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MS Tyke


****Please make a separate thread for your own character works guys****
Template wip-
Strong man.

Morbidly obese.

(Still needs work)

Character W.i.p-
Gold Soldier remake.








Half breeds-


Ready for your VX masterpiece!
http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/ww13 ... eet-VX.png
http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/ww13 ... t02-VX.png
Simple shadows-
http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/ww13 ... Shadow.png
http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/ww13 ... Shadow.png
http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/ww13 ... Shadow.png

Character grid-

Bigger character grid-
-Will upload again soon-

Extra heads-
-Coming soon-

Gold Soldier
Hello again folks, as you can see i'm back on the mouse ^^
I actually began working on this template and tileset (will make separate thread for tiles) a couple of weeks ago in some other cool RM forums, but waited until i had enough material to show my face here again ;)

On what you see
I will not be adding anymore mouth and nose heads as those are so easy anyone can do it once they've seen it on the other faces, shadows will also be added to the "other" section soon.

Well that's enough of that, enjoy if you like it ^^
Thanks bud ^^, what's the team do? You guys making a game or are you about graphics?
Right now i'm all about the template, characters and tileset so i might not have time to work on anything else much.
Wow man xD you are the template designer, who I always have to try something on there newest release. Mind you they are never anygood(I can't pick colors...) but I like to try =D now back to trying..
I didn't know you posted this here too, Musical! :heart:

As I've been obsessively saying in your other threads, fantastic job! I love that someone is trying to recreate the Snes feel. :heart: :cute: :biggrin:
Been coming here for a looong time.. on and off XD, thanks.
I'm going to be making a few changes to the template which you folks might like better.
This is just a -heads- up because i will start replacing the older look soon, save those in case you don't like this new one (doubt you will though ^^).

Yeah i'm back at it again, but doing a bit of temp work for now :D

I will also be editing the complete characters to fit this slight edit.
And the heads with mouth and noses are a little useless so i will be getting rid of those too, it's just some easy pixel additions that anyone can do, so no need for copy paste you know?



Wow, these are stellar! Right-click, saving so they don't disappear on me like some of your other (excellent) templates. :haha:
Thanks Rin ^^
Unless some of you guys are really into big heads you should like this change.

The main changes were made to the original male and female heads as you guys will see, the rest of the characters remain the same for the most part, i did make edits to small areas for all though.
The child eyes are longer, it was a bad idea to take off those pixels before, the big ears (frontal/back problem) are also gone.

The other changes may be unnoticeable, like the small side frame pixel changes to the jaws for example.
I've also created an extra color for the scalp this time instead of using template shades, this works better for both skin shades.

Anyway the templates look better as a whole now, the obese body types look better because of the change too.
I will also be working on a new shadow add on for the temps as well as a better temp head sheet for copy paste.

Complete characters will be edited also.
VX sheet is up and waiting.
Simple shadows added, use mspaint to make background transparent before pasting.
A remake of the Gold Soldier is up, i know i'm working at a very slow pace on these characters but i want the best look for them ^^
Colors for (new) Gold Soldier added to top.
Thanks Magitek, when i continue i will edit his legs a bit more too, add a bit more fat in there.
XD it does look pretty similar, love that anime art style too.
updated version of strongman frontal added to top post.
updated frontal and side frame for gold soldier added to top.

Thank you for viewing

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