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Mr. Mo's RTAB summoning question...



Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I am not sure weather you would need a script, or if it can be done with events...

Anyway, here is the question,

I am useing Mr. Mo's RTAB, (the full one, where events can battle each other) and I was wondering if there was a way that while the hero is fighting, he can summon another creature to fight with him.

So if I was battling a Goblin, and I used a summon skill, and summoned a Wolf, that a wolf would appear beside me and start fighting the creature as well.

and the creatures life slowly goes down (like a timer, but when the HP is gone, the creature dies)

The creature can be killed, if they start attacking it.

Anyway, is this possible?
Again, I am not sure weather this can be done with events, or scripts, but I am sorry if this is in the wrong place.


You can use SephorothSpawn event spawner, and add a skill that calls a common event that will create (using this script) a new event around the player that will fight with the other ones. Never tried it before, but I think the main problem is becaus the creature will not move to other maps with you.

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