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Multiple Requests

I have fully outlined every detail of each request. All of these requests tie into one another, so that's why I decided to post them at the same time. I understand that these are big requests, so I'm willing to wait patiently for a great product.

Skill Equip System/Passive Skills System/Skill Leveling

Overview: The first system I am requesting is a skill equip system. By default, when characters level up, they automatically gain skills. This doesn’t make the player pick and choose wisely which skills to go into battle with. The system I am requesting will make it so that when characters level up, they learn the skills, but the skills must be activated for use in battle. Passive skills can be activated as well. Finally, after being activated, when the skills are used, the user gains experience, and the skills grow in level.

Example of Normal Skills:

Aluxes progresses to level 13. He learns Sword Slash. He must activate this skill before it is usable in battle. When he uses this ability in battle a certain number of times (to be determined by hashes or arrays), it'll grow in level. When it does, the SP cost goes up, but so do the strength and accuracy of the move.

Example of Passive Skills:

Aluxes gains a passive skill called Loot. This skill, when activated, yields a 10% increase in gold recieved. This would tie into the Skill Equip script as described above.

Passive skills should NOT be able to be leveled up!!

This is how I would like the screen to look.


1 - This is the help box. It should be standard size (640 x 64).
2 - This is the command window. There are four commands. The first should lead to skill activation. It should display a list of all available skills that aren't passive or edge skills.
3 - This is the status box. It should show the actor name, and display the faceset too. It should also show HP and SP, and the remaining AP.
I already have Seph's HP and SP bars script, so don't worry about including it. I also already have the draw_face method as well, so don't worry about that. Just leave space for it in the box. Thank you.
4 - This box is where all the skills should be displayed. Not much to say about it.
5 - This little box is tricky. This should show all of the bonuses that have been activated. I know SephirothSpawn has made a script to scroll the statuses as text, but what I would like is for the bonuses to be represented as icons. If there are many bonuses, they should scroll to the left. and end the scrolling somewhere around the middle of the box.

Edge Skills System

Overview: Edge Skills can be regarded as “Limit Breaksâ€Â

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