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MS Custom Movement + New Mode 07 + Caterpillar Walking

I took your advice and aligned them by their head, after I finally got the grid aligned properly. Animates perfectly now.

If I set the IDLE part of the script to false, I can leave those frames blank, yes?

I also don't see an actual use of the head turning and sitting animations in the script, would I be able to leave those blank as well if I just want the 8-directional movement frames and nothing else?

EDIT: Nevermind, it misaligned the frame when I set standing to FALSE, but I still don't see where the head turning and sitting come in, so that question still stands.
Depending on the way the script handles the sprites (I'm not familiar with it, and I'm not in the mood to check), setting TOTAL_FRAMES to 8 should work if you just want the walking sprites, if you have idle set to false.

In case the script requires you to have those frames, you can leave them 100% transparent - if you save the sprite as PNG with alpha layer, yu won't get a single byte additionally - just like the graphic would be cut. Not exactly the clean solution, but yeah... a workaround for the time being? ^^
I actually just left them blank, I figured out that the head turning and sitting animations aren't used unless you call them in the event, so I figured I'll leave them blank in case I decide to add other animations for NPCs and such, I also went ahead and put the idle animations in.

I only got one sheet finished, was busy today, lot more to go, since I plan to actually use a job system, and I'll be putting a different sprite for each job, along with 4 characters that can all turn into every job, so that's... quite a lot of sprite sheets to do, not including NPCs.

I'm also trying to find a battle system that I could use RO sprites with, which would probably be Minkoff, but I can't find the darn script, it seems it's been removed from every link that I find.
You can set the total number of poses at the beginning of the script, this way, you don't need to have the additional sitting and looking poses, and your image files can be a tad smaller.
Ok. I've cut it down to 9 frames, it's working wonderfully.

Now, the only thing I can't seem to figure out, is how to make an event stand diagonally? I've tried the 8 frames that the character graphic selection will allow me to choose, they're just stepping frames in the 4 normal directions.
What you need is a little snippet that's already integrated in the script supplied, though... being this:
  def move_random

    case rand(8)

    when 0  # Move down


    when 1  # Move left


    when 2  # Move right


    when 3  # Move up


    when 4  # Move lower left


    when 5  # Move lower right


    when 6  # Move upper left


    when 7  # Move upper right



Make sure there's no second move_random method after this and before Main, so that this one doesn't get overwritten.
Luminescence":2rn2emcz said:
Ok. I've cut it down to 9 frames, it's working wonderfully.

Now, the only thing I can't seem to figure out, is how to make an event stand diagonally? I've tried the 8 frames that the character graphic selection will allow me to choose, they're just stepping frames in the 4 normal directions.

You know, I never actually thought about this before. Also, I'm not sure I understand what Blue Scope means.
BlueScope, I wasn't talking about how to make an event -walk- diagonally, it does that fine. I'm asking how to make an NPC, such as a shop keeper, that doesn't move from their location, stand in a diagonal facing position.
I suppose this could be possible with the turn_downright, turn_upright, turn_downleft and turn_upleft methods, although I have not tested this yet. You have to consider there is a boolean variable called turn_enabled, which needs to be enabled for a character to look into a particular direction. This should work alright.

EDIT: I've tested the methods and they work fine. What you want to do is, in the event movement command, go to script and type the following line(s).



Karjam":343tzq8r said:
Um, Hello? I do want the demo. :|:

This is not the proper way to ask for help. I've been busy studying because I study Medicine and don't have too much spare time. Please notice how you didn't actually use the words "please" or "if you would be so kind". If you post like an asshole, no one will help you, and you will think it's because they're elitist assholes, but it's really the other way around.

That being said, here's the new link.

There's a shadow script I was trying to implement as well but never got around it. Just erase it. I'd do it myself, but I no longer own RPG Maker XP. You'll also notice I made more sprites.

Before asking for help, if you need any, please thoroughly read the first post, and also give a quick read to the rest of the thread. If you still don't understand something, you're welcome to contact me, although, as I have stated, I no longer have RMXP.



Juan J. Sánchez":q47uaanf said:
This is not the proper way to ask for help. I've been busy studying because I study Medicine and don't have too much spare time. Please notice how you didn't actually use the words "please" or "if you would be so kind". If you post like an asshole, no one will help you, and you will think it's because they're elitist assholes, but it's really the other way around.

Sorry, forgot my manners. :blush:

I have asperger syndrome, which means I don't know (completely) how to socialize properly.

And thanks.

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