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MST3k - Mark II

Hey guys. I found something on my computer yesterday which I thought I had lost a very long time ago. It was an MSTing I did of a godawful Harry Potter fanfic entitled "Harry Potter turns to the Lord". I was pretty happy to find it, and decided to share it with you guys.

For those who don't know what MSTing is, it is a form of fanfiction based on the Mystery Science Theater 3000 series, where a human and two robots had to watch awful moves while making snarky comments (and, in this case, read an awful fanfic).

This particular fanfic is made in true MST3k style, with host segments (only 3 for this one) and a little storyline, which takes place after the original series' finale. It's worth a read if only to have a look at the original fanfic itself; this MSTing is the last known copy of this particular fanfic ever, so enjoy it's absolute awfulness!

I retooled some parts to make it more actual, but keep in mind the entire thing was written over 5 years ago, so be gentle with me in your comments. If feedback is positive, I might write some more, for funsies.



Episode 1: Mark II

[Int. Mike’s apartment]

[Cambot’s screen field is observing the bots]

[Crow and Servo are sitting in front of the tv, watching a movie, when Mike comes in carrying groceries. There is a distinctively loud construction noise coming from outside.]

MIKE: Hey guys, what’re you watching?

CROW & SERVO : Iron Man.

MIKE: Iron Man? But that’s not a bad movie. In fact, I thought it was a hit. What’re you doing watching it?

SERVO: Mike, seriously, who said we only, had to watch bad movies? I mean really, it’s a change to watch something that doesn’t make me enter the “c:/run/suicide” command every twenty minutes.

CROW: Plus, the cable company is watching us. If we order one more bad movie, they’re going to send men with large butterfly nets for us.

[Mike moves closer to the couch]

MIKE: Because they wouldn’t be interested in the sentient, fully automated robots in the living room… eating my deodorant! Guys, seriously?

CROW: I wanted to know what “passion” tasted like…

[The construction noise in the background becomes progressively louder. Servo tries to increase the volume of the TV, but it’s at maximum.]

SERVO: What are they doing outside? Moving the highway to the front yard?

MIKE: No, it’s just some construction. I asked the guy, he said they were reinforcing the support for the building... and adding a fuel line… and… a launch pad.

[Mike becomes increasingly concerned as he keeps talking. Crow and Servo look at each other, nervous]

CROW: A… launch pad?

[Suddenly, the entire apartment shakes, and the sound of a rocket being launched is heard. Through the windows, the sky moves away. Soon, Planet Earth is but a marble in the horizon. Mike and the bots rush to the windows to witness the tragedy unfolding.

MIKE: No one at the alumni reunion is going to believe me.

CROW: Noooooooooo!!!

SERVO: Mike, didn’t the launch pad strike you as odd?

MIKE: I thought it was the new hip thing.

CROW: Nooooooooooooo!!!!

[The tv suddenly switches from the Iron Man movie to channel 666; the camera pans over, revealing a messy office with documents scattered everywhere. In the frame suddenly pops a young man with thick black glasses and curly hair.]

THE MAN: Hello, everyone. Mike, you may not know me, but I’m sure your little friends remember me well.

[Crow and Servo just stare blankly]

THE MAN: …Oh come on! I was Doctor Forrester’s assistant!

CROW: Frank? If you want, I know a good lawyer who’ll sue the plastic surgeon that butchered you.

SERVO: Forrester?

MIKE: You don’t remember Forrester?

SERVO: I delete all the memory banks of people who annoy me. I usually put the Mike folder in the recycle bin every Tuesday.

MIKE: What? Hey!

[The man appears to grow impatient and holds up a remote command, with a single click of a button, he vacuums out the air in the apartment. After a few seconds of agony, he allows the air back in.]

MIKE: Ow, cheap shot.

THE MAN: Did that jog your memory?

[Mike and the bots look at each other, unsure]

SERVO: Huh… Pearl?

THE MAN: NO! It’s me! Doctor Erhardt!

CROW: Ooooooh… I thought you were eaten by a giant spider.

DR. ERHARDT: No, I was at the bathroom.

SERVO: You were at the bathroom for the last 10 years?

DR. ERHARDT: I have a shy bladder, and people kept coming in… Imagine my surprise when, after I was finally done, I found out that Joel had escaped, that the Gizmonics’ had cut off Clayton’s funding and released the Satellite of Love, and that you were back on Earth.

SERVO: So you decided that Status Quo really is God and launched us back?

DR. ERHARDT: Exactly! I spoke with the mysterious board of Shadowy figures at Gizomonics’ and they agreed to finance my project. You see, I found a fatal flaw in Clayton’s theory: Movies allow the viewer to be passive while watching, and this passivity protects them from the awful movies’ effects. If you force the subject to take an active role in his torture, however…

[Dr. ERHARDT grabs a large document on his desk]

DR. ERHARDT: These are some of the worse fanfics and books ever written! They will break your mind like no movies can! MWA HA HA HA HA!

MIKE: What if I don’t want to?

DR. ERHARDT: You have the choice, Mike, but that depends on how much you like to breathe.

MIKE: Fine, send us the crap and let’s get it over and done with.

DR. ERHARDT: The first fanfic I have here is “Harry Potter turns to the Lord”, Christian propaganda at its best, the kind of thing that makes all the Jack Chick in the world wet their panties, hohoho…

[The lights in the apartment begin to flash wildly]

MIKE: We’ve got… er… fanfic sign!

-Harry Potter turns to the Lord-

CROW: And is going to moon him.

Another sleepless night for the world's most popular child wizard.

SERVO: Oh, come on! He’s seventeen! Every guy his age do that!

CROW: Ain’t that true, Mike?

MIKE: What? Er…

It's as if he were being haunted, he thought to himself. Haunted by innumerable faceless entities that thrive on his suffering that plague him and force him away from any slumber whatsoever.

MIKE: Did the author just described himself?

CROW: Either that or it’s the fanbase, I mean they do peek in on his most private moments.

It was driving the young English sorceror to his wits end,

SERVO: That certainly wasn’t a long drive.

and he could not concentrate during class, a behaviour swiftly noticed by one of his primary instructors, Dumbledore.

SERVO: Wow, we’re 30 seconds into the fic and we already have the first sign of “Did not do research”.

MIKE: Dumbledore is not an instructor, he’s the headmaster. Or is this some weird alternate reality?

CROW: What do you think?

"Mister Potter," his teacher quipped, inquisitively.

CROW: Mike, How do you quip inquisitively?

MIKE: I… I don’t know…

SERVO: I think it’s like snapping calmly.

"It has come to my attention that you are having difficulty concentrating in class."
"Rubbish," yawned Harry, teetering precariously where he stood.

MIKE: Rubbish! It’s just a hangover!

SERVO: I’ll tell YOU when I’ve had enough butterbeer!

"Sleep deprivation, perchance?" the instructor persisted.

CROW: Wow, Dumbledore really is a great detective.

SERVO: We could use a few more like him at the FBI.

CROW: He’d be captain of the obvious squad.

Harry wearily acquiesced. "Yes, sir," he sighed, "Bad dreams."
"Odd," remarked Dumbledore. "Such an occurance seldom happens here at Hogwarts.”

SERVO: Yeah, because lord knows that despite all the ghosts and monsters hidden in the forbidden forests, the constant threat of dark wizards and teachers with dark lords sticking out the back of their heads, children NEVER have nightmares at Hogwarts.

MIKE: I was going to say something, but I think you covered that pretty well.

I recommend you take some time off from your studies, else this tiredness takes its toll on you academically. Is that understood, Mister Potter?"

SERVO: Because that’s not going to make you fall behind or anything.

MIKE: Man, and they think the U.S. education system sucks.

"Yes. Thank you, sir."


Not that time off would do him any good. The nightmares were omnipresent, and would not relent, even in the daytime.

