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Mouse Input Module 3.00 [XP/VX/VXA]

Mouse Input Module
Author: Glitchfinder
Version: 3.00



  • Glitchfinder's Mouse Input Module is an advanced scripting tool that provides full scripted access to to check various attributes of the mouse, from location to the key status. It is useful in the sense that it will not break the default Input module, and because it allows you to use the mouse, which you cannot do with default RMXP. It is more accurate than AWorks, which has several logical errors in its mouse related programming. It also does not need to be updated, aside from the default call to Input.update that is used in most cases. Finally, it does not break default scripts or events that use key input.

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  • Check the mouse location
  • Check the mouse buttons
  • Can check more than one button at a time
  • Allows you to check to see if a button has been released
  • Includes double clicking support
  • Includes dragging support
  • Allows you to hide the mouse
  • Allows you to move the mouse
  • Doesn't break the default Input module
  • Does not break events or scripts that call the default Input module
  • Automatically updated by the required Key Input Module
  • Doesn't use a .dll file
  • Doesn't crash on F12
  • Has the unique Anykey and Anybutton functions (not found in any other script)
  • Can check a key's toggle state. (Not found in any other script)

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  • Since this script has no visual elements, a screenshot cannot be taken.

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  • Code:
    # ** Glitchfinder's Mouse Input Module
    #    Version 3.00
    #  [RPG Maker XP] [RPG Maker VX] [RPG Maker VX Ace]
    #  This script helps scripters to use the mouse, without being limited by the
    #  default Input Module.
    # * Version History
    #   Version 1.00 ------------------------------------------------- (2010-03-18)
    #     - Initial version
    #     - Author: Glitchfinder
    #    Version 1.10 ------------------------------------------------ (2010-06-02)
    #      - Methods renamed for efficiency
    #      - Modified to be updated by the Key module instead of the Input module
    #      - Author: Glitchfinder
    #   Version 2.10 ------------------------------------------------- (2011-03-17)
    #     - Added the Mouse.toggle?() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.array_press? method
    #     - Added the Mouse.array_trigger? method
    #     - Added the Mouse.array_repeat? method
    #     - Added the Mouse.array_release? method
    #     - Added the Mouse.array_toggle? method
    #     - Added the Mouse.real_pos() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.relative_pos() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.tile_pos() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.real_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.real_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.relative_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.relative_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.tile_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.tile_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.hide_cursor() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.show_cursor() method
    #     - Added the ANYKEY constant
    #     - Added the ANYBUTTON constant
    #     - Corrected calculations for x() method
    #     - Corrected calculations for y() method
    #     - Author: Glitchfinder
    #   Version 3.00 ------------------------------------------------- (2014-03-02)
    #     - Added the Mouse.double_click?() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.last_click_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.last_click_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_real_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_real_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_relative_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_relative_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_pos() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_real_pos() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.set_relative_pos() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.x_to_real() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.y_to_real() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.x_to_relative() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.y_to_relative() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.real_x_to_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.real_y_to_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.real_x_to_relative() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.real_y_to_relative() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.relative_x_to_x() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.relative_y_to_y() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.relative_x_to_real() method
