When i try to equip a gun and then i use it it doesnt use up the ammo i have in my items
instead it shows up as 0 ammo but when i check my items it says i have 99 ammo still
any help?
instead it shows up as 0 ammo but when i check my items it says i have 99 ammo still
any help?
# ** NeoABS Settings - www.unknowncoders.com
# Author Mr.Mo "Muhammet Sivri"
# Version 1.0
# Date 11/25/07 (m/d/y)
module UCoders
# * Constants
#=======================V 1.5=================================================
Allow_Combo_Display = true
#=======================V 1.0=================================================
Player_Animation = false # Animate the Player?
Enemy_Animation = false # Animate the Enemy?
Max_Actors = 4 # Max amount of actors allowed in party.
Attack_Key = Input::Letters["S"]
# The default Hotkeys that can be used on skills. However, you can set hotkeys
# for individual actors/characters in the game using code given in FAQ.
# YOU CAN ADD OR REMOVE more buttons, this example shows how you can add each
# kind of buttons. Letters are Input::Letters["A-Z"] and Numbers are Input::Numberkeys[0-9].
Skill_Keys = {Input::Numberkeys[1] => 0,
Input::Numberkeys[2] => 0,
Input::Numberkeys[3] => 0,
Input::Numberkeys[4] => 0
# You can use a skill key for item key as well, but I used some other buttons here.
Item_Keys = {Input::Letters["Q"] => 0,
Input::Letters["W"] => 0,
Input::Letters["E"] => 0
# Defend key.
DEFEND_KEY = Input::Letters["D"]
# Can the player defend?
# Defend Animation that will be played if the player animation is turned on.
# Defend Mash
# How much of the attack will be canceled out?
Defend_Demage_Percent = 50
#Ranged Skills
Range_Skills= {}
# RANGE_SKILLS[Skill_ID] = [Range, Move Speed, Character Set Name, Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles)]
Range_Skills[7] = [10, 4, "Magic Balls", 3, 1]
Range_Skills[10] = [10, 4, "Magic Balls", 3, 1]
Range_Skills[33] = [10, 4, "Magic Balls", 3, 1]
Range_Skills[15] = [10, 4, "", 3, 1]
Range_Skills[81] = [15, 6, "Ammo", 3, 1]
#Ranged Weapons
Range_Weapons = {}
# Range_Weapons[Weapon_ID] =
#[Character Set Name, Move Speed, Animation, Ammo, Range, Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles),Animation Suffix,Number of Animtions of the suffix]
# Leave kickback 0 if you don't want kick back effect.
Range_Weapons[17] = ["Arrow", 6, 4, 33, 15, 3, 0, "_bow"]
Range_Weapons[18] = ["Arrow", 6, 4, 33, 15, 4, 0]
Range_Weapons[22] = ["Ammo", 6, 4, 33, 15, 3, 0, "_gun"]
Range_Weapons[33] = ["Ammo", 10, 12, 34, 15, 3, 0]
Range_Weapons[34] = ["Ammo", 10, 12, 34, 15, 1, 1]
Range_Weapons[35] = ["Ammo", 10, 12, 34, 15, 5, 4]
#Ranged Explosives
Range_Explode = {}
# Range_Explode[Skill_ID] = [Range, Move Speed, Character Set Name, Explosive Range, Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles)]
Range_Explode[8] = [10, 6, "183-Rock02", 5, 3, 2]
# Since Melee weapons aren't listed I made this for customazation of melee weapons.
Melee_Custom = {}
# if left blank the default mash time will be MASH_TIME(below)
# No need to use the animation suffix if you don't plan to animate the player's character set.
# Melee_Custom[Weapon_ID] = [Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles), animation suffix, number of animation of the suffix]
Melee_Custom[1] = [2, 0, "_melee"]
Melee_Custom[2] = [10, 1, "_melee",2]
Melee_Custom[40] = [1]
# Since some skills won't be listed(i.e non-ranged) I made this for customazation of melee weapons.
Skill_Custom = {}
# if left blank the default mash time will be MASH_TIME(below)
# No need to use the animation suffix if you don't plan to animate the player's character set.
# Skill_Custom[Skill_ID] = [Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles), animation suffix, number of animation of the suffix]
Skill_Custom[1] = [3, 0]
Skill_Custom[7] = [3, 0]
Skill_Custom[8] = [3, 0, "_cast",2]
Can_Hurt_Ally = true # If you have an ally, can you hurt it ?