SERVO: There’s a word for that, it’s called being insane.

CROW: Call the men with the large butterfly nets.

MIKE: So, nobody at the MAGIC school thought that, maybe, the omnipresent nightmares the most popular child wizard was suffering from could’ve been caused by, I don’t know, MAGIC?

SERVO: Mike, stop looking for logic in the No man’s land of reason.

To clear his mind, Harry decided to take a broomstick flight outside of the Academy Grounds.

MIKE: I need to reread Harry Potter again, I don’t remember him being allowed to do that.

SERVO: He can because it’s CONVENIENT to the plot.

CROW: The guy is flying on a broomstick, and you’re concerned at the fact a teenager would go outside of the school ground?... Dr. Erhardt is right, this fic is getting to us!

He rocketed

SERVO: Like us earlier!

[Mike looks at him, annoyed]

SERVO: Too soon?

over the eastern border and across the murky oceans,

SERVO: Ocean-S? As in more than one? Now that’s going to be a long drive.

MIKE: Wait, the eastern border of what? Isn’t he in England?

but, to utmost horror, his weariness affected his performance of flight, and the broomstick began to shudder violently as his control of it was hindered.

MIKE: As opposed to when the broomstick shudders violently when his control of it is perfectly fine.

CROW: He didn’t read the notice: Do not operate under the influence of alcohol or medication.

He began to plummet.

MIKE: Just like my suspension of disbelief. If he’s an accomplished Quidditch player, this should be no pickle.

CROW: I’m not even sure the author actually got to the part about Quidditch.

Incidentally, he was too tired to demonstrate fear

SERVO: Yeah, forget about things like reflexes and adrenaline, all that shut down when you’re TI-RED.

and let the dull roar of the wind loll him into blissful submission, something he had gone without for almost seventy-two hours.

MIKE: That’s one bad time to take a nap.

Within no time at all, he was consumed by the icy chill of the waters, and all went dark.

CROW: Yum! Yummy Harry!


[As Mike and the bots are reading the fic, a slippery serpent-like creature creeps up to them]

CREATURE: Hey guys.

[Man and robots jump and emit girlish high-pitched scream, before settling down. The creature is a robot too, with features oddly reminiscent of Gypsy. However, the head is more smooth and curved, and the voice has a definitively more feminine tone.

MIKE: Gypsy?

CREATURE: No, I’m Gypsy Mark II. I manage all the functions of the Satellite of Love.

MIKE: Satellite of Love? Dr. Erhardt couldn’t even make up an original name?

GYPSY MARK II: Well, it’s… Satellite of Love… Mark II…

SERVO: Yeah, he was REALLY thinking outside of the box.

CROW: We need to give her a new name. I don’t want to call her Gypsy II, it’s just disrespectful.

SERVO: Alright, what about Tzigane?

MIKE: Why Tzigane?

SERVO: It’s French for Gypsy.

MIKE: Huh…

TZIGANE: Name overwritten.

MIKE: Right, so, Tzigane, do you want to watch the movie with us?

TZIGANE: I’d love to, but I can’t. All life support systems will shut down if I am distracted for more than 5.23 seconds. You may have already noticed that, as we approach this time limit, the apartment is slowly depressurizing, and that Mike’s testicles have shot up in his chest.

MIKE: Oh my God! Please, go back to your duties!

TZIGANE: It was a pleasure meeting you all.

[Before she leaves, Tzigane winks at Crow, who, oddly enough, blushes. Mike and the bots resume their reading of the fic].


"Hello?" he heard a distant voice call to him. "Young man? Are you alright?"

CROW: Ok, so, what was happening?

SERVO: Well, there was a continuity error, and then a plot contrivance, and then something happened that made no sense…

MIKE: And then Harry tried to commit suicide.

CROW: Oh, right, I’m all caught up now.

Harry reluctantly resumed consciousness,

CROW: If we have to suffer so do you!

and found himself staring up at the concerned face of a man, presumably in his mid-thirties.

CROW: And presumably a rapist.

MIKE: It’s also my first instinct, when finding someone washed ashore to just go “hello”, and to not call any ambulances or try CPR.

SERVO: That summer as a lifeguard really taught you some things, huh, Mike?

MIKE: I loved the red swimming trunks…

As Harry was perceptive,

SERVO: There’s another continuity error with the canon.

MIKE: Harry is not perceptive, in fact he gets it wrong so many times that when he actually gets it right no one believes him.

he deduced that the man was a muggle, simply from his clothes.

SERVO: Because wizards NEVER dress as muggles.

MIKE: And because Voldemort’s agents wouldn’t think of dressing up as muggles to surprise Harry.

"Wh-where am I?" he murmured.

CROW: The Island.

MIKE: Everyone from the tail section of the broomstick lives on the other side.

"Oh, thank the Lord you're okay!"

SERVO: I’m just bubbly with joy.

chuckled the man, retreating slightly to give the young wizard his space.

CROW: What? So where was he just a second ago? Standing on top of him?

SERVO & MIKE: Run, Harry! Run!

"I was worried you may have frozen out there, on the beach."

SERVO: Harry on Ice, coming this fall to Central Park.

CROW: Harry Potter Flavored popscicle, the new commercial product destined to suck every once of blood out of that franchise.

"Who are you?" whispered Harry, becoming more and more awake.

SERVO: A self-insertion

CROW: Satan

MIKE: An angel of the Lord.

[Servo and Crow chime the “number 6” theme from Battlestar Galactica]

"My name is David,"

MIKE: I win.

SERVO: That would really lend itself better to a jewish propaganda fic.

the man replied. "I, uh - - I didn't want to believe it at first, but I couldn't help but notice you fell out of the sky.

MIKE: David, did you take your medication today?

Might I ask how you got up there in the first place?"

SERVO: No, you may not!

CROW: It was a spaceship… they did things to me.

"I was riding my broomstick," said Harry, matter-of-factly.

MIKE: Geez, whatever happened to whole secrecy part of the wizarding community?

SERVO: With security this tight, it’s a wonder it hasn’t been on the 6 o’clock news decades ago.

CROW: So, he was “riding” his broomstick? Insert innuendo here.

"Broomstick, eh?" David muttered to himself. "Interesting."

SERVO: How blasé can this guy be? Is he on crack?

MIKE: Would explain why he’s seeing people falling from the sky.

Harry sat upright and noticed he was wearing a casual attire of denim jeans and a cardigan.

[Mike and the bots stare in silence]

MIKE: o…kay…

CROW: He… changed him? Is that guy a priest?

[Mike gives Crow a look]

CROW: Too obvious?

"Where's my robe?" he cried.

Mike & The bots: Waahaahahaha! I want my mommy!

"Drying by the fire," David replied. "I found some peculiar trinkets inside, you know.

MIKE: So he’s a thief too.

CROW: This guys is just swell.

Really quite fascinating - - albeit evil."

SERVO: They just dropped the convenient morality anvil on us.

"Evil?" scoffed Harry. "They're essential. A wizard is nothing without his tools, you see."

SERVO: Let’s conveniently forget that wizards to lots of magic without wands and tools.

"A wizard, you say?" mused David.

SERVO: Geez, Harry, you really can’t be trusted with a secret, can you?

MIKE: I’ll say it’s the concussion and let it slide.

"I had the feeling that may have been the case. You're from that mysterious academy, aren't you?"

SERVO: So now even the muggles know about Hogwarts?

CROW: Must be a special power that comes with being a friggin’ Marty Stu!

"How do you know about Hogwarts?" whispered Harry, tilting his head quizzically.

SERVO: Yeah! How? Answer or I’ll have to get the thumbscrews!

"Oh, I've met a young girl who used to be a student there."

CROW: She’s locked up in the basement. She’s my wife and is pregnant with my 17th child.

"What was her name?"

CROW: Mistress Spank-a-Lot.

"Erm, Kate if I remember correctly.