    #     - Added the Mouse.relative_y_to_real() method
    #     - Updated the Mouse.dragging?() method
    #     - Updated the Mouse.drag_rect() method
    #     - Updated the Mouse.drag_coor() method
    #     - Fixed the Mouse.hide_cursor() method
    #     - Fixed the Mouse.show_cursor() method
    #     - Fixed the Mouse.in_screen() method
    #     - Fixed the calculations for screen location
    #     - Improved the Mouse.update() method
    #     - Author: Glitchfinder
    # * Instructions
    #  Place this script above Main, and below the default scripts. This script
    #  must also be placed below Glitchfinder's Key Input Module.
    #  This script requires Glitchfinder's Key Input Module. This can be found in
    #  a forum post at [url=http://www.arpgmaker.com/viewtopic.php?p=742465]viewtopic.php?p=742465[/url]
    #  This module is automatically updated by the required Keys module, which
    #  means that the only time you need to call the update method is in a scene
    #  that does not update the default Input module.
    #  This module does not break the functionality of the default Input module.
    #  To use this module, simply use one of the four methods (press?(key),
    #  trigger?(key), repeat?(key), or release?(key)), where key is the index of
    #  the key you want to check. Key may also be used as Mouse::KEYNAME. For a
    #  list of acceptable key names, look below the header.
    #  There is a key named ANYKEY. This can be used like any other key, with the
    #  exception that, instead of corresponding to any one key, it reacts to them
    #  all. If you use it, and any other key would cause the same method to return
    #  true, then the ANYKEY will also return true. This takes into account all
    #  keys on the keyboard, as well.
    #  There is a key named ANYBUTTON. This can be used like any other key, with
    #  the exception that, instead of corresponding to any one key, it reacts to
    #  them all. If you use it, and any other key would cause the same method to
    #  return true, then the ANYBUTTON will also return true. This only takes into
    #  account keys on the mouse.
    #  This script has several additional methods, details of which are in the
    #  method list below.
    # * Method List
    #  Mouse.update
    #    Updates mouse input. Calls to this method are not necessary unless the
    #    default Input module is not being updated.
    #  Mouse.press?(key)
    #    Determines whether the button determined by key is currently being
    #    pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true. If not, returns
    #    false.
    #  Mouse.trigger?(key)
    #    Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again.
    #    "Pressed again" is seen as time having passed between the button being not
    #    pressed and being pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true.
    #    If not, returns false.
    #  Mouse.repeat?(key)
    #    Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again.
    #    Unlike trigger?(), this takes into account the repeat input of a button
    #    being held down continuously. If the button is being pressed, returns
    #    true. If not, returns false.
    #  Mouse.release?(key)
    #    Determines whether the button determined by key has just been released. If
    #    the button has been released, returns true. If not, returns false.
    #  Mouse.toggle?(key)
    #    Determines whether the button determined by key has been toggled. This
    #    functions like Caps Lock, Number Lock, and Scroll Lock, only for all keys.
    #  Mouse.array_press?(keys)
    #    Functions in the same manner as Mouse.press?(), only it takes an array of
    #    keys as input.
    #  Mouse.array_trigger?(keys)
    #    Functions in the same manner as Mouse.trigger?(), only it takes an array
    #    of keys as input.
    #  Mouse.array_repeat?(keys)
    #    Functions in the same manner as Mouse.repeat?(), only it takes an array of
    #    keys as input.
    #  Mouse.array_release?(keys)
    #    Functions in the same manner as Mouse.release?(), only it takes an array
    #    of keys as input.
    #  Mouse.array_toggle?(keys)
    #    Functions in the same manner as Mouse.toggle?(), only it takes an array of
    #    keys as input.
    #  Mouse.in_screen?
    #    This method returns true if the mouse is over the game window, and false if
    #    not. (The function returns false if the mouse is currently over the window
    #    title or edge, instead of the client area)
    #  Mouse.pos
    #    This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the
    #    following format: [x, y]
    #  Mouse.real_pos
    #    This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the
    #    following format: [x, y] The position returned by this method is the exact
    #    position of the mouse on the monitor.
    #  Mouse.relative_pos
    #    This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the
    #    following format: [x, y] The position returned by this method is similar to
