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My first real tileset i've worked on..

@Samboy, I use character maker 1999 unless I need more than 256 colors then i'll use Paint Shop Pro.

That's it. I use Deluxe Paint 5 (Amiga Program) a lot too.
well I can tell you have at least some experience spriting. You really need to work on your color choice. Everything is very "dry " looking becuse the colors get lighter by adding white, and darker by adding black. Try warming up the colors as they get lighter, or making them cooler as they darken. Avoid using black. Reason being is that it creates an undesireable "trail" or smudging effect when the screen scrolls.

Your work on the textures is not bad. On the pots , try to make the highlight on them round. I think it will help greatly in giving the illusion of a more spherical object.

Try not to over dither either. You 've dithered the grass (To add texture no doubt) but this is pointless, and would look very ugly in game . Remember you're not limited by colors as you were on RM2k. I would suggest drawing out the blades of grass in the tile. Don't be afraid to use references as well. Older games like Secret of mana, chrono trigger etc. have very nice grass tiles.
@Showkaizer, thanks for the tips. I will keep your tips on text file for quick refference.. I know I can trust your input. I'll post a new trial version of this tileset to get some more critique after I implement some of the tips here.

I normally wind up making my stuff look a bit cartoony with more pastel colors and that happens automatically. I thought maybe trying to do a different style.

I've done other work but thought i'd try my hand at doing a tileset.

Thanks again!

Here is the before (left) and after version (right) of the pot.

http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmxp_mywip ... newpot.png[/IMG]

@Showkaizer, this may sound crazy, but what exactly do you have to do to make colors warmer, and cooler? I've read somewhere about this but never really new exactly, and I kept forgetting to see into it.

Maybe I should add some antialiasing as well?


EDIT - Update:

No anti-aliasing then. When you say I happen to be compliant at it, I am compliant at killing pixel art or using anti-aliasing? I'm a confused one. But any how, here is my updated grass. It tiles pretty well. Also there is an autotile in here too for a sandy, desert look, but I may have over dithered or something. I started at the begining after looking at some SD3 grass to get some idea. I've added various shadows and depth to the grass as well.

http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmxp_mywip ... totile.png[/IMG]
Don't anti-alias. It kills pixel art, which quite frankly you seem to be compitent at. The new vase is MUCH better. VERY good call in taking off the black outline and the shine on it is very well done.

As for the color palette. The one you used for the vase is good, but if you want to learn more, Tana has written and excellent tutorial HERE

Look under "generating a color palette"
Is it possible for anyone to know i've edited my post? I'm just curious how this works. It seems that an edited post doesn't get recognised, or maybe i'm wrong, like a lot of times. I edited to save post space and because I forgot to last time, thanks for the fix Showkaizer.

Yeah it doesn't get noticed. When you make changes and want feedback on them, just post a new reply with the change .

By the way the grass is looking MUCH better. I absolutely love it. I'm a little iffy on the sand tile I admit..it may be the color choice, I'll look into that later. But the grass is beautiful. If you really want to go the extra mile you can add a placeable patch of crab grass =)

Keep it up man it's looking good!
The grass, while very good, I think could one one tone lighter, very sparsely, just to highlight the blades. Or maybe one tone between the darkest and second darkest, because atm I see 3 tones and grass can easily be 4 or 5.

I think the problem with the sand is that you went back to Dithering. I've -never- liked over-dithering. Looks as if oyu are using a very dated version of MS Paint from back at Windows 3.1 days.
Yeah the dithering is pretty much the issue with the sand. Plus the color is a little drab I think.

With the grass I'm gonna have to say use Prexus' advice, but with caution. If you're going to add another tone . that's fine, but make sure its not too light or the grass will stick out TOO much. You have to remember it's a ground tile. you don't want it distracting from the objects , trust me .
O, i'll try the thing with the grass. thanks for all the tips. I did my first pixel art project way back in 1994 on my amiga. I've sence been doing a lot of work but my pronlem is I don;t do it much, but thought I'd start again so I can get better, I know I can!

@Prexus; I am still using character Maker 1999. I actually grown fond of that because it's very easy to snap tiles to grid, manipulate colors and save out properly aligned frames of animation. I'm just now getting into photoshop, and I hope it has some features such as grids and aligning pieces up properly, and the pallette manipulation of course. I'm looking through some tutorials, hope I can find some.

Thanks again guys!
Photoshop doesn't have that at all. While it allows you to SHOW the grid it doesn't snap or edit to it. I recommend either Pro Motion, Graphics gale, Or Idraw.
The new desert and grass, plus a few placement grasses' to see how they look together with the others. I made an animated autotile using some of the old tiles, converted to a frame/s, but will still keep the original for a single non-animated autotile. I may just keep what I have and work on the next tiles. you think?

http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmxp_mywip ... totile.png[/IMG] http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmxp_mywip ... desert.gif[/IMG]

Hopefully i'll be doing better. I'm checking out Pro Motion now, i've tried Graphics Gail, but can't remember what it's like.


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