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My Holy temple or what ( tileset )

Well I have not submited the tileset but I will submit a screenshot to
show what you can do with it...
I did to much but if anyone would want to have the tileset I can submit it :P
Here is another exemple :)
P.s This is also my first try to make a tileset without edit any of the rmxp's own tileset :)
So comments would be nice even if you dont want it :P
Update/ Here is a picture of the magic runes

*touches* oooooo shiny..........

Yeah i guess that means i like it ;D not sure if it will fit in my current project but id still like to try it if you decide to release it :P
Thanks for the comments ^^
Hmm you maybe have right on the steps.. -.-'
It is hard to get everything right :P
Right now the tileset got that +
8 magic runes that you can put on the ground lol
the runes is suppose to be
fire,water,air,earth,holy,darkness,energy and poison
For the steps, try making them about eight pixels tall. That'll allow for an even 4 steps per tile, and should work well. If it doesn't, try 16. Whatever you do, make it tileable. Nontileable tilesets are my one weakness.
As to the tileset, it seemed like a light steampunk/high sci-fi/fantasy crossover. Not sure if that's the look you're going for, if so, great work. If not, that's probably just me.
Thanks for the comment and yeah I will Modife the steps later :)
And about what look I going for well
I am not really sure myself haha
it started as a temple and ended like something else haha
I ... Have a hard time figuring out what I'm seeing.

Looks like the orbs were ripped from RMVX, but I can't even tell what the purple tiles are. Walls of some sort?

There's no depth; it all looks flat. Remember that shading is necessary on a wall to make it look vertical. It's supposed to get darker as it nears the floor/moves away from the light source (which is generally top-left). That's not an excuse to use the burn tool, though! O_O

Also the stairs are teensy, even for RMXP RTP sprites.
sorry I am a newbie in this
It is my first tileset without edit the rmxp own tileset
Thanks for telling what I need to do :D
and no the orbs are not ripped they are made in photoshop :)
This is pretty Beautifull, if you ask me. I think its great!
good luck completing this one, and be sure to upload it then!
from me you get a sure A+ :)
Your first attempt isn't bad. However, I recommend some different shading. :) With that, you'll be able to make your temple look brand spankin' new or old and worn out. I like the design, all it needs is some more tiles to break up the monotony and shading. The runes look good, as well! ^^ You're doing great, keep at it! What program do you use?
The maps look very good, but they do need some shading. Right now, the perspective seems really... weird, it's hard to explain, like the tower is protruding from a strange angle. This is especially evident in the waterfall picture, because the water is streaming directly vertically. Venetia described what you need to do with the shading already to make this beautiful tileset look correct. Very good job on your first attempt!

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