Do you think it's amateurish? I'm looking at the Ogre I made and comparing it to some of the sprites that others have made here, and mine looks amateurish. How do others make it look so good?
I tried to really analyze what Drawing really is. All it is is first of all, getting the lines drawn. Then you fill in the colors, and shading. And that's it! But the hard part is getting the lines look decent.
It's weird but I think there must be something wrong with my eyes. Because when I mirror a sprite, the mirror image looks WEIRD. The only way I can fix that is to copy the left half of the sprite, mirror it, and paste it onto the right side. That's exactly what I did with this ogre.
I don't know..something is off with my Ogre. I spent like 2 hours on it, and it still sucks. Is drawing one of those things that you have to be born with a special talent? It seems like good artists see things differently from non-Artists. They seem to have some perception or understanding that I'm missing or lacking. What am I missing?