    #    the position returned by Mouse.pos, only it will return offscreen
    #    coordinates as well.
    #  Mouse.tile_pos
    #    This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the
    #    following format: [x, y] The position returned by this method will be the
    #    position of the map tile the mouse is currently hovering over.
    #  Mouse.x
    #    Returns the current mouse x position. If the mouse is to the left of the
    #    game screen, returns 0. If the mouse is to the right of the game window,
    #    returns the width of the window minus one.
    #  Mouse.y
    #    Returns the current mouse y position. If the mouse is above the game
    #    screen, returns 0. If the mouse is below the game window, returns the
    #    height of the window minus one.
    #  Mouse.real_x
    #    Returns the current x position of the mouse on the monitor.
    #  Mouse.real_y
    #    Returns the current y position of the mouse on the monitor.
    #  Mouse.relative_x
    #    Returns the current mouse x position. If the mouse is to the left of the
    #    game screen, returns negative values. If the mouse is to the right of the
    #    game window, returns values higher than the width of the game window.
    #  Mouse.relative_y
    #    Returns the current mouse y position. If the mouse is above the game
    #    screen, returns negative values. If the mouse is below the game window,
    #    returns values higher than the height of the game window.
    #  Mouse.tile_x
    #    Returns the x position of the map tile the mouse is currently hovering
    #    over. If the mouse is to the left of the game screen, returns 0. If the
    #    mouse is to the right of the game window, returns the x position of the
    #    tiles on the right edge of the screen.
    #  Mouse.tile_y
    #    Returns the y position of the map tile the mouse is currently hovering
    #    over. If the mouse is above the game screen, returns 0. If the mouse is
    #    below the game window, returns the y position of the tiles on the bottom
    #    edge of the screen.
    #  Mouse.dragging?
    #  Mouse.dragging?(button)
    #    Checks to see if the mouse is currently dragging. (The primary button is
    #    being held while the mouse moves across the screen) Returns true if the
    #    mouse is dragging, false if the mouse is not. If an argument is supplied,
    #    this will check the dragging status of the button in question. Otherwise,
    #    the check will supply the status of the primary mouse key.
    #  Mouse.drag_rect
    #  Mouse.drag_rect(button)
    #    Checks to see if the mouse is dragging, and returns the rect of the drag
    #    area. If the mouse is not currently dragging, returns an empty rect. If
    #    the mouse is dragging, returns a screen rect that covers the current drag
    #    area. If an argument is supplied, this will check the dragging status of
    #    the button in question. Otherwise, the check will supply the status of the
    #    primary mouse key.
    #  Mouse.drag_coor
    #  Mouse.drag_coor(button)
    #    Checks to see if the mouse is dragging, and returns the starting
    #    coordinates. If the mouse is not dragging, returns the current mouse
    #    position.  If an argument is supplied, this will check the dragging status
    #    of the button in question. Otherwise, the check will supply the status of
    #    the primary mouse key.The return data is in the following format: [x, y]
    #  Mouse.in_area?(Rect)
    #  Mouse.in_area?(x, y, width, height)
    #    Determines if the mouse is within the specified area. You can input either
    #    a rect or the x, y, width, and height of the area. If the mouse is
    #    currently within that area, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
    #  Mouse.hide_cursor
    #  Mouse.hide_cursor(reset_state)
    #    Hides the mouse cursor while it is over the game screen. No arguments are
    #    needed. If reset_state is false, the mouse state will not be changed and
    #    it will remain visible. Reset_state is set to true by default.
    #  Mouse.show_cursor
    #  Mouse.show_cursor(reset_state)
    #  Mouse.show_cursor(cursor_name)
    #  Mouse.show_cursor(reset_state, cursor_name)
    #  Mouse.show_cursor(cursor_name, reset_state)
    #    Shows the mouse cursor. No arguments are needed. If reset_state is false,
    #    the mouse state will not be changed and it will remain invisible.
    #    Reset_state is set to true by default. The cursor_name argument is the
    #    location of a bitmap to use as the cursor image. This defaults to
    #    "Graphics/Pictures/GF001-Cursor01" for the file location.
    #  Mouse.double_click?(button)
    #    Returns true if the specified button is pressed twice within a short time.
    #  Mouse.last_click_x(button)
    #  Mouse.last_click_y(button)
    #    Returns the coordinate of the last location at which the supplied mouse
    #    button was pressed.
