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Multiple Timers 3.44 (Updated 03/16/11!)

Alright, I'm sorry about this but I'm still having a few issues, with the events. I have two events on this map having anything to do with this timer script (other events are enemies for my ABS system). Here are screenshots of their event pages, sorry they are a bit blurred, sorry for that, but still readable:

http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/1503/timereventautorunzw6.th.png[/img] http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2508/timereventactionbuttonna4.th.png[/img]

Could you please help me just finish up making my timer events, this way I'm done, and now how for the rest of the uses I need for it?
diablosbud":3szgzu50 said:
Alright, I'm sorry about this but I'm still having a few issues, with the events. I have two events on this map having anything to do with this timer script (other events are enemies for my ABS system). Here are screenshots of their event pages, sorry they are a bit blurred, sorry for that, but still readable:

http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/1503/timereventautorunzw6.th.png[/img] http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2508/timereventactionbuttonna4.th.png[/img]

Could you please help me just finish up making my timer events, this way I'm done, and now how for the rest of the uses I need for it?

I assume that you have the update methods somewhere else? Because with the events I see, you don't update the timer, you just check it. I'm not at home right now, but I could test those events when I get home later. If you want to run it through the events only, just add "$game_temp.game_timer.update" to the parallel process event, if you don't want to run it from the scripts. (Also, I'm planning an update for the timer script within the next few days that enables you to update timers independently of one another, if you want to do that. The only reason I'm doing this is because in one of my tests, I realized that ocassionally you want multiple factors to affect a timer, and if you've already set it, you might be out of luck in changing the remaining time/speed. I am also planning to add a "kill_timer" command to stop a timer in the middle of processing, as well as an "adjust_time" method, to change the remaining time. (it will essentially allow you to either add to, subtract from, multiply, or divide the remaining time, depending on the first number you input)

Also, you seem to have the start method confused. The time is in seconds only. To get the same time as your control timer, you multiply the number of minutes by 60. So, you would actually have the method as $game_temp.game_timer.start(170, 1).

EDIT: I just tried your first event in the demo I posted, and it worked just fine. I'm not sure what you're doing wrong, unless it is simply not updating...
There already is a demo look 3 posts above yours.

EDIT: Yeah, I didn't update in the events I thought the update method in Scene_Map took full care of that, so I'll try that right now. Also cool ideas for the kill_timer, and adjust_timer those would make neat additions.
diablosbud":1t4fz7zw said:
There already is a demo look 3 posts above yours.

EDIT: Yeah, I didn't update in the events I thought the update method in Scene_Map took full care of that, so I'll try that right now. Also cool ideas for the kill_timer, and adjust_timer those would make neat additions.

Technically, it should work from scene_map. Try using those events in the demo I posted. I tried them, and they worked just fine.
Well, I finished my second event using a switch I turned on when it checked on the parallel process event then making a conditional branch in the action button event for that switch being on. Thanks for your help, now I know what I have to do for when I am making this into a mission timer for my game :smile:.
Sorry for almost necroposting. (one or two more days, and it would have been) Anyway, I just updated the script to include all of those commands that I had mentioned before, as well as full instructions and a version history in the header. Yes, I realize that some of those updates were not posted here. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys it!
This is an excellent Script. It can be used to manage tons of effects that require a duration. Love it.

As to the earlier posts about trying to implement it in an event, it's pretty easy. Just make a Conditional Branch, go over to tab 4, radio button "Script", and enter "$game_temp.game_timer.check(timer_number)" in the field, where timer_number is the number assigned to that clock (which you set earlier with either of the timer functions Glitch provides). It'll register as true when the Counter is 0 and activate whatever other stuff you put in the Event. Just be sure to make the event in question Parallel.

I've only been messing around with Ruby and RMXP for about a week, and the code is pretty self explanatory to me. I wouldn't consider it something only for advanced codemonkeys; even a dumby like me can use it and it works great.

I'm using it right now to control the duration on Torches (a usable item) when inside a dark area (specifically with Blizzard's DDNS, where I modified the dark interiors to be so dark as to be mostly all black without torches or some other lightsource, like a light spell or whatever).

With this Script, I'll be able to implement a Food/Hunger Script, possibly a Need Rest Script, Stealth duration, duration on Map-use Skills and Spells, all kinds of neat stuff.

Thanks a bunch!
Nearly Infinite":1282jbd5 said:
This is an excellent Script. It can be used to manage tons of effects that require a duration. Love it.

As to the earlier posts about trying to implement it in an event, it's pretty easy. Just make a Conditional Branch, go over to tab 4, radio button "Script", and enter "$game_temp.game_timer.check(timer_number)" in the field, where timer_number is the number assigned to that clock (which you set earlier with either of the timer functions Glitch provides). It'll register as true when the Counter is 0 and activate whatever other stuff you put in the Event. Just be sure to make the event in question Parallel.

I've only been messing around with Ruby and RMXP for about a week, and the code is pretty self explanatory to me. I wouldn't consider it something only for advanced codemonkeys; even a dumby like me can use it and it works great.

I'm using it right now to control the duration on Torches (a usable item) when inside a dark area (specifically with Blizzard's DDNS, where I modified the dark interiors to be so dark as to be mostly all black without torches or some other lightsource, like a light spell or whatever).

With this Script, I'll be able to implement a Food/Hunger Script, possibly a Need Rest Script, Stealth duration, duration on Map-use Skills and Spells, all kinds of neat stuff.

Thanks a bunch!

Thank you for the great comment. Still, I really don't appreciate it when my script threads are necroposted, because it usually leads to the thread being locked. Just so you guys know, I have been working on updating this, and especially on the possibility of including a visible timer to replace the deafult one.

Edit: Wow. THey updated the rules again. So, now that last post wasn't actually a necropost. Hurrah. Anyway, I'm still working on the update for this, but there's some other scripts getting more work at the moment. Remember, do NOT post in this thread until you are sure that it is within the rules, as I do NOT like having locked threads. (Especially scripting ones, as those can be updated in the future)

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