@Showkaizer, thanks for the tips. I will keep your tips on text file for quick refference.. I know I can trust your input. I'll post a new trial version of this tileset to get some more critique after I implement some of the tips here.
I normally wind up making my stuff look a bit cartoony with more pastel colors and that happens automatically. I thought maybe trying to do a different style.
I've done other work but thought i'd try my hand at doing a tileset.
Thanks again!
Here is the before (left) and after version (right) of the pot.
http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmxp_mywip ... newpot.png[/IMG]
@Showkaizer, this may sound crazy, but what exactly do you have to do to make colors warmer, and cooler? I've read somewhere about this but never really new exactly, and I kept forgetting to see into it.
Maybe I should add some antialiasing as well?
EDIT - Update:
No anti-aliasing then. When you say I happen to be compliant at it, I am compliant at killing pixel art or using anti-aliasing? I'm a confused one. But any how, here is my updated grass. It tiles pretty well. Also there is an autotile in here too for a sandy, desert look, but I may have over dithered or something. I started at the begining after looking at some SD3 grass to get some idea. I've added various shadows and depth to the grass as well.
http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmxp_mywip ... totile.png[/IMG]