Locking Picking Event Based System - Created By Chris Ross
Well this system is going to allow the player to pick lock on, locked treasure chest and locked doors. It is a pretty simple system to make but adds a little extra to your game.
Step 1 - Make A New Skill Called Lock Picking.
To make a new skill, you have to go to database>Skills. Once in skills make a new skill called Lock Picking, and set the scope to none and the occasion to never. In the descerption of the skill you have it something like “Allows you to pick locks on doors and treasure chest.â€
Well this system is going to allow the player to pick lock on, locked treasure chest and locked doors. It is a pretty simple system to make but adds a little extra to your game.
Step 1 - Make A New Skill Called Lock Picking.
To make a new skill, you have to go to database>Skills. Once in skills make a new skill called Lock Picking, and set the scope to none and the occasion to never. In the descerption of the skill you have it something like “Allows you to pick locks on doors and treasure chest.â€