SERVO: Only Kate, like Madonna

MIKE: Shame on you, David! Not remembering the name of your wife!

She was a highly decorated student there,

SERVO: Top of the transfiguration class, turned herself into a Christmas tree.

top of her class she told me. Until one day she achieved a new level of magic,

CROW: Next level is the zombies in the sewer, make sure to have a lot of quarters.

and that's when things started to go awry."

SERVO: She ran out of quarters?

MIKE: Oh, I can see where this is going… At least they’re not implying Dungeons and Dragons did it.

"What do you mean?" asked Harry.

"She started having dreams of a frightful nature," David remarked.

SERVO: She had to read this fanfic as well?

"Dreams?" wondered Harry aloud, relating the tale to his own situation.
"That's right," David continued, "Dreams of demons and creatures of the satanic variety.

SERVO: If my databank is correct, this much contrivances in one work of fiction should have ruptured the space-time continuum by now…

[Mike and the bots wait for the universe to implode. When nothing happens, they resume the reading of the fic]

All of her teachers told her to pay no attention to them,

CROW: They were wrong, you should only listen to strange men living like hermits in isolated cottages.

but she had to find out why she was being haunted.

MIKE: One word: David.

So, she snuck away from the academy one night and wound up here, at my cottage.

CROW: No shit!

SERVO: That’s one hell of a coincidence.

MIKE: Is his cottage some sort of beacon for every lost teenager?

CROW: The entire Degrassi cast must be around here somewhere.

I showed her

Mike and the bots: NOOO!

The Bible, you see...."

[Mike and the bots cover their eyes]

"The Bible?" inquired Harry, dubiously.

"That's right," he replied,

MIKE: No, it’s not.

CROW: Oh, come on! Harry has got to have heard of the bible, he didn’t spend the last 17 years in a glass box.

SERVO: Notice how the convertee is always unaware of the bible’s existence in these sort of drabble, it makes the insta-convert much more believable… sorta.

MIKE: Convertee? Is that a real word?

"the Christian Bible. And, according to the Scriptures - - ooh, what was that verse?

MIKE: Let’s try and find the correct quote in the 1000+ pages phone book! Yay!

SERVO: Er, Mike, are you OK?

Ah, yes!

CROW: Ah, no!

Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

CROW: No, sir, it’s Friday, 6pm.

SERVO: That’s not what he… nevermind.

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire,

CROW: That is one disturbing children’s tale.

SERVO: Yeah, that bit in Harry Potter really surprised me.

who practices divination

SERVO: So, burn the horoscope, then?

or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.

CROW: Or who eats with his mouth open, or who eats shellfish, or who pronounces it “supposebly” or who spells it “colour” or…

MIKE: I’m going to take a leak and come back when you’re done.

SERVO: You could walk back to Earth in the time it’ll take for him to be done.

Anyone who does these things is detestable in the eyes of the Lord.

MIKE: I thought the Lord was all-loving?

SERVO: No, Mike, if the Lord was all-loving, how could people like David exclude others? Stop taking the joy out of life, Mike!

"So, don't you see, young man?" David finished.

CROW: Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, I must have fell asleep for a minute there.

"What you are practicing is, day by day, devoting your life to the evil one."

MIKE: So Harry really is Voldemort’s pawn?

SERVO: But I didn’t see any rings in Harry Potter? Why is Sauron suddenly involved?

CROW: I think he meant Shai’Tan. The Forsakens can look like anyone!

MIKE: You know, I’ve just noticed… Voldemort is pale, ugly, wears a black robe… he’s the Emperor from Star Wars!

SERVO: I think we can stop now.

"Impossible!" thundered Harry. "Are you suggesting that I have been deceived, and that it is actually the wizards and witches who are in the wrong?"
"You're sharp," remarked David, admirably.

CROW: ‘Bout as sharp as a plastic spoon.

"I refuse to believe it. Regardless of the nightmares I am suffering, I will not lower myself to the level of a lowly muggle!"

SERVO: Again, let’s conveniently forget Harry’s mother was muggle-born.

MIKE: Why is Harry suddenly talking like a 40 y.o. literature professor?

CROW: Because by the time they get to the last movie, Daniel Radcliff will be forty!

"So, you're having nightmares, too?"

CROW: Yes, of evil faceless creatures that strive on my pain and... WAIT A MINUTE! That’s you, David!

Harry was silenced.

CROW: At last! Normally he can’t keep his mouth shut.

David strolled over to him

[Crow and servo hum a eerie tune]

MIKE: This bit sends chill down my spine.

and lay the Bible beside him.

SERVO: I want you to read it and have it memorised by Friday.

"I've made you some hot chocolate," he smiled.

MIKE: You can have some, but ONLY if you convert to my arbitrary system of belief.

SERVO: Fine, but it better be damn good chocolate!

CROW: Damn you David! This chocolate is the cheap no-name crap they sell outside of church!

"Get your rest. We'll talk more about this later."

MIKE: I don’t wanna!

Harry remained at David's seaside cottage for a week,

SERVO: And no one looked for the most popular child wizard.

for the nightmares did not intrude his sleep when he stayed there, for reasons he could not comprehend.

MIKE: That’s funny; this place seems like pure nightmare fuel.

David taught him all about Christ,

SERVO: That must’ve been a fun week.

MIKE: Oh my God, it’s bible camp all over again!

CROW: You went to bible camp?

MIKE: I must repress, I must repress! The awful songs! They don’t even rhyme!

and the ultimate sacrifice He made for the people of the world.

CROW: What was that already?

SERVO: He was tortured for days and then crucified, and that somehow saved the world.

CROW: How? It made everyone switch to Geico?

And the more Harry heard of it,

MIKE: The more he fell into a deep sleep.

the more he understood of his wizardry and its evils.

SERVO: And that sounds in no way like brainwashing!

CROW: I like how the author conveniently left out the parts where David doesn’t feed Harry and forces him to repeat over and over that wizardry is evil, and then goes down to the basement to rape Kate.

MIKE: Wow, Crow, dark much?

CROW: Meh.

Finally, he conceded, the Bible made too much sense to ignore.

[Mike and the bots simply stare]

MIKE: Riiiiight… the 2000 years old book written by various shepherds makes too much sense.

SERVO: The same could be said for the flying spaghetti monster theory. Let me go get my pamphlet.

"David?" he asked one afternoon.

"Yes, Harry?" replied David, sipping his coffee and reading a newspaper.

SERVO: The newspaper?

CROW: But it’s EVIL! It has the horoscope in it!

MIKE: its ok, he’s going to burn it afterward.

"How do I become a Christian?"

MIKE: That depends, Harry. The standard, well-adjusted kind, or the crazy batshit fanatical kind, like me?

"I was praying that you'd ask me that before you left," smiled David, proudly.

SERVO: Magic is evil, but brainwashing is A-OK!

"Come, let me show you." David advised Harry to pray a simple prayer,

MIKE: As opposed to the many other things you can do with a prayer.

and that night, the confused and reluctant wizard knelt beside his bed and repeated the words softly.

"Lord," he began, "I come to you tonight to request your forgiveness,

SERVO: You know, for saving the world two or three times. That was BAAAAD of me.

for I have so blindly devoted my life to the evils of the spirit world.

CROW: Next time, I’ll just let Voldemort kill everyone. But it’ll be alright because I won’t be doing evil stuff that makes people happy!

I have given my very essence to the enemy of man,

Mike and the bots: EW!

and taken joy in it as well.

Mike and the bots: EW! EW!

I am a sinner, Lord, and without your forgiveness, I am doomed to die and face the eternal trials of the netherworld,

MIKE: That’s a simple player? What’s a complicated one?

SERVO: Don’t ask! He might hear you!

all because of my practicing of foul and wicked arts.

MIKE: Is this going to take much longer, I need to mow the lawn.

SERVO: Er, Mike? We’re in space.

