use mozilla fire fox ? will that helpp or should I get something else? Zone alarms fire wall I stoped using becuase it would freeze alot of programs trying to accsess the internet such as games in full screen. and you can't minimize it or anytthig you just have to restart.
You know, even if your anti-virus program can't delete something, you don't have to immediately reformat. Reformatting should be saved as a last resort when your computer just isn't working anymore. Pop-ups and adware aren't so dangerous as to needing to reformat. Besides, if you're connected to the internet, chances are you'll keep getting malware. For all we know, it could be your favorite inconspicuous-looking weather website that has malware embedded in it.

First thing I'd suggest is to run an alternate anti-virus scan like Trend Micro. There are too many virii and malware created for one program to catch them all - even with updates.

And while some virii can't be deleted by those programs, you can look up how to get rid of them manually. Doing a Google search for the malware name will give you tech support websites that show how to get rid of it.

Yes, getting Firefox will increase safety against malware that exploits the IE vulnerabilities. But you'll still need to be careful with the sites you visit and you'll want to run periodic scans to make sure your computer's safe.



Again, Avast should be capable of telling you what the names of the viruses are that are attacking you. It would be very helpful to inform us of what is attacking you.

Ouch man, that just sucks. Ive had some pretty rotten stuff in my day, but your story takes the cake.

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