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MV game with stunning visuals, I want to know the secrets!

Hello everybody, I'm new with the MV engine but worked with ACE for a while and I know a few impressive games made with RPG Maker already.
But nothing prepared me for what I recently found: the name is Koruldia Heritage.


And for the proof this is on MV:
https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.ph ... pg.102730/

But neither Kayz nor Irié have time to help with tutorials and I wonder if some people here can teach me how to achieve those results like for example a great water or fire animation and 3D transitions or maps like the one with pumpkins. Is it easier with MV?

If not I understand and I'm sorry to bother you with noob-questions like that because maybe it's not crazy from an RPG Maker point of view (I see for example some plugins from Mog and Yanfly) but more about art and different skills than simply RPG Maker related things.
This is why I'm asking if there are secret-features I need to know about MV because I'm trying the trial and wonder if I should buy it or GMS. So far it feels better than ACE and better overall but I wouldn’t say it's super different unless I'm missing something?
Things like that require immense time and effort, they aren't secret features, thats hand drawn environments and custom artwork at play. They are definitely using plugins, but the base plugin would be unlikely to look much like the end product they've made.

8dir- movement is a plugin, there are several of them, it's not particularly difficult to find.

There's a lot of hidden gems out there in MV, but because there are SO MANY GAMES to wade through, its fair not many of them get found.
Some of those scenes, the camera panning through 3d invironments, are probably just videos. There looked like one prerendered invironment with sprite movement. There are scripts to scale the character sprite based on their y coordinate, to create the illusion of depth.
It's an old trick that isn't really practical. You know, the playstation final fantasy games used prerendered invironments, but they had 4 disks to store all the graphics on.

The animated textbox can be done with a common event utilizing show/move picture command.
Some of those scenes, the camera panning through 3d invironments, are probably just videos. There looked like one prerendered invironment with sprite movement. There are scripts to scale the character sprite based on their y coordinate, to create the illusion of depth.
It's an old trick that isn't really practical. You know, the playstation final fantasy games used prerendered invironments, but they had 4 disks to store all the graphics on.

4 CD is not even a DVD but yes prerendered maps are heavy but maybe today we can better compress files (if not it's fine I just got DOOM2016 on Steam and it’s 65 GO! Would be 100 CD but I agree it’s getting crazy those triple A game size) it’s also possible to use that very rarely (like in Koru it seems) and I’m sure the 4 CD in Final Fantasy 8 and 9 (7 is on 3 CD) are more about the videos than the maps. And yes I assumed that we see prerendered video in Koru for when the camera moves in a crazy way but I was more interested in how to create such a seamless result and make it blend with the playable 2D MV maps. Probably other skills than a native MV function.

The 3d videos are quite jarring really. Camera movement very jerky and the graphics don't gel well with the maps.

Maybe a matter of tastes or getting used to a style, I grew up with the Playstation 1 and the Sega Saturn so it might help finding strange blends quite charming. Somehow many kids don’t have any problem with that too judging from comments I read (it's just for super short and rare stuff anyway they say) so I don’t know if my theory is valid but I know it works that way for me.
People seem OK with strange art today, we see that with the commercial success of a game like Octopath (some fans seem to be kids as well so this is great) and that game has simple SNES flat sprites not blending very well with the 3D maps full of modern effects. I love the result it’s so charming and a lot of other games do even stranger things nowadays this is exciting.

Things like that require immense time and effort, they aren't secret features, thats hand drawn environments and custom artwork at play. They are definitely using plugins, but the base plugin would be unlikely to look much like the end product they've made.

Thank you for your opinion. I agree. Long way to go I’m afraid. I just naively wished RPG Maker MV could give us easy tools to do that. Even plugins aren't magical stuff but I must say those from Mog Hunter are really helpful to get a cool template. Even that still need a huge amount of work to get things right and customized though.
Thanks all of you for your time I think I will stay on RPG Maker for an humble game because GMS seems more confusing for an RPG.
GMS definitely has a steeper learning curve, I've tried to evolve to it but i just end up going back to RMMV because Game maker dislikes dialogue systems, as a non-coder GM is basically a 'nope'. It's not that I can't code, I admit i can't do it well, but the main thing is I just don't enjoy it, i'm a designer, coding makes me bored and sleepy and often makes me want to die.

And yeah would sure suck if making really good games that looked astounding didn't take any personal effort wait what?

basically bois, stick with rpgmaker if you dont enjoy coding. It's actually pretty incredible what you can do without coding knowledge in this engine. One personal example:
though to be fair on everyone else im also kinda insane

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