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My Request



I have couplr of requests

First Request
*I have a script already that lets me have more than 4 party members in the group.
*Now when i have lets say 9 people in my pary/group the system allways chooses the first 4 people including the main character that joined the group first in a battle
*i need a script that will make a new option where all of the other options are in the menu the equipt and item options i need a option that says "Choose Fighter" and when you click on it it lets you choose 3 players from the party that when you are battling will battle with you and when a certain player dies you can pick another lpayer to replace him
Sort Of Like This
If any of you played pokemon and when your pokemon dies you can pick a different one and when all of the people from the group/party die then it is game over

Sry comp 2 slow to post screenshots

Second Request
I need a script that when you start the game where it says "new game continue and end game" I need it to say

Create New Account

Log In

End Game

When you select Create New Account It Shows Options that Say

Select an User Name :Here You Can Enter A User Name 3-10 Letters Long and that will be the main characters name so whatever you type in here will change actor 1's name in data base sor of like a name input

Select a Password here you enter the password 3-10 letters long

Select Genderhere Would be two boxes
One Box says Male The Other Female
If you chose male it it changes the actor 1 in database look to a man look and if you choose Female it makes the actor 1's look to a girl

When You Select Log In It Shows A Screen That Says Enter User Name and Password and if you enter bouth of them right It Shows two More options one it says delete account and enter the Game When you choose Delete account it deletes your acount and informanion and when you choose Enter the Game it loads your game information.

And Of course end game edns the game

I am sory if i dont explain this good pleaz tel me if something is not clear

Third Request
I need a script that will show only actor1, hp, sp, exp, and the way the actor looks like a picture, this will be displayed all of the time in the top left corner but only actor1 from the database because i had one but it shows all of the players in the party hp ext.. in the corner

Like this

..................Actors Name Here
Pic Here

This will Be At The Top Left Hand Corner All Of The Time Exept when i hit enter or escape and it pops up the menue screen
And Only For Actor One No One Else

Ask meif something is not clear i will try to explain it again
Please do not create so many request topics at once, all requesting help rather bad.

Next time, just create 1 topic if you are posting multiple request at once.

I have merged your topics and post into 1 post. I did not edit your post, so the flow is rather bad. I suggest just rediting your entire post to make it clear what you are asking. Just my advice if you are serious about getting help.



I am sory for doing that and i read my requests over and fixed some things i just hope i explained it well and i seriously need someone to help me with this expecialy for the request number one

again sory

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