I didn't find anything with the search-function, so I decided to ask
in a new Thread
At the Moment I'm scripting a Zelda-like ABS and now I got a big
problem, when you hit an enemy in Zelda(2d) he is pushed back and
I want to do this, too. But I couldn't figure out, how to use the
Eventmovefunction in my script. When I usw p at @parameters[1] in
the Interpreter I get this string:
I know that RPG::Move**** is the Module and the Included class to
make the Event move, 13 is the code, that gives the command to
move one step back and the rest should be obvious according to the name.
But still I don't know how to use it, cause when I set a variable equal to this
I just get Errors, when I'm trying to use it.
The last Hope I got is to ask you guys for a solution
I didn't find anything with the search-function, so I decided to ask
in a new Thread
At the Moment I'm scripting a Zelda-like ABS and now I got a big
problem, when you hit an enemy in Zelda(2d) he is pushed back and
I want to do this, too. But I couldn't figure out, how to use the
Eventmovefunction in my script. When I usw p at @parameters[1] in
the Interpreter I get this string:
#<RPG__MoveRoute:0x12cb628 @list=[#<RPG::MoveCommand:0x12cb340 @parameters=[], @code=13>, #<RPG::MoveCommand:0x12cb220 @parameters=[], @code=0], @skippable=true, @repeat=false>
I know that RPG::Move**** is the Module and the Included class to
make the Event move, 13 is the code, that gives the command to
move one step back and the rest should be obvious according to the name.
But still I don't know how to use it, cause when I set a variable equal to this
I just get Errors, when I'm trying to use it.
The last Hope I got is to ask you guys for a solution