    #  Mouse.set_x(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.set_y(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.set_real_x(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.set_real_y(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.set_relative_x(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.set_relative_y(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.set_pos(x, y)
    #  Mouse.set_real_pos(x, y)
    #  Mouse.set_relative_pos(x, y)
    #    Sets the mouse location. These functions follow the same coordinate rules
    #    as the equivalent checks listed above.
    #  Mouse.x_to_real(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.y_to_real(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.x_to_relative(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.y_to_relative(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.real_x_to_x(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.real_y_to_y(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.real_x_to_relative(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.real_y_to_relative(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.relative_x_to_x(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.relative_y_to_y(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.relative_x_to_real(coordinate)
    #  Mouse.relative_y_to_real(coordinate)
    #    Converts a coordinate from one system to another. These follow the same
    #    rules as the equivalent functions listed above.
    # *Glitchfinder's Advice
    #  This script is meant for people with a medium or advanced level of scripting
    #  knowledge and ability, or for those using scripts that require this module.
    # * License
    #  This script is licensed under the MIT License:
    #  Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Sean Porter (Glitchfinder) <glitchkey@gmail.com>
    #  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    #  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    #  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
    #  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
    #  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
    #  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
    #  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
    #  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    # ** Mouse
    #  This module performs mouse input processing
    module Mouse
      # * Declare Module Variables
      # Declare API calls
      @metrics       = Win32API.new('user32', 'GetSystemMetrics', 'i' , 'i')
      @getCursorPos  = Win32API.new('user32', 'GetCursorPos'    , 'p' , 'v')
      @getWindowRect = Win32API.new('user32', 'GetWindowRect'   , 'lp', 'v')
      @showCursor    = Win32API.new('user32', 'ShowCursor'      , 'i' , 'i')
      @setCursorPos  = Win32API.new('user32', 'SetCursorPos'    , 'ii', 'i')
      # Get window thread
      findWindowEx = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindowEx', 'llpp', 'i')
      @window      = findWindowEx.call(0, 0, "RGSS Player", 0) 
      # Set up double click
      @double_click         = Array.new(7, false)
      @double_click_counter = Array.new(7, 0)
      @double_click_frames  = 20
      @double_click_pixels  = 4
      # Set up drag
      @mouse_drag  = Array.new(7) {Array.new([false, 0, 0, 0, 0])}
      @drag_pixels = 4
      # Set up last click
      @last_click_x = Array.new(7, 0)
      @last_click_y = Array.new(7, 0)
      # Set mouse to visible
      @hidden           = false
      @visible_override = false
      @cursor           = nil
      # * Mouse Keys
      SWAPBUTTON = @metrics.call(23) == 0 ? false : true # Buttons Swapped
      LBUTTON    = 0x01 # Physical Left Button
      RBUTTON    = 0x02 # Physical Right Button
      MBUTTON    = 0x04 # Middle Mouse Button
      XBUTTON1   = 0x05 # X1 Mouse Button
      XBUTTON2   = 0x06 # X2 Mouse Button
      PRIMARY    = !SWAPBUTTON ? 0x01 : 0x02 # Primary Mouse Button
      SECONDARY  = !SWAPBUTTON ? 0x02 : 0x01 # Secondary Mouse Button
      # * Special Keys
      ANYKEY     = 0x100 # Any Key
      ANYBUTTON  = [0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]
      # * Frame Update
      def self.update
        # create blank rect
        rect = '0' * 16
        # Get window rect
        @getWindowRect.call(@window, rect)
        # Unpack rect data
        left, top, right, bottom = rect.unpack("LLLL")
        # Get window coordinates
        @window_x = left
        @window_y = top
        # Get window dimensions
        @window_width  = right  - left
        @window_height = bottom - top
        # If the game is not fullscreen
        if @window_width < @metrics.call(16) && @window_height < @metrics.call(17)
          # Adjust window coordinates
          @window_x += @metrics.call(5) + @metrics.call(45)
          @window_y += @metrics.call(6) + @metrics.call(46) + @metrics.call(4)
          # Adjust window width
          @window_width  -= (@metrics.call(5) + @metrics.call(45)) * 2
          # Adjust window height