MIKE: I know.

Please, Lord. Please forgive me of my sins and welcome me into your loving kingdom.
MIKE: I wanna wear wings and play harp for all eternity.
In your name I pray...Amen."

SERVO: How is talking to a spiritual, invisible deity different from talking to a spiritual, invisible entity, which is supposed to be the epitome of evil?

CROW: If God tells you to do it, you can do anything. Like start wars and rape people. God is cool.

[MIKE and SERVO slightly slide away to the sides of the sofa and away from CROW]

Harry opened his eyes and noticed that tears were streaming from them.

MIKE: Damn allergies.

For the first time in his life, he felt loved, and accepted,

SERVO: Because that never happened in books. He was just faking it, he really hates his friends and was always miserable at Hogwarts.


MIKE: And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Insta-Convert! Jack Chick couldn’t have done better.

He had been relieved of the wickedness that plagued him since the day he was born

MIKE: Ok everyone! Time for another convenient loss of memory. Harry didn’t find out he was a wizard before his eleventh birthday.

and he wept,

SERVO: So is the entire fanbase.

both out of joy,

MIKE: Geez, that was some intense prayer… what was in that hot chocolate cup, LSD?

and sorrow for all of his friends

CROW: Who have never accepted or loved him.

that remained blind to the real truth,

MIKE: The truth, it’s out there.

[CROW and SERVO hum the X-Files theme song]

indulging in the ultimate evil back at Hogwarts,

MIKE: Again, when have Voldemort, Sauron, Emperor Palpatine and Shai’Tan decided to take over Hogwarts?

SERVO: if Hogwarts is evil, and they fight Voldemort who is evil... then what are Harry and David?

CROW: Morons.

convinced that their dark arts made them superior beings.

MIKE: The author never made it passed the two first pages when he read the book, has he?

He wept all night long because of this.

MIKE: David turned him into a wuss!

SERVO: Maybe Old Yeller was on TV that night.

"David?" he asked the following morning, as he stood at the front door holding a backpack.

MIKE: You should go into hiding, David, people will hate you for what you did to their favourite hero.

SERVO: He’s already in hiding. He wrote the End of Evangelion.

"Yes, Harry?" replied David.

"Will I ever be fully rid of the evils of my past?"

"The demons that you once embezzled will still try and recapture you, Harry," David admitted.

CROW: So David will follow Harry?

"But if God is for you, then who can be against you?

SERVO: Anyone with common sense?

Go, and spread the word.

MIKE: Actually, just go and phone the police.

You have always been in a position of power, Harry Potter.

SERVO: since when?

MIKE: There’s a deeper meaning, you see. Harry Potter books are read thorough the world, so basically, Harry is in a position of power.

SERVO: ...No way the author can be that clever.

Now it's time you used it for good."
Musing over the profound and genuine words of his life-altering friend,

MIKE: The kitchen sink is more profound and genuine than that guy.

Harry turned and began to trek away, not knowing where he would go or what he would do.

SERVO: So this whole adventure has been a total waste of time.

CROW: So, from super-powered destined child wizard to a homeless bum in the course of a week… man, this really ain’t advertisement for Christianity.

But with the Lord Jesus Christ by his side, he knew that things were going to be okay.

CROW: He was found three days later in a scrap yard, dead.



[The fanfic ends, and is replaced on the TV by static]

SERVO: I think my eyes are bleeding. Are my eyes bleeding?
CROW: You have no eyes!

MIKE: (To himself) After that, they’re never coming back down…

[The high-pitched voice of Dr. Erhardt brings Mike and the bots back to reality. The static slowly fades from the tv to reveal a closeup of the mad scientist’s face]

DR. ERHARDT: So, how was it? Broken your spirit yet?

MIKE: Close, but no.

DR. ERHARDT: Well, it’s closer than Clay ever managed to get. I’ll get you next time!

[The tv automatically turns itself off. Crow tries to turn it back on, but the screen remains blank. Tom Servo exits Cambot’s field of view for a moment, and comes back with Tzigane. Both have spaghetti on their head.]

MIKE: What are you two doing?

SERVO: We came to save you Mike! I’ve already saved Tzigane by showing her that the only true salvation is through the flying spaghetti monster. You need to join us too!

MIKE: Why? Why can’t you just let me be myself? My beliefs aren’t hurting anyone.

TZIGANE: The flying spaghetti monster taught us three things: To tolerate other people’s belief, to accept them, and once they believe we tolerate and accept them, to crush them!

[Tzigane and Servo move toward Mike menacingly. The human moves back, but is soon met by the living room wall].

CROW (off-screen): Hey, guys, I think I have the answer to your questions.

[Cambot’s field of view turns to Crow, who is staring out the window, the others join him].

MIKE: Huh… well, that explains a lot.

SERVO: So, THAT’s the one true faith.

TZIGANE: Gotta admit, it makes a lot of sense, when you think about it.

[The field screen reads: CAMBOT BATTERY LOW].

End of episode 1




Just, wow.  That was really funny, and I think whoever wrote the original fanfic should be hunted down, have is balls ripped off and be burned at the stake.
Heh.. This gave me a couple chuckles to myself. Some louder than others... here were some of my favorite parts:

CROW: If God tells you to do it, you can do anything. Like start wars and rape people. God is cool.
SERVO: if Hogwarts is evil, and they fight Voldemort who is evil... then what are Harry and David?

CROW: Morons.
CROW: I like how the author conveniently left out the parts where David doesn’t feed Harry and forces him to repeat over and over that wizardry is evil, and then goes down to the basement to rape Kate.
MIKE: You know, I’ve just noticed… Voldemort is pale, ugly, wears a black robe… he’s the Emperor from Star Wars!
Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

CROW: No, sir, it’s Friday, 6pm.
So, she snuck away from the academy one night and wound up here, at my cottage.

CROW: No shit!

SERVO: That’s one hell of a coincidence.

MIKE: Is his cottage some sort of beacon for every lost teenager?

CROW: The entire Degrassi cast must be around here somewhere.
All of her teachers told her to pay no attention to them,

CROW: They were wrong, you should only listen to strange men living like hermits in isolated cottages.
"She started having dreams of a frightful nature," David remarked.

SERVO: She had to read this fanfic as well?
top of her class she told me. Until one day she achieved a new level of magic,

CROW: Next level is the zombies in the sewer, make sure to have a lot of quarters.

and that's when things started to go awry."

SERVO: She ran out of quarters?

"Oh, I've met a young girl who used to be a student there."

CROW: She’s locked up in the basement. She’s my wife and is pregnant with my 17th child.

"What was her name?"

CROW: Mistress Spank-a-Lot.

"Erm, Kate if I remember correctly.

SERVO: Only Kate, like Madonna

MIKE: Shame on you, David! Not remembering the name of your wife!
"Evil?" scoffed Harry. "They're essential. A wizard is nothing without his tools, you see."

SERVO: Let’s conveniently forget that wizards to lots of magic without wands and tools.

"A wizard, you say?" mused David.

SERVO: Geez, Harry, you really can’t be trusted with a secret, can you?

MIKE: I’ll say it’s the concussion and let it slide.
Harry sat upright and noticed he was wearing a casual attire of denim jeans and a cardigan.

[Mike and the bots stare in silence]

MIKE: o…kay…

CROW: He… changed him? Is that guy a priest?
MIKE: An angel of the Lord.

[Servo and Crow chime the “number 6â€
Heh heh heh

Like I told you, I loved MST3K :3
But I've also never read Harry Potter, so yeah a lot of the jokes were lost on me.

Aside from that, you really captured the essence of the humor used in MST3K, nice work!

Sometimes you would slip into saying "reading" instead of "watching" ... Are they reading it or watching it?
There were some strange typos in the beginning, too, but it wasn't a huge problem or anything.
The quips were right-on character, I liked that quite a bit! Really reminded me of the show.

