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My personal Template

Okej im working on my template for my game. im not a very good spriter so i like to keep it simple. I have been looking att all templates in the that i could find on the forum and i like the style of WhiteTies templates. it is little to advance in shading for me (im a noob) so i have used the size of the body the same so i will find the name of the maker and credit it in my game (dont worry, ;) )

The head is more my creation and the shhading i have made my self but i guess GR (GreenRaven) should be credited for his breeze that have inspire me to sprite and also for the uncomplicated shading i have learn from it.

So this is my try and i need feed back befor i continue.

(Big ear)Template

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y131/T ... ekopia.png[/IMG]

Plz, give me some feedback, so i can make a bether template for my game.
Ser ju fint ut ?n s? l?nge :] Dock borde du inte ha mellanrum mellan benen, utan bara dra en m?rk linje. N?got s?nt h?r :]
F?rs?kte ?ven fixa till f?tterna s? det ser ut som om han st?r fram?t, inte med f?tterna pekande ?t tv? olika h?ll ^^

Sorry for speaking swedish, but it's kind of hard for me to explain certain things in english.

Please note, this is just something i made in like 1 minute to show some things. So don't call me a super-bad spriter just yet :]
That updated shading looks better, except get rid of the big cross in the middle. It looks like he just got sewn back together.
no no no.... The 2nd top frame looks very thin... Add more chest..

He looks crosseyed... The sideview frame's arms are a bit too long. And change the feet too...

Good progress though! :)

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