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My first-made Sideviewbattler.

Blue is way to bright, and the shaing is off all over. Also whats with the line in the middle of the sword?  I assume thats were the top and bottom halves of the blades join together. The you should shade the bottom half darker, and the bottom most part the darkest grey/silver.
You cought be right with the blue. But I could not find any other colours that would resamble
Mythril the best. And I probably should work on shading. :dead:
Yes, now the top of the left (not the one on the left) shoulder gaurd should be lighter to match the surrounding shading. Think of were you want the light coming from. Also the shield should have shading on it as well.
Well, I use MS Paint. That's why I do not have that great colours.
And I am too lazy to learn how to use a other program.
But in my opinion, I think it turned pretty good.

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