I never saw the last episodes of MST3K, what happened to Gypsy ;~;

Anyway I'd like to see more! (And hopefully from a series I'm familiar with :x)
Venetia":2kktym12 said:
There were some strange typos in the beginning, too, but it wasn't a huge problem or anything.
The quips were right-on character, I liked that quite a bit! Really reminded me of the show.

I never saw the last episodes of MST3K, what happened to Gypsy ;~;

Anyway I'd like to see more! (And hopefully from a series I'm familiar with :x)

Yeah, I did write this a while ago, which explains the strange typos and everything. As for if they're reading or watching... well, this is mst3k, just relax!

And about what happened to Gypsy... after the SOL crashes back on Earth, she went on to create multimillion dollar industry ConGypsCo, which the bots and Mike declined buying shares in when it was still public. This resulted in them being broke and having to move in with Mike, which explains why they're living with him, and why Gypsy is absent.

I'll write more if I can find some more godawful fanfics. Don't hesitate to suggest some.
Horrible fanfics? I know many, but I'll just mention the one.
Until The End Of Time
Basically, it's a DBZ / Diary of Anne Frank crossover. I shit you not.
It ends with a super saiyan battle between Goku and Hitler.

Not for the faint of heart.
Brace yourselves, everyone! I had a bit of a hard time doing this one. I've been watching a lot of the classic MST3k lately, and when I was writing, I kept making up lines that would be better suited for Joel's deadpan delivery than for Mike (The way I work is that I just imagine the voice of the person saying the riff, and see if it fits with the line).

Anyway, hope you enjoy.



Episode 2: The Dairy of San Goku

[Cambot’s field of view turns to the kitchen, where Mike is cooking Mac and cheese]

MIKE: It was a stroke of genius to buy all that Kraft Dinner before getting shot into space.

[Tom Servo and Crow pop up from behind him]

SERVO: Genius? More like goddawful luck.

CROW: If you were such a genius, you would have noticed they were turning the apartment building into a ROCKET SHIP before we were sent into orbit, Mike.

MIKE: I don’t notice the small details, shoot me.

[Crow disappears under a counter and jumps back up holding a large futuristic gun]

MIKE: Woah! Metaphor! Metaphor!

CROW: You never let me have any fun.

[Crow puts the gun down].

SERVO: So, Mike, Mac and Cheese… It’s pretty much what I expected, fits with your level of sophistication.

MIKE: (A little grumpy) And what’s your favourite food?

SERVO: I’m a robot, Mike, I don’t have a digestive system.

CROW: I like Mike’s deodorant! Today, we’re tasting “merge”!

[Crow grabs some deodorant from just out of Cambot’s view range and starts to eat it. At the exact same moment, the television in the living room turns itself on. After a brief moment of static, it tunes itself to channel 666. Dr. Erhardt appears on screen].

DR. ERHARDT: Are you there, Mikey Mike?

[Mike and the bots move on to the living room, with Cambot’s field of view following them].

MIKE: Not now! I’m getting ready to eat.

DR. ERHARDT: Do you think I care? The shadowy board of mysterious figures won’t be patient like they were with Clay. I need results, fast!

SERVO: Wait, wasn’t it the mysterious board of shadowy figures last week?

DR. ERHARDT: …shut up! Today’s experiment is something so mind-bugling, staring at Chuthlu’s real form would cause less brain damage. A cross-over between, get this, Dragonball and… the diary of Anne Frank.

[Mike and the bots stare and silence]

MIKE: … How… just, how…

SERVO: So is this a romance fanfiction or a vs. kind of thing?

CROW: I bet she has some awesome chi power! I can’t wait to play as Anne Frank in the next DBZ budokei instalment!

DR. ERHARDT: It’s quite short, so hurry up and go insane.

[The lights begin to flash wildly]

MIKE: We’ve got fanfic sign!


Goku/Anne Frank: Until the End of Time
Hi! ^_^

I/'m gofer-chan,

CROW: So she’s an American… writing about a jewish girl… using Japanese naming genre. This just about checks every ethnicity box.

and this is my first piece of fanfiction!

MIKE: And hopefully the last.
SERVO: First piece of something alright.

It was my brother's idea, an Anne Frank/DBZ crossover!

CROW: Or at least that’s what I think he said, it was hard to hear him over the five nurses trying to inject him with morphine.

I am big fans of both.

MIKE: I can’t see the connection.

CROW: I’m a big fan of the WWF and daytime soaps, you don’t see me making a crossover against nature!

MIKE: Shh, she might hear you!


Anne sighed as she sat in her room, staring at her wall.

MIKE: Man, I was I had TeVo.

CROW: A hundred and ninety four stripes, a hundred and ninety five stripes, a hundred and ninety… wait, where was I again? Ah, damn, I have to start from the beginning!

SERVO: Starring at the wall! The most exciting activity since watching paint dry!

She just finished writing in her diary, and had nothing to do.

CROW: That’s gonna be one boring diary to read.

SERVO: Dear diary, today I wrote in you.

[Mike chuckles]

Life was boring in the Secret Annex, but it was better than the alternative.

MIKE: Working for minimum wage at Chucky Cheese.

CROW: Hey! Don’t put down the Chucky, I have three whole summers there on my resume.

It was alright talking to Peter and Margot, but they were both such quiet

CROW: They always stopped talking whenever she came in the room.

MIKE: And pointed at her and sneered and stuff.

unlike the always active Anne. All of a sudden, a flash of
light appeared in the room!

MIKE: Man, I need to cut down the crack.
SERVO: So that’s what an aneurysm feels like.

Anne jumped back, stifling a scream. Before
she could run out the closed door she noticed that the person who
appeared in the flash was not a Nazi officer,

SERVO: Even if it was a Nazi officer, what could she do since he can apparently materialise out of thin air!

MIKE: Quick, only this thin wood door can protect you!

but someone who she had
never seen before!

MIKE: And I’m the most popular girl at school, I know EVERYONE!

CROW: I have to ruin this new kid’s life.

His clothes were very strange, and his hair was in
a spiky style that was totally new to her.

SERVO: Not to mention physically impossible to pull off.

CROW: I can suspend my disbelief for the planet-destroying aliens, but I cannot do it for Goku’s hair..

She stood against the wall, wary of the stranger,

CROW: And then started to unbutton her shirt.

MIKE: What?

CROW: You mean it’s not that kind of fic?

but he walked towards her and smiled, extending a
hand. "My name is Goku."

CROW: I hope he’s going to save the “I’m an alien from another world sent to destroy you” talk for the second date.

The mysterious stranger said. Anne nervously
put her hand in his. He bent down and kissed it softly, then let go.

CROW: With Goku’s power level, shouldn’t that atomise her hand?

MIKE: I’m amazed he doesn’t break the earth’s crust with every step.

Anne blushed, feeling something she had never felt before go off inside
of her.

MIKE: It’s the last time I eat sushi out of the back of a strange man’s van.

"My name is Anne..." she replied quietly. "I'm sorry for what
just happened," Goku told her, "But I was caught in a time portal and
deposited here! My power cells will recharge soon, but until then, I'm
stuck here."

CROW: How delightfully convenient.

MIKE: Wait, what power cell? There was no mention of a time machine, is Goku a robot now?

SERVO: We can rebuild him, we have the technology, and we have a lot of coupons for spare parts.

Anne had no idea what the handsome visitor was talking about,

SERVO: Half the words he used haven’t been invented yet..

but she played along. "Well, sir" she said. "You may stay in my
room as long as you like!"

MIKE: Maybe it is that kind of fic, Crow.

CROW: Remember you’re married, Goku!

SERVO: But Chichi doesn’t understand me like Anne does!

Anne blushed again as she said this, and
giggled slightly.

[Mike and the bots all let out hysterical, and fake, laughs]

Goku looked around, and then sat on the bed. "Thank
you for the invitation. I'll be sure to repay you for it soon."

