Well, I finally got sick and tired of my laptop display, and set it up with a second monitor. Now, everything was working just fine until I got to the screensaver. I've been using the matrix code emulator for years, and it is supposed to have multimonitor support. So, when I see it in screensaver, I noticed immediately that there was a problem. Specifcally, the screensaver would only display on my secondary monitor and NOT on the main, which just went to a sorta glowy black. Now, I thought this was rather odd, and did a little research. Screensavers that don't support multiple monitors are supposed to display on the main monitor, while ones that do support multiple monitors are supposed to display on both. I've never seen anything about one only showing on the secondary monitor. I did some searches and found a program that was supposed to fix that, called multimon. Now, I can get the screensaver to display on the main monitor, but then it won't show up on the secondary one. What am I doing wrong!?
My graphics card is an nVidia Gforce 8400 GS, and the secondary monitor is an old acer plug 'n play lcd. My laptop is a Dell I bought back in June or so last year.
My graphics card is an nVidia Gforce 8400 GS, and the secondary monitor is an old acer plug 'n play lcd. My laptop is a Dell I bought back in June or so last year.