Hmm wyatt, in my ol' school, we just had Higher and Foundation... my GCSE's weren't too bad actually;
English Language: C
English Literature: D
Maths: C
Science: A, B, B
- Biology: A
- Chemistry: B
- Physics: B
Religous Studies: D
Business Studies: C x2 (Dual Award, yay me !)
Citizenship: C
Now, these are iffy, I mean, I was predicted A* on my Maths exam, and, well... I fell asleep 20 minutes in, and it was a two hour exam (I was up all night playing CoD4 until 4:30am, the exam was at 8:30am...)
And for Business Studies, my teacher hated me and my mate, since we never did anything, and just went on games all lesson, we had coursework too, and both got U's in them, and she said it was hopeless, there was no way we'd pass the exam, and said we have the choice to just flunk it, or try the exam, although there's a really REALLY low chance of us passing... and well, we both passed with C's, told her that she was retarded and her lessons were meaningless on the last day, yay us.
Aaaand the rest are just meh.
Edit: Oyeah, about the D in English Lit... SHAKESPEARE SUCKS DONKEY !