          @window_height -= (@metrics.call(6) + @metrics.call(46)) * 2
          @window_height -= @metrics.call(4)
        # Set blank cursor position
        cursor_position = '0' * 8
        # Get cursor position
        # Unpack cursor position data
        @real_x, @real_y = cursor_position.unpack('LL')
        # Set cursor position relative to the window
        @mouse_x = [[@real_x - @window_x, 0].max, (@window_width  - 1)].min
        @mouse_y = [[@real_y - @window_y, 0].max, (@window_height - 1)].min
        # If the cursor is not over the window
        if (@mouse_x != (@real_x - @window_x) || @mouse_y != (@real_y - @window_y))
          # Set the mouse to off screen
          @in_screen = false
        # If the cursor is over the window
          # Set the mouse to on screen
          @in_screen = true
        # Clear double click flags
        @double_click = Array.new(6, false)
        # Iterate the mouse buttons
        for i in ANYBUTTON
          # Set up mouse deviance
          x_deviance = (@last_click_x[i] - @mouse_x).abs
          y_deviance = (@last_click_y[i] - @mouse_y).abs
          # Correct mouse deviance
          x_deviance *= -1 if x_deviance < 0
          y_deviance *= -1 if y_deviance < 0
          # If the button is triggered
          if Keys.trigger?(i)
            # Set allowed deviance
            deviance = @double_click_pixels
            # Get the double click counter
            counter = @double_click_counter[i]
            # If double click counter is active and deviance is within allowed range
            if (counter > 0 && x_deviance <= deviance && y_deviance <= deviance)
              # Set double click flag to true
              @double_click[i] = true
            # If double click counter is not running or the cursor is out of bounds
              # Reset double click counter
              @double_click_counter[i] = @double_click_frames
            # Set drag start coordinates
            @mouse_drag[i][1] = @mouse_x
            @mouse_drag[i][2] = @mouse_y
            # Set last click coordinates
            @last_click_x[i]  = @mouse_x
            @last_click_y[i]  = @mouse_y
          # If the button is pressed
          elsif Keys.press?(i)
            # If the mouse has moved beyond the required deviance
            if x_deviance >= @drag_pixels && y_deviance >= @drag_pixels
              # Set the mouse to dragging
              @mouse_drag[i][0] = true
            # If the mouse is dragging
            if @mouse_drag[i][0] == true
              # Set current dragging corrdinates
              @mouse_drag[i][3] = @mouse_x
              @mouse_drag[i][4] = @mouse_y
          # If the button is released
            # Reset drag data
            @mouse_drag[i][0] = false
            @mouse_drag[i][1] = 0
            @mouse_drag[i][2] = 0
            @mouse_drag[i][3] = 0
            @mouse_drag[i][4] = 0
          # If the double click counter is running
          if @double_click_counter[i] > 0
            # Cycle the double click counter down one frame
            @double_click_counter[i] -= 1
        # If the cursor is in the screen and it is set to hidden
        if @in_screen && @hidden
          # Hide the mouse cursor
        # If the cursor is not set to hidden or is not on screen
          # Set the mouse to visible
      # * Get Key Pressed State
      #     key : key index
      def self.press?(key)
        # Return key pressed state
        return Keys.press?(key)
      # * Get Key Triggered State
      #     key : key index
      def self.trigger?(key)
        # Return key triggered state
        return Keys.trigger?(key)
      # * Get Key Repeated State
      #     key : key index
      def self.repeat?(key)
        # Return key repeated state
        return Keys.repeat?(key)
      # * Get Key Released State
      #     key : key index
      def self.release?(key)
        # Return key released state
        return Keys.release?(key)
      # * Get Key Toggled State
      #     key : key index
      def self.toggle?(key)
        # Return key toggled state
        return Keys.toggle?(key)
      # * Get Key Pressed State (array)
      #     keys : array of key indices
      def self.array_press?(keys)
        # Return key pressed state
        return Keys.array_press?(keys)
      # * Get Key Triggered State (array)
      #     keys : array of key indices
      def self.array_trigger?(keys)
        # Return key triggered state
        return Keys.array_trigger?(keys)
      # * Get Key Repeated State (array)
      #     keys : array of key indices
      def self.array_repeat?(keys)
        # Return key repeated state
        return Keys.array_repeat?(keys)
      # * Get Key Released State (array)
      #     keys : array of key indices
      def self.array_release?(keys)
        # Return key released state
        return Keys.array_release?(keys)
      # * Get Key Toggled State (array)
      #     keys : array of key indices
      def self.array_toggle?(keys)
        # Return key toggled state
        return Keys.array_toggle?(keys)
