This is a little gimmick for fourth wall breaking or for adding a little animation and charm to plain static messageboxes.
How did I done it?
1. The message box is actually a picture which is saved in the img/layers folder.
2. Using GALV's Layer Graphics the messagebox is shown in layer 4.
3. The event then is on layer 5, or "always above characters".
4. The message box itself is moved by editing values in rpg_windows.js
5. The message box is removed by editing the window.png graphic in img/system.
6. Event is shown using eventing. It's done like so, and can be modularised using common events (basically you want a before/after message common event, which performs the functions).
Galv's Layer Graphics:
MV Audio/Visual Effects – Galv's RPG Maker Scripts & Plugins
<strong>MV PLUGINS</strong> - <a href="/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-2304">Variable Bar</a> - <a href="/category/rmmv-plugins/mv-audiovisual-effects/#post-2000">Shadow Darke…
The above fades in the message box and then shows the event (event must be positioned where you want it over the message box).
Above is the messages being shown and the animation taking place with move routes.
And then above the message box is faded out again and the sprite hidden.
This should be called like so:
- Common event: before message
- Event processing
- Common event: after message
This creates hooks so you can tweak how the images are shown or hidden at will.
Any questions fire away!
Have attached my message box graphic for reference.