I don't think what you need is a pathfinding script... these are meant to figure out fast ways through mazes, around corners or choose the faster of two or more routes - in other words, none of which you need to move a battler to another. Instead, all you want to do is move your sprites, using @sprite.x and @sprite.y; now for movement, move it a certain amount of pixels each frame (in other words, each time update is called). That could for example look like this:
[rgss]class Scene_Battle
def update
if @sprite.x > 200 # assuming 200 is the default x value for the battler
@sprite.x += @attacking ? 1 : -1 # moves the sprite to the right if attacking and to the left if retreating
elsif @sprite.x >= 400 and @attacking # assuming 400 is the maximum x value, as in the position you'll actually execute your attack animation...
# ...which is why your attack animation code goes here, and if done, set @attacking to false
elsif @sprite.x < 200
@sprite.x = 200 # set the sprite's x value to 200 in case you messed up somewhere
Now this is just a very rough example of how you could do it... of course you need to wrap it up and make it shiney on your own. If you need further help, or if I was completely off with my explanation and you knew all that, feel free to tell me/us :p
Off-topic, I like how your system is both turn-based AND active time... you should mix some RTS and beat'em up in there if possible :p </sarcasm>