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My god. Will someone please critique this!?

What happened to everyone? A few months ago it seemed like there was TONS of people bustling around .org. Where have you all gone!?

Would someone please let me know what they think of this? I did it a while ago and I just want to know what I need to improve on from here. I've also tried a bit of a different shading tactic using a lot of grays, which I'm not so sure about, but I haven't posted anything with that yet, considering that no one replies to my posts anyway.

I love the concept, a female Spartan seems pretty cool in typical fantasy armour (less coverage = higher armour :P).

As far as improvements go - you should definitely work on your lines. I'm betting you're a great sketcher, but usually don't make your ideas into a finalized piece of work right? So first of all, work on clearing up all the rough lines into clean single lines.

a.) stop pawing for attention. We still know you're here.

b.) It's a silly idea in the first place and the breasts are positively flat. Like big round pancakes. U need to study up on how to accurately portray 3d objects on a 2d plane.

But more importantly taking any game concept adding tits and removing cloths is a remarkably uninspired idea. been there done that got every t-shirt ever. Lets see something a little less typical please
@Silver - Thanks. And you're right. I'll definitely start working on that. I just got a graphics tablet this year, and before that I was strictly pencil sketches because I can't paint to save my life. It's still a little new to me, being able to use color, that is. Thank you for the criticism.

A. ..... Seriously? Come on.
B. They do look flat. I redrew them maybe 12 times trying to get the armor to look more 3d, and just couldn't figure it out. Do you have any examples or websites that could help me out with that?

I'd been playing Halo 3 that day and decided that I needed to sketch a little. It just so happens that that was what I was inspired by that day. What does it matter what I draw as long as I'm working on my technique? That's all I'm doing. If I was doing concept art for a project, then yes... a spartan would be a bad idea. But honestly, I wasn't trying to be creative, I was trying to learn to put armor on a female body, mainly. And it seemed that if I used armor I was familiar with, I could get it to look a little more normal than winging it. I'm sorry that I bored you.

Thanks for the critiques.
Mikee, I think it's more the 'total lack of armor covering the heart and other vital organs' bit rather than the 'already done before' that Masc is talking about.
Yes, I can't imagine this armor would be very effective against the alien onslaught! It's not like she could seduce them to death :x
Alright.... There comes a point where you have to be a little unrealistic. I mean... come on. What else could I have done? Obviously no warrior would wear any kind of revealing armor, let alone a spartan. But if I covered her with armor, then (especially with my experience at making things 3d as Mascarpone said) I wouldn't be able to show that she was even female. It's just a drawing.

I was asking for critiques on the drawing, not the realism or the durability of the armor design. Thanks though.
You can show that something is female without showing spectacular cleavage you know :)

Women, in proportion, look very different from men you know! (Well, most of them.)
building on what ven said:

Basic #1: Women are shorter in the torso and longer in the legs than men

basic #2: Where a man's legs tend to extend more outwards from his pelvis, a woman's tend to curve a little more inward (slight. men are not bowlegged and women don't pivot on their ankles)

Basic #3: Eveyone knows this one, but most women (unless notably overweight) are curveyer, most notable where the waistline and the hips meet. Men are more Broad in the shoulders tapering down as you reach the hips, more triangular.

basic #4: When you give them a pose, a woman's center of balance is in her hips while a man's is in his shoulders. To maintain balance in a pose, your center of balance should align with your heels, so when you pose your character, the positioning of their body can say allot about their gender.

I think that covers the simple stuff
Does it seriously bother you THAT much that there is cleavage in the picture? If I drew armor around her torso. You wouldn't be able to see her curves, for starters. 2. This picture wasn't drawn to show her stance, legs or ANYTHING LIKE THAT. Seriously. Mascarpone, give it up already. If I wanted to know the difference from a man and a woman, I'd be on a different website, now wouldn't I? I don't mean to be rude, but this post has nothing to do with that, so I'd appreciate your critiques on the drawing that is already posted, not on how I shouldn't have drawn her without full armor. I like fantasy based art. Plain and simple. If you've EVER played a fantasy rpg, you know that the women wear skanky clothing. period. And I really doubt that it's because they want to "seduce the enemy to death." It's because that's how the artists of fantasy games draw them. It attracts attention. Mages wouldn't wear cloth armor. They'd wear mail, especially if they can cast fire, who needs to wear a robe to concentrate. Come on! Seriously!? Who cares if her heart is exposed. No one's going to throw a pencil at their monitor in hopes to slay her! It's a drawing people.
Yes, and your drawing was already critiqued by people. All that was left was our opinions of the bikini Halo girl. If you don't like people expressing their candid opinions then I suggest refraining from fishing for them.

It's very sketchy, we'd like to see something less sketchy, the shading looks very flat, more contrast. The helmet is nice but the female anatomy is strangely off/the torso is too long. But that could be an illusory effect of the extremely high midriff of the "armor". There we go, back on track :)



So I dont Get it, does he have protection against firearms and such? What special powers does he have?

also master cheef doesnt have an open chestplate so whats with the breasts? he is a man not a wo-man.

please answer these questions thanks in advnace.
Usually this forum is outstanding with the level and maturity of critique that is given. Granted I usually lurk rather than post, but i've lurked long enough to realize that fact. But in this instance, a lot of people are just being an a$$ for the hell of it, particularly Mascarpone. Mikee got the point that this piece isn't exactly original and unique, and explained why without denying it at all, so let's leave it at that people. He's after critique about his style of drawing and painting in this instance, not his imagination. I'm sure if he wanted imagination critique, he would have put forward a completely different piece.

@Narutofan231... it seems your knowledge of alternate worlds only stretches as far as Naruto. I can't even be bothered to point out why that comment of yours is so very very ignorant and childish.

@Mikee: Despite the controversy of the above comments, there is a lot of good advice up there. Just filter out the arrogance =)




it seems your knowledge of alternate worlds only stretches as far as Naruto. I can't even be bothered to point out why that comment of yours is so very very ignorant and childish.

wut are u tryin to say!!!?
Permit me one last derailment. This is bothering me -_-

Mikee":2fskaw1d said:
Seriously. Mascarpone, give it up already.

K I'll stop giving you advice and just flame your drawings hows that sound?

You wanted more specifics and i gave them to you. I even spared you the usual sarcasm, which btw takes a whole lot of the fun out of it for me. I was trying to do you a favor. As far as portraying things in 3d, i'd suggest you take a life drawing class. they're allot of fun.

-Silver-":2fskaw1d said:
But in this instance, a lot of people are just being an a$$ for the hell of it, particularly Mascarpone.
Don't assume to know what my intentions are. Art is not just about technical skill. If the message or concept you are trying to convey is dull, it doesn't matter how gorgeously it may have been rendered. People don't expand their horizons when they're lead to believe a boring seen-it-before concept is a great thing.

If I didn't care I wouldn't post.

If i wanted to piss people off i wouldn't do it in a community i'm actually kind of attached to.

Glad that's out of the way.

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