CROW: By eating all your food and acting as a magnet for every overpowered alien in a five million light-year radius.

Anne did not understand what he meant by that, however,

CROW: However, her imagination was going wiiiiiild!
SERVO: Bow chicka bow wow, bow chicka bow wow!

[Mike and Crow join in and soon all three are going “Bow chicka bow wow!”]

when he spoke, she felt a warmth deep inside of her.

ALL: Bow Chicka Bow Wow!

She sat by him on the bed, staring at the man's beautiful eyes.

SERVO: Beautiful yet simple… VERY simple.

Finally, she could stand it no longer.
Anne leaned over and kissed the stranger on the cheek,

CROW: Haha, Anne you slut.

SERVO: Before marriage?

MIKE: She knows she can get pregnant from doing that, right?

and then pulled back quickly, not sure of what she had done. "I'm sorry..." she said,
as she stumbled to find the right words.

SERVO: I’m sorry for doing something that can be seen as a purely platonic gesture of friendship.

The visitor smirked. "No,
that's quite alright." He replied with a smile, putting one arm around
her. "You know, you're a very beautiful girl, but I... well..."

MIKE: I’m gay.

CROW: Which is why I spend all my time training with muscular men, away from my wife.

looked at him, troubled. "What's the matter?" she said, with a sweet

CROW: Well, let’s see, he just appeared out of nowhere two minutes ago in a flash of light, he’s an alien, he’s married, he died and came back from the dead more time than Jesus… The list just goes on.

Goku looked nervous. "I... I'm already married." he finally
managed to choke out. Anne pulled away from him abruptly. "No!"

MIKE: How can my one true love whom I’ve met three minutes ago and whom I don’t understand half of what he says already be married? Besides, isn’t he like fifty?

she said loudly, almost in tears. "I'm sorry..." he replied.

CROW: Man, if it was possible I’d say that this was a self-insertion fic.

SERVO: Maybe this gofer-chan person actually is Anne Frank. Did they ever found the body?

CROW: According to some people she never even existed.

SERVO: Yeah, and according to those people the most interesting thing that happened in the 1940’s were the reruns of As the World Turns.

Anne was
furious. "Nothing ever goes right!" she cried out.

CROW: Just give it a few more days; you won’t be bitching about the handsome stranger leaving you anymore.

MIKE: That’s a bit insensitive…

"I have to go
now, my power cells have recharged." said Goku.

SERVO: He really should’ve been using Duracell.

Anne was in tears
by now, staring at the wall so she wouldn't see Goku's face.

CROW: Well, time to resume where I left off, one stripe, two stripes, three stripes.

He smiled a sad smile, and disappeared in another flash, out of Anne's
life forever.

CROW: Nevermind asking the stranger with awesome powers and technology for some help.

MIKE: Girls can’t be trusted with important matters

TZIGANE (off screen): I heard that!

Anne never forgot him, though... not until the end of time.

SERVO: Or, as history knows it, Tuesday.


[The fanfic is replaced by static on the tv. Crow goes out of Cambot’s view range for a moment, and comes back with a diary, already writing in it].

MIKE: What are you doing, Crow?

CROW: I’m going to chronicle my own tale of captivity and fear, I’m going to call it “the diary of Crow T. Robot”.

SERVO: You might as well sell it to the Sci fi Channel or Comedy Central.

[A loud banging noise can be heard off screen]

TZIGANE: OW! Servo, mind the fourth wall, will you?

CROW: Seriously, I’m going to be rich. This Anne Frank was a genius, bet she’s living the good life now.

MIKE: Actually, I’m fairly certain she’s dead, Crow. I don’t think it’s right to parody her story.

SERVO: Yeah, because mocking people is something we only do ALL THE TIME.

CROW: Why are you being mister sensitive for? I’ve seen you in the shower, you’re not Jewish.

MIKE: You don’t have to be Jewish to feel compassion for other human beings, and when?

SERVO: Yeah, Mike, that whole compassion thing is lost on us. Crow, I want 50% of the business.

MIKE: When Joel built you, what did he use as your morality unit?

SERVO: They were backorder on me for that part.

CROW: Mine’s a blow dryer. It’s just air.

MIKE: I dunno, I guess I just identify with her, being trapped… only we’re in space, and she’s not… and people were hunting her, Dr. Erhardt knows exactly where we are… and she was always afraid, we’re more of a mix of annoyed and frustrated…

CROW: So what you’re saying is the two situations are completely different?

MIKE: Yeah, I don’t know what came over me. Crow, I want 30% of the profits.

[The static slowly disappears, leaving a message reading the words: “part 2”].


One month. Well, it didn’t feel like a month.

CROW: It felt more like 28 days. I was in alcoholic stupor for the last two.

To Anne Frank, a Jew in hiding from the Nazis, it seemed like a year.

SERVO: Now, was it a leap year or a normal year, because this is important.

One month since the fateful encounter with the mysterious man from another world, who she only knew as ‘Goku’.

MIKE: Or yummy buns.

The handsome stranger had stepped through time and into her life,

SERVO: So, Anne, how’s that brain tumour going?

then disappeared without a trace.

CROW: In one of the most boring, plotless fanfic ever.

Anne was almost sure that they’d never meet again, even though not one day passed without her dreaming of him. Little did she know, however, that their lives were tied by the unbreakable red string of fate.

CROW: Were they out of any other colour?

SERVO: Isn’t time travelling proof that fate doesn’t exist?

MIKE: What do you mean?

SERVO: Well, if something happened in the past, and you can go and change it, doesn’t that mean that nothing is set in stone?

MIKE: I think that really depends on your approach of time travelling.

CROW: Oh, yeah, don’t get me started on Doctor Who.

It was another boring day in the Secret Annex.

CROW: Somehow watching the wall wasn’t fun anymore.

Anne sat on the bed of her room, writing in her diary.

MIKE: Dear diary, today I wrote in you.

SERVO: I already did that one, Mike.

It never occurred to her, however, that this entry would be her last.

CROW: You’d think this would occur to her every single day.

SERVO: I somehow suspect this piece won’t be entirely historically accurate.

MIKE: What tipped you off?

As she wrote in the quiet attic, there was a loud noise from downstairs.

SERVO: Damn kids and their music, it’s just noise to me!

MIKE: I’m sorry I really thought this one would be silent.

Her heart jumped with both fear and excitement.

MIKE: You’d think loud noises wouldn’t cause excitement for someone in hiding.

SERVO: The brain tumour’s mixing up her feelings.

Was it them? The Nazis? Or, could it be… him?

CROW: Tony The tiger!

SERVO: Hey, it’s twice as believable as Goku!

She had no idea whether to run downstairs or to hide. That decision, however, was made for her.

MIKE: It’s not the 1940’s, women have no rights to make decisions yet.

TZIGANE (off screen): That’s your second strike, Mike!

Her door flew open, and a tall soldier was visible in the doorway, glaring at her.

CROW: Nazi soldier, I choose you!

MIKE: Nazi soldier, use glare!

SERVO: o/~ Gotta catch ‘em all o/~

The cries of her family members and friends were tuned out as Anne only thought of one thing.

CROW: Do these jeans make me look fat?

MIKE: Look it’s Tom Cruise.

She stood up and followed the soldier out of her room, down the stairs, and into the back of a truck.

MIKE: Lady, I’m just the milkman, get out of my truck.

“So this is it.” She said quietly to herself. “I’ll never see him, my one true love,

MIKE: Is she talking about Goku?

SERVO: She saw him for a whole lot of thirty seconds, and now he’s her one true love? Man that’s worse than reality tv.

ever again. And all those years of hiding… they were for naught.” Then, Anne realized that she left her precious diary up in her room.