      # * Is the Mouse on Screen?
      def self.in_screen?
        # Return mouse in screen flag
        return @in_screen
      # * Get Mouse Position
      def self.pos
        # Return mouse position array
        return [@mouse_x, @mouse_y]
      # * Get Real Mouse Position
      def self.real_pos
        # Return real mouse position array
        return [@real_x, @real_y]
      # * Get Relative Mouse Position
      def self.relative_pos
        # Return relative mouse position array
        return [relative_x, relative_y]
      # * Get Mouse Tile Position
      def self.tile_pos
        # Return mouse tile position array
        return [tile_x, tile_y]
      # * Get Mouse X Position
      def self.x
        # Return mouse x position
        return @mouse_x
      # * Get Mouse Y Position
      def self.y
        # Return mouse y position
        return @mouse_y
      # * Get Real Mouse X Position
      def self.real_x
        # Return real mouse x position
        return @real_x
      # * Get Real Mouse Y Position
      def self.real_y
        # Return real mouse y position
        return @real_y
      # * Get Relative Mouse X Position
      def self.relative_x
        # Return mouse x position
        return (@real_x - @window_x)
      # * Get Relative Mouse Y Position
      def self.relative_y
        # Return mouse y position
        return (@real_y - @window_y)
      # * Get Mouse Tile X Position
      def self.tile_x
        # Return mouse x tile position
        return (@mouse_x / 32).to_i
      # * Get Mouse Tile Y Position
      def self.tile_y
        # Return mouse y tile position
        return (@mouse_y / 32).to_i
      # * Get Mouse Dragging Boolean
      #     args : the mouse button to check
      def self.dragging?(*args)
        # Get the button
        if args.is_a?(NilClass) || args[0].is_a?(NilClass)
          button = PRIMARY
          button = args[0]
        # Validate button
        return false if (!(button.to_i.is_a?(Integer)) || button < 1 || button > 6)
        # Return mouse dragging flag
        return @mouse_drag[button][0]
      # * Get Mouse Drag Rect
      #     args : the mouse button to check
      def self.drag_rect(*args)
        # Get the button
        if args.is_a?(NilClass) || args[0].is_a?(NilClass)
          button = PRIMARY
          button = args[0]
        # Validate button
        if (!(button.to_i.is_a?(Integer)) || button < 1 || button > 6)
          return Rect.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
        # Return blank rect if the mouse is not dragging
        return Rect.new(0, 0, 0, 0) if !@mouse_drag[i][0]
        # Get drag rect coordinates
        x = @mouse_drag[i][1]
        y = @mouse_drag[i][2]
        # Correct drag rect coordinates
        x = @mouse_drag[i][3] if x > @mouse_drag[i][3]
        y = @mouse_drag[i][4] if y > @mouse_drag[i][4]
        # Get drag rect dimensions
        width  = @mouse_drag[i][1]
        height = @mouse_drag[i][2]
        # Correct drag rect dimensions
        width  = @mouse_drag[i][3] if x == width
        height = @mouse_drag[i][4] if y == height
        width  -= x
        height -= y
        # Return drag rect
        return Rect.new(x, y, width, height)
      # * Get Mouse Drag Coordinates
      #     args : the mouse button to check
