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My archives

So after 3 years I've decided to release my Avian archives. Basically whats included is any graphics we used/made (including photoshop layers), almost every patch and it's source code along with the C# and VB.net projects and a few text files with extracts of code and whatnot.

You can find instructions on how to get 'em here:
http://sleepystudios.com/smf/site-news/ ... 82/#msg182

I will also be offering support for the archives, but bear in mind some of these projects date back to 2008/2009.

Everything belongs to either me, Relly, or it's been listed in one of the information files. If you do use something out of there, credit us & Sleepy Studios.
Original post: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/site-news/ ... i/new/#new

Title says it all. I managed to find a few more things hidden away on my old computer. I didn't feel as if there was any need to sort them out or even put readme's this time because it's fairly simple stuff and they're almost, almost, the same things as in the last one, with a few extras as what not.

Just like with the other archives we'd like you to spread the word, tell your friends, post on forums, etc. And of course enjoy them.

I've also added support and discussion boards for both Archives should you need any assistance or clarification.

You can find the download here:

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