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[MTG] Shards of Alara

Dude, this new set looks awsome. The abilities and what not look really cool. I personally liked shadowmoor
and Lorwyn though. I thought the Planeswalkers were really cool and I liked how they brought back a lot of tribal cards, like in Legions. I'll probably buy some stuff from this set. Unfortuantly, I just moved to Florida, and I can't find anyone to play with. My cards are just kinda sitting there.  :down: All well though, who knows. Looks cool...
So I checked out the spoiler for the set, and I must say that it sucks. (At least as a first impression). I'm a big Johnny/Spike, so I'll look at a spoiler of the new set and find about four or five cards/themes I want to build a deck around and go crazy. This was the first time where I only found one card that looked promising (for some reason Quietus Spike struck me). It looks like Wizards decided to make a set catered to Timmies (having 5 or more power seems to be a big theme). None of the cards are particular standouts other than, just maybe, Stoic Angel.

It's actually quite reminiscent of Kamigawa block, in that everyone was hoping for it to have some way(s) to deal with the craziness of the Mirrodin block before it. It didn't, and was terribly underpowered. I'm not saying that Faeries in any way competes with Affinity, but Caldera Hellion looks like it's the only thing Shards has to offer against the 800-pound gorilla in the room, and that 800-pound gorilla easily counterspells it. Hopefully, though, it will turn out like Kamigawa block, as there were some really innovative deck designs for that block, and it was much more intricate than it first seemed. I seem to remember a creatureless Ire of Kaminari + Dampen Thought deck, as well as an infinite mana combo, that did well competitively.
This new set looks really sweet. I like how the color pie is going back to what it was earlier in the game (blue is control, green is fatties, etc...). For the record, I'd like to let everyone know that the new rarity is called Mythic Rare, not Epic Rare. Kudos to WotC on this awesome set.  :thumb:

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