      def self.drag_coor(*args)
        # Get the button
        if args.is_a?(NilClass) || args[0].is_a?(NilClass)
          button = PRIMARY
          button = args[0]
        # Validate button
        if (!(button.to_i.is_a?(Integer)) || button < 1 || button > 6)
          return [@mouse_x, @mouse_y] if (button < 1 || button > 6)
        # Return current coordinates if the mouse isn't dragging
        return [@mouse_x, @mouse_y] if !@mouse_drag[button][0]
        # return mouse drag starting coordinates
        return [@mouse_drag[button][1], @mouse_drag[button][2]]
      # * Get Mouse in Area Flag
      def self.in_area?(*args)
        # return false if the mouse is not on screen
        return false if !@in_screen
        # If the argument is a rect
        if args[0].is_a?(Rect)
          # Return if the mouse is within the rect
          return (@mouse_x >= args[0].x && @mouse_y >= args[0].y &&
            @mouse_x < args[0].x + args[0].width &&
            @mouse_y < args[0].y + args[0].height)
        # If the arguments are separate
          # Return if the mouse is within the specified coordinates
          return (@mouse_x >= args[0] && @mouse_y >= args[1] &&
            @mouse_x < args[0] + args[2] && @mouse_y < args[1] + args[3])
      # * Hide Cursor
      #     reset_state : if true, mouse is set to hidden, if false, it is not
      def self.hide_cursor(reset_state = true)
        # Hide the mouse cursor
        success = @showCursor.call(0)
        # If the display counter is less than negative one
        if success < -1
          # Loop until the display counter is negative one
          until success == -1
            # Increment the mouse display count
            success = @showCursor.call(1)
        # If the display counter is zero or greater
        elsif success >= 0
          # Loop until the display counter is netagive one
          until success == -1
            # Decrement the mouse display count
            success = @showCursor.call(0)
        # If set to reset the cursor state
        if reset_state
          # Set the mouse to hidden
          @hidden = true
          @visible_override = true
          # hide the cursor if a cursor graphic exists
          if @cursor.is_a?(Sprite)
            @cursor.visible = false
      # * Show Cursor
      #     reset_state : (optional) if false, does not override cursor state
      #     name        : (optional) the name of a cursor to load
      def self.show_cursor(*args)
        # Get the reset state for mouse visibility
        reset_state = true
        if args[0].is_a?(FalseClass) || args[1].is_a?(FalseClass)
          reset_state = false
        # If set to reset the mouse state
        if reset_state
          # Override the cursor visibility
          @hidden = false
          # Set the default cursor name
          cursor_name = "Graphics/Pictures/GF001-Cursor01"
          # If a cursor name was provided as the first argument
          if args[0].is_a?(String)
            cursor_name = args[0]
          # If a cursor name was provided as the second argument instead
          elsif args[1].is_a?(String)
            cursor_name = args[1]
          # If the cursor already exists and the bitmap has not been disposed
          if @cursor.is_a?(Sprite) && !@cursor.bitmap.disposed?