CROW: Yeah, after a hundred and twenty pages of “Dear diary, today I stared at the wall and wrote in you”, she forgets it when the interesting stuff begins.

[Mike gives him a look]

CROW: Sad, awful… but interesting.

She broke loose from the officer, and made a dash back into the shop, when he removed a gun from his holster and fired a shot in her direction. Anne fell to the floor.

CROW: I regret nothing!

Anne lay on the floor, feeling searing pain run through her leg, where the bullet had met its mark.

MIKE: That bullseye tattoo was a really bad idea in retrospect.

SERVO: Should’ve gone with the more popular “Do not shot here”.

The Gestapo officer menacingly moved towards her, grinning, when all of a sudden there was a blinding flash of light, causing the officer to shield his eyes.

MIKE: Man, was there asbestos in that house? They’re all coming down with severe cases of the crazy.

A huge cloud of smoke appeared next to Anne, blocking her from the soldier’s vision. When the smoke cleared, he was in for quite a surprise.

CROW: Koffing!

MIKE: Smoke? If it turns out to be mist, and we’re adding Silent Hill to the crossover mix, I swear…

There was Goku, holding Anne in his arms, standing next to a huge metal capsule. “Goku!” cried Anne “You came back… for me!”

SERVO: That Anne Frank sure is self-involved.

CROW: Goku, let’s go back to my room and make out.

MIKE: But Anne, shouldn’t we help the rest of your family and friends?

CROW: I have mentioned them once in this entire fic, do you think I care about them?

Goku smiled. “Anything for you, my dear.” He said. “Our love will never be lost… not until the end of time.”

MIKE: What love? They met a month ago for two minutes!

SERVO: So are we to understand that Goku went back home, divorced his wife, and then came back specifically for Anne Frank?

MIKE: That is… totally believable.

CROW: Mike, are you peeling off the skin of your hand?

MIKE: it hurts less than the fanfic world. It hurts less than the fanfic world.

The Gestapo officer turned tail and ran, but Goku was too quick for him. After laying Anne on the concrete,

SERVO: It’s ok Goku, you can have your little fight, I still have 2 or 3 pints of blood left…

he dashed towards the Nazi and knocked him to the ground, unconscious, with only one blow. “Nazi scum.” Muttered Goku as he spit on his enemy’s limp body, then returned to Anne.

MIKE: Wow, love can really change a man, it turned Goku from a sweet, if somewhat naïve and idealistic man who would never use his powers to hurt the weak into a cocky bastard.

SERVO: I’m starting to believe this is a Nazi propaganda fic.

“Here, I have something for you.” Goku said,

MIKE: It better be jewelry.

as he removed a small bean from his pocket. “What on earth is this?” asked Anne. Goku smiled, remember how ignorant she was to what was everyday life to him.

SERVO: Being from an alternate universe does that to you.

“A senzu bean.” He said. “Just eat it, and it will cure your leg.” Anne followed his instructions and popped the bean into her mouth,

MIKE: Come on Anne, all the cool kids are doing it.

as the wound on her calve magically healed. “Now come on.” Commanded Goku. “We’ve got some Nazi ass to kick.”

CROW: This summer blockbuster, starring Silverstone Stallone as Goku.

Anne jumped on the mysterious Saiyan’s back, as he launched off into the sky.

MIKE: Wouldn’t it be safer for Anne to stay here than bringing her into the middle of a battlefield?

After only a few moments, the two of them arrived in Berlin. Tanks were parading down the street, as Adolf Hitler himself stood on a platform overlooking it all.

MIKE: Why are the cheerleaders always in front? I want to be in front!

CROW: I wonder if people will think I’m gay if I wave like the queen.

“Stay here.” Goku said, dropping Anne in a shaded area under a tree.

MIKE: A single tree? That’ll make her invisible.

CROW: At least it’s nice and cool under the shade.

He then flew straight towards the parade of tanks, fist outstretched, screaming as loud as he could.

SERVO: And then remember he had to be discreet to make sure history remained unaltered, oh well.

The soldiers below scattered in terror,

MIKE: If only the French knew how easy it was to scare the germans away.

while the tanks tried to aim their cannons at him. He was too quick and nimble for them, however, and opened the hatch of a nearby Panzer, then headed inside.

MIKE: Nevermind that he could blast them all away in a second, he sure likes a show.

CROW: Nothing like tearing your enemies to pieces with your bare hands.

After dispatching of the soldiers in control of the war machine, he took the wheel.

CROW: Man and their toys.

SERVO: Wow, that has got to be the most useless decision. Ever.

He fired round after round into the crowds of Nazi soldiers, occasionally firing at the other tanks.

SERVO: Because, you know, just disabling the leader and rendering the weapons useless while not making any victim would be too much in character.

CROW: Yeah, in character, who wants that?

After only minutes, there was nothing but a cloud of dust and corpses.

SERVO: I think someone is solving issues through Goku.

CROW: And that is why these should be PERSONAL fantasies.

Goku emerged from the tank’s hatch, smiling now that he had done his duty.

CROW: hehe, killing people is funny.

When all of the dust cleared, there were only two people remaining on the parade ground:

MIKE: Anne had died at the beginning as collateral damage.

Goku, the Saiyan hero,

MIKE: Who probably just rewrote history by creating the german genocide.

CROW: Does that mean we’ll have tip toe around the germans instead of the jews now?

and Adolf Hitler, the most evil man ever to walk the earth.

MIKE: What about Dr. Gero?

CROW: Or Nappa, or Raditz, or Vegeta?

SERVO: Or, really, anyone who Goku fights every third manga?

Anne watched from nearby fearfully as she saw the two men stare at each other for what seemed like hours.

CROW: It’s a staring contest.

MIKE: Musn’t… laugh…

Her one true love,

MIKE: Whom she now knows for two full hours!

and her ultimate oppressor. It had come down to this. “So,” Hitler said jovially

MIKE: So… gay?

“You took out all of my men. However, you aren’t going to defeat me.”

MIKE: He’s very upbeat even though his whole army was decimated.

CROW: Didn’t he commit suicide in a similar situation?

Hitler then jumped down from his platform and down onto the street in front of Goku, pulling a chain gun from the ground nearby. Goku quickly jumped behind a ruined tank, as Adolf opened fire.

MIKE: Where exactly in the DBZ continuity does this fit? I’m sure Goku wouldn’t be vulnerable to bullets ever since his childhood.

The tank made decent cover, but it wasn’t long until it would be torn apart by the hail of bullets.

MIKE: I know I should be surprised by the blatant disregard of, let’s see, physical laws, but… this is really just a minor offence at this point.

CROW: This is like a student production of some really bad movie.

Goku had to act. He dashed out from the side of the tank, and flew as fast as he could toward Hitler, who had no time to react.

MIKE: Should I make my surprised face or my angry face or oh damn he’s already here!

He grabbed the chain gun out of his enemy’s hands, and snapped it over his knee with ease.

CROW: But he somehow couldn’t think of doing that with Hitler’s neck.

Hitler stumbled backwards, shocked at the turn of events.

CROW: How could the man who single-handedly destroyed my entire army beat me?

MIKE: It’s madness! Madness I tell you!

Goku smirked, then said “It’s come down to this. You and me. Fighting like men.

MIKE: Or, fighting like an overpowered alien being and a man.

If you admit defeat now, I’ll kill you rather painlessly.”

MIKE: Well, at least he finally learned his lesson about letting his opponent live.

CROW: It’s for the best, I’d hate to see Hitler join the team in the next season of Dragonball and hooking up with, I dunno...

SERVO: Chichi? She’s free now…

CROW: Yeah, with Chichi, and then they’d have half-human, half-german babies.

MIKE: There are so many things wrong with that sentence.

Goku had the definite advantage. Or so it seemed. Hitler burst into a laugh, as Goku looked on quizzically.

MIKE: Sorry, Goku, I just thought of something really funny that happened this morning, but you had to be there.

