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Multipule Enemy Actions in One Turn

For a project I'm making, all of the bosses are a little easy, so I want to make them harder by making them take multipule actions in one turn, like in FFIII. For example:
Cerberus attacks three times in a turn; He can cast Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundara, or physically attack.
Garuda attacks twice in a turn; he can either attack or use lightning.
The Cloud of Darkness attacks four times in a turn; she can attack, use lightning, use Bad Breath, or use Particle Beam; while her tentacles can use one of her turns to cast haste, shell, or protect.

I need a script that can let me tell which enemies can attack more than once, and how many times they can.



Yes you can, however, its not in "common events" that you want.
Let me explain, go to the monster data base and go to group monsters, (or "troops') then go to Condition turn 1x (make sure it is 1x. That means it will happan EVERY turn and not the first turn. If it was 2x, it would happan every OTHER turn. 3x, once every THIRD turn in the sequance etc etc. If it is just turn 1, 2, or 3... then it happens on that single TURN and wont happen again.)
Then go to Span and select "Turn"
then head down to the events box and select Force Action on the last page.
Enemy (enemy you want)
Action (what type of attack you want)
Action target (Last attacked target or a random one)
and go to Execute now (to execute immediantly, or the next turn. Go to Execute now though.

And there you have it. NO scripting involved.

However, it WILL replace your random action, so what you should do is place two force actions in the box. They will attack twice, not three times.
Okay, thanks! That looks a lot easier than a script, anyway. But how would I imitate the Cloud of Darkness's tentacles?

Edit: to make action random, I would use a random variable and conditional branches.
What I meant by a common event is that he could call it using the skill, so he didn't have to make events in every battle of the Database... well... but since it works one way or another... it's okay...

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