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My First sprite!

It's a... start. :specs: The outlines are way too harsh and jagged, there's no shading, and he's apparently the magical lovechild of Cloud Strife and at least two other generic angsty RPG dudes.

And learn to type. Jesus wheeling and dealing Christ.



Sic Semper Tyranosaurus":gjarimm9 said:
And learn to type. Jesus wheeling and dealing Christ.
Oh Lawd.  that's a bit Harsh, some of us don't write a book when we type on the computer.  Well, I do.  <.< >.>

The second one is a bit Taller than the first.  Providing that you have a bigger tileset already for him.  Or your going with the 7 foot giant approach Not too bad.

Cloud Strife Jr. is cool.  Just needs maybe a little bit shorter hair.  And like he said.  Shading on the clothes and hair. Just fool around in Paint.  If you want me to give you some pointers just PM me and I'll give you my MSN
preaty cool...Though it could use some darker colors around the edges and you may want to try puting som light in the hair to make it stick out more....and posibly make pants get small bits of shade on the edges...then I think your good...thats awsome for your first charecter set...
i recomend you that if ur gonna make sprites out of nothing.. first make a naked template so they all look the same...

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