The mustachioed man slowly rose into the air, as his brown hair and pencil moustache turned a blonde color, and his brown eyes turned blue.


[Servo’s dome actually explodes at this point]

SERVO: Error. Does not compute. Does not compute.

CROW: I wish my head could do that.

MIKE: …Hitler.. is a super saiyan?! That’s wrong in like eight different ways!

CROW: At least we have the answer to a long-time unanswered question. When Saiyans transform, the carpet does match the drapes.

Goku reeled in horror.

MIKE: Welcome to the club.

Hitler continued laughing, then finally said “Goku! You came here expecting to find a madman, but instead, you found a GOD!” Hitler had become a Super Saiyan.

CROW: Can’t we compromise? I’d say he’s more of a mad god.

MIKE: Seriously, the author never read any of the notices that read “Do not inhale”, right?

SERVO: Error… error…

[Tzigane crawls into Cambot’s range, carrying a new Servo head in her mouth. She manages to unscrew the old one and plug in the new one with relative ease].

CROW: That was strangely arousing.

Anne looked on in awe, not sure what was going on.

MIKE: Welcome to the friggin’ club!

At first, it seemed like her lover would win the battle, but now she was not so sure. Goku now seemed scared of his opponent, and it was for a good reason. Hitler continued to speak

MIKE: If Hitler says “I’m your father, Goku” I swear I’m leaving. I don’t care if it’s -12 Kelvin outside, I’m walking back to earth.

SERVO: If he does say that, don’t repair me after I explode.

“Goku, can’t you see? I’ve reached a power level 10 TIMES anything you’ve ever achieved!

Mike & The Bots: His power level is over 9000! HAAA!

Your fate is sealed, weakling.”

MIKE: Why did he needed an army to conquer Europe, then?

CROW: Because he liked the company of young, strapping men. Keep up, Mike.

Even though the battle seemed unwinnable, Goku charged in, screaming at the top of his lungs. Every blow he struck with was deflected off of Hitler’s rock hard body.

CROW I knew this was a slash fic! They’re gonna start making out any second.

[Servo’s head starts to fume again].

Hitler waited for Goku to tire himself out, then raised his fist and punched Goku. And one punch was enough.

MIKE: I’m going back in my time machine and going home.

Goku was knocked across the street into a large propaganda poster of Hitler, thudding to the cold, hard ground. Hitler laughed, thinking that victory was in his hands at last.

CROW: Hitler obviously never watched Dragonball Z.

MIKE: If the frieza arc is anything to go by, there should still be about five hundred pages of this.

Goku, however, was not ready to give up. Bruised and battered, he rose from the ground, limping in Hitler’s direction.

MIKE: If that’s from a single punch, I’m going to go on a wild bet and say he’s screwed.

CROW: It’s ok, I’m just waiting for Anne Frank to hulk out.

The Nazi leader laughed. “You still want to fight? Don’t you know when to give up, boy? You can hardly walk. And you expect to beat ME? Conqueror of Europe?”

MIKE: After you’ve defeated conqueror of worlds, that phrase simply doesn’t have that much impact.

CROW: I don’t understand why someone with Hitler’s power level would settle for just Europe?

Goku ignored Adolf’s taunts as he continued to stumble his way forward. Finally, the two archrivals

MIKE: Archrivals? Hitler’s more like a monster of the week.

CROW: Unless they make him into a recrurring character.

were standing face to face. Goku stared Hitler into the eye, then screamed “This… is

Mike & The Bots: SPARTA!

for LOVE!”

MIKE: For love? Great, is Sailor Moon joining in this too now?

and flew up into the sky, his hair turning blonde, his eyes blue, and an aura of power radiating from him. Hitler looked on in horror at Goku.

SERVO: They have two emotions: cocky and horror, nothing else.

CROW: That’s gonna be one fun marriage.

He had made the ultimate achievement.

CROW: A B+ on the midterm math test!

He had become a Super Ultra Power Saiyan

[Sparks fly out of Servo’s dome]

. Goku made a cup shape with his hands, aiming at Hitler, as he belted out the words “Kame… Hame… HAAAAA!”

MIKE: Bless you. Need a tissue?

as a beam of pure energy shot at his enemy, disintegrating the Nazi leader’s body.

CROW: Now why didn’t he do that from the start?

Goku then collapsed to the ground in a heap, exhausted from the fight.

CROW: Goku then woke up to realise this was just an awful, awful nightmare.

MIKE: No more chocolate before naptime.

Anne and Goku had finally reached the date of their wedding. After the battle, Anne and Goku destroyed the time machine and took a boat to Australia.

CROW: After defeating a super powered Hitler, what else can you do but settle in in 1940’s down under with a girl you barely know.

They changed their names and lived new lives, ready to start over.

MIKE: Ok, now that just seems totally pointless. NO ONE would be looking for them since all the germans are dead and no one knows about what happened.

CROW: Except maybe Goku’s friends and family, to give him a much needed wake up call.

The two young people looked into each others eyes as they kissed, as the reverend pronounced them man and wife.

MIKE: Back in my days, they wouldn’t let a cartoon and a real person marry.

CROW: Oh, NOW you bring that up?

Finally, it seemed, Anne was at peace. And they would always be together, until the end of time.

MIKE: I wish that this last sentence would back up my theory that Anne died when she was shot, and that this entire adventure was nothing more than a dying girl’s dream, but, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, it seems unlikely.

[The tv resumes its broadcast of world’s greatest snow storms. Oh, wait, it’s just static].

[A little while later, Mike comes back from the bathroom and finds Crow and Tom dressed respectively as Abraham Lincoln and Cloud Strife].

MIKE: What are you guys doing now?

CROW: Hey Mike, we’re thinking up impossible crossovers like the one in today’s fanfic. Right now we’re reenacting a scene from my screenplay: Lincoln and Final Fantasy VII: A love story featuring Micheal Moore as Megatron from transformers.

MIKE: That… seems to make a lot of sense.

SERVO: Do you want to be Micheal Moore, Mike? You may have to put on a few pounds, but…

MIKE: No, I’m good.

[Tzigane suddenly pops out from behind the sofa, with a hat representing a blue telephone box].

TZIGANE: Woosh! Woosh! Do not fear mister president, The Doctor and companion Tzigane are coming to save you!

CROW: Tzigane! What are you doing, that’s not in the script at all!

TZIGANE: I’m just trying to add some sexy to your play, Crow.

MIKE: …Ok, I’m going to go and take a shower and let the crazy die down…

[Mike leaves the room].

CROW: Ok, Cambot, bring me back some more jucy pictures. If I sell enough of them over the internet, I’ll be able to afford that new platinum finish.

[Cambot follows Mike in the bathroom, unnoticed. However, just as gets to the good bits, the screen reads: “CAMBOT BATTERY LOW”.]

-End of Episode 2-
That was awesome!!! haha!

But ... The story went on ... There was a ... SECOND PAGE ...



(hint: Hitler is a Super Saiyan and ChiChi has mysteriously disintegrated off the face of the planet and somehow Australia has no problem in marrying off a 13 year old girl who speaks only Austrian, to a man in his upper twenties who speaks only Japanese.)
Oh god, yeah, that one. :3 I've been linking people to that Goku/Anne Frank fanfic for years; think I threw it up here somewhere too. It's completely amazing. I love it. Especially the part where Hitler goes Super Saiyan.
Um, it's not really appropriate to post SOMEONE ELSE'S story inside a person's thread about the thing THEY wrote. Doctor wasn't really asking for people to try to show him up or something (his is better anyway).
This isn't a general discussion thread about MSTing; it's about Doctor's specifically. Not going to beat a dead horse, but while this is Literary Analysis; please refrain from posting entirely new pieces of writing in other kiddos threads.

@Doctor these are awesome; and I hadn't heard about MSTing before, so this is cool and new to me.

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