Death_State_ID = 1 # The DEAD(Knockout) state Id
Revive = true # Try and revive the actor that died?
Next_Leader = true # When the leader dies, choose next one in party?
Animation_Divide = 2 # Divide Animations by [number]
Default_Mash = 10 # 10 frames(1 sec)
DAMAGE_FONT_NAME = "Arial Black"
# To change the color you need to adjust the numbers below.
# The numbers reperesnt 3 colors, red, greend and blue. All you have to do is
# just change the numbers.
# Color.new(RED,GREEN,BLUE)
DAMAGE_FONT_COLOR = Color.new(0,0,0)
Wall_Tag = 1 # The Terrain Tag that makes the tile a WALL.
Pass_Tag = 2 # The Terrain tag that makes impassable tiles
# passable for bows/guns and skills.
Dash_Key = Input::Letters["A"] # The Dash button
Sneak_Key = Input::Letters["Z"] # The Sneak button
Allow_Dash = true # Allow Dash
Allow_Sneak = true # Allow Sneak
Dash_Speed = 5 # Dash Speed
Dash_Length = 20 # The amount of time the player can dash in seconds
Sneak_Speed = 2 # Sneak Speed
Sneak_Length = 20 # The amount of time the player can Sneak in seconds
Dash_Animation_Show = false # Show Dashing Animation? Changes "characterset_name" to 'charaterset_name_dashing'
Sneak_Animation_Show = false # Show Sneaking Animation? Changes "characterset_name" to 'charaterset_name_sneaking'
# Assign the ID of states to each variable. Each effect is described. You can
# add more then one id to each to get the effect you want.
STUN_EFFECT = [2] # No movement/atk/skill, and can't use items.
DAZZLE_EFFECT = [4] # Makes the screen bright.
MUTE_EFFECT = [5] # Can't use skill.
CONFUSE_EFFECT = [6] # Controls randomly don't work.
SLEEP_EFFECT = [7] # Can't move until you get hit.
PARALAYZE_EFFECT = [8] # Move slowly, cant attack || use skills.
CLUMSY_EFFECT = [9,10] # Can't run || sneak.
DELAY_EFFECT = [11] # Walk slow, can't run.
BLIND_EFFECT = [17] # Make screen darker.
SPEED_UP = [18] # Can run without depleting the bar.
LIGHT_FEET =[19] # Can sneak without depleting the bar.
States = {}
# States[STATE_ID] = [DURATION in FRAMES, 0]
# if Duration is 0 the state will stay there until healed(item, skill).
# 10 frames = 1 sec
States[1] = 0 #Until Healed
States[2] = 200 #20 seconds
States[3] = 200 #20 seconds
States[4] = 200 #20 seconds
States[5] = 200 #20 seconds
States[6] = 200 #20 seconds
States[7] = 200 #20 seconds
States[8] = 200 #20 seconds
States[9] = 200 #20 seconds
States[10] = 200 #20 seconds
States[17] = 0 #Until Healed
States[18] = 200 #20 seconds
States[19] = 200 #20 seconds
# Display Level UP?
DisplayLevelUp = true
# Level Up Music, leave "" if no music
LevelUpMusic = ""
# Item Drop Display, if true, display.
ITEM_DROP = true
# After the Item is dropped, how long(in frames 1/10th of a second) should the
# item stay there?
Item_Duration_Time = 300 # 30 sec.
# Items Weapons Armors and Gold Display
# This is the default item display. If there is no character_set set for specific
# item and Item_Drop is true, then this character set will be used.
# Gold Display
GOLD_DISPLAY = 'Gold_Display'
# Items
# Item ID = 'Character_Set Name'
ITEMS_DISPLAY[1] = 'Item_Display'
ITEMS_DISPLAY[2] = 'Item_Display'
# Weapons
# Item ID = 'Character_Set Name'
WEAPONS_DISPLAY[1] = 'Item_Display'
WEAPONS_DISPLAY[2] = 'Item_Display'
# Armor
# Item ID = 'Character_Set Name'
ARMORS_DISPLAY[1] = 'Item_Display'
ARMORS_DISPLAY[2] = 'Item_Display'
# Hot Key Say
HotkeySay = "Assigned to key!"