so you want to play cards with me huh?? prepare... to get sinised[/img]
   Step 1: Learn the Basics
Before you can dive right into the game, it would be best to have an introduction. The details of the rules and everything will come naturally once you start playing (and if you ever want some more help learning, just let me know and I can walk you through some practice matches). I seriously think that the best way to learn the intricacies of the game is by jumping right into it. But it's impossible to do that without at least covering these basics. The following videos do a good job of explaining the core concepts of the game.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 1; Introduction.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 2; Overview of the color themes and description of a card layout.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 3; Description of card types, tapping and using mana to pay for cards.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 4; Playing a game; phases of a turn.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 5; Creatures and combat.
   Step 2: Download Magic Workstation
In order to play the game over the internet, you need a program called Magic Workstation. The program has two parts to it: the Workstation itself and a part for playing Magic over the internet.
Their website has a number of guides, FAQs and instructions, so I don't have to go into detail. But it's our program of choice (over Apprentice, which is still okay but I don't think it's as good of a program overall). The latest patch for the program, which includes all cards up through the recent Shards of Alara expansion, can be found here (make sure to download and install the package, as we will most often be playing standard (recent) sets.
   Step 3: Deckbuilding
There are two primary ways of playing the game: constructed and limited. Chances are, if you play the game, you're most familiar with casual constructed. When you make a deck out of the cards in your collection (or if you specifically buy or trrade for cards to go into a deck), then it's a constructed deck. The other format you might not be as familiar with is limited. In limited events (deaft or sealed deck are the two primary forms) you build a deck as a part of the game. In other words, you have a pool of cards and your deckbuilding strategy goes into the games that you're playing.
If we have a lot of players, it's likely that we'll be having a lot of limited matches, as limited formats are a bit more fair for everyone involved, and they tend to be far more based on skill than on simply having good cards. Like I said, there is draft or there is sealed deck. In a booster draft, eight players sit around a table and pass booster packs to each other, each player picking one card from a pack to go into his or her deck. To simulate booster drafting online, there's a program called Netdraft. You can get it here. Be sure to download the newest patch for it. The most recent expansion is Shards of Alara.
In most constructed formats, decks should be a minimum of 60 cards. In limited formats, decks should be a minimum of 40 cards.
   Step 4: Play Magic!
Okay, so you've made a deck. Either it's a constructed deck, or you've went ahead and made the best deck out of your limited cards. What do you now? Well you play.
The best way to find other players would be to ask in the #rmxp irc channel. If we have a lot of people who show interest, then it's very possible that we can start an irc channel specifically for playing magic. For now, if you want to play a game, join the irc channel and ask if anyone's interested. I know that unless I am at work or sleeping, I'll pretty much always be up for a game.
If you're interested in taking part in all of this, post in this thread. If this post seems a bit vague, it's intentional. The best way to get into this is to just try it out. I'm totally open to bringing new players to this awesome game, so I'll definitely have no problem helping people through the process. Any questions or comments, go ahead.[/img]
   Step 1: Learn the Basics
Learn to Play Magic: Part 1; Introduction.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 2; Overview of the color themes and description of a card layout.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 3; Description of card types, tapping and using mana to pay for cards.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 4; Playing a game; phases of a turn.
Learn to Play Magic: Part 5; Creatures and combat.
   Step 2: Download Magic Workstation
Their website has a number of guides, FAQs and instructions, so I don't have to go into detail. But it's our program of choice (over Apprentice, which is still okay but I don't think it's as good of a program overall). The latest patch for the program, which includes all cards up through the recent Shards of Alara expansion, can be found here (make sure to download and install the package, as we will most often be playing standard (recent) sets.
   Step 3: Deckbuilding
If we have a lot of players, it's likely that we'll be having a lot of limited matches, as limited formats are a bit more fair for everyone involved, and they tend to be far more based on skill than on simply having good cards. Like I said, there is draft or there is sealed deck. In a booster draft, eight players sit around a table and pass booster packs to each other, each player picking one card from a pack to go into his or her deck. To simulate booster drafting online, there's a program called Netdraft. You can get it here. Be sure to download the newest patch for it. The most recent expansion is Shards of Alara.
In most constructed formats, decks should be a minimum of 60 cards. In limited formats, decks should be a minimum of 40 cards.
   Step 4: Play Magic!
The best way to find other players would be to ask in the #rmxp irc channel. If we have a lot of people who show interest, then it's very possible that we can start an irc channel specifically for playing magic. For now, if you want to play a game, join the irc channel and ask if anyone's interested. I know that unless I am at work or sleeping, I'll pretty much always be up for a game.
If you're interested in taking part in all of this, post in this thread. If this post seems a bit vague, it's intentional. The best way to get into this is to just try it out. I'm totally open to bringing new players to this awesome game, so I'll definitely have no problem helping people through the process. Any questions or comments, go ahead.