            # Dispose the bitmap
          # If the cursor does not exist
          elsif !@cursor.is_a?(Sprite)
            # Create the cursor sprite
            @cursor = Sprite.new
          # Load and set the cursor
          bitmap = Bitmap.new(cursor_name)
          @cursor.bitmap = bitmap
          @cursor.z = 10000
          @visible_override = true
        # If the cursor is set to visible
        if @visible_override
          # If the mouse is on screen and there is a cursor
          if @in_screen && @cursor.is_a?(Sprite)
            # Hide the Windows cursor
            # Set the cursor visibility and coordinates
            @cursor.visible = true
            @cursor.x = @mouse_x
            @cursor.y = @mouse_y
          # Hide the cursor if one exists and if the mouse is off screen
          elsif @cursor.is_a?(Sprite)
            @cursor.visible = false
          # If the cursor is off screen
          if !@in_screen
            # Show the mouse cursor
            success = @showCursor.call(1)
            # If the display counter is less than negative one
            if success < 15
              # Loop until the display counter is negative one
              until success == 15
                # Increment the mouse display count
                success = @showCursor.call(1)
            # If the display counter is zero or greater
            elsif success > 15
              # Loop until the display counter is netagive one
              until success == 15
                # Decrement the mouse display count
                success = @showCursor.call(0)
      # * Set Mouse X
      #     coord : the x coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_x(coord)
        # Validate the argument
        return false if (coord.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(coord.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Set the coordinate
        return self.set_relative_x([[coord.to_i, 0].max, @window_width - 1].min)
      # * Set Mouse Y
      #     coord : the y coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_y(coord)
        # Validate the argument
        return false if (coord.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(coord.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Set the coordinate
        return self.set_relative_y([[coord.to_i, 0].max, @window_height - 1].min)
      # * Set Real Mouse X
      #     coord : the x coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_real_x(coord)
        # Validate the argument
        return false if (coord.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(coord.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Set the coordinate
        return false if(@setCursorPos.call(coord.to_i, @real_y) == 0)
        # Modify internal coordinates
        @real_x = coord.to_i
        @mouse_x = [[coord.to_i - @window_x, 0].max, (@window_width - 1)].min
        return true
      # * Set Real Mouse Y
      #     coord : the y coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_real_y(coord)
        # Validate the argument
        return false if (coord.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(coord.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Set the coordinate
        return false if(@setCursorPos.call(@real_x, coord.to_i) == 0)
        # Modify internal coordinates
        @real_y = coord.to_i
        @mouse_y = [[coord.to_i - @window_y, 0].max, (@window_height - 1)].min
        return true
      # * Set Relative Mouse X
      #     coord : the x coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_relative_x(coord)
        # Validate the argument
        return false if (coord.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(coord.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Set the coordinate
        return self.set_real_x([coord.to_i + @window_x, 0].max)
      # * Set Relative Mouse Y
      #     coord : the y coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_relative_y(coord)
        # Validate the argument
        return false if (coord.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(coord.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Set the coordinate
        return self.set_real_y([coord.to_i + @window_y, 0].max)
      # * Set Mouse Position
      #     x : the x coordinate to move the mouse to
      #     y : the y coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_pos(x, y)
        # Validate the arguments
        return false if (x.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(x.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        return false if (y.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(y.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Correct the coordinates
        x = [[x.to_i, 0].max, @window_width  - 1].min
        y = [[y.to_i, 0].max, @window_height - 1].min
        # Set the coordinate
        return self.set_relative_pos(x, y)
      # * Set Real Mouse Position
      #     x : the x coordinate to move the mouse to
      #     y : the y coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_real_pos(x, y)
        # Validate the arguments
        return false if (x.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(x.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        return false if (y.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(y.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Set the coordinate
        return false if (@setCursorPos.call(x.to_i, y.to_i) == 0)
        # Update internal coordinates
        @real_x = x.to_i
        @real_y = y.to_i
        @mouse_x = [[x.to_i - @window_x, 0].max, (@window_width  - 1)].min
        @mouse_y = [[y.to_i - @window_y, 0].max, (@window_height - 1)].min
      # * Set Relative Mouse Position
      #     x : the x coordinate to move the mouse to
      #     y : the y coordinate to move the mouse to
      def self.set_relative_pos(x, y)
        # Validate the arguments
        return false if (x.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(x.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        return false if (y.is_a?(NilClass)) || !(y.to_i.is_a?(Integer))
        # Correct the coordinates
        x = [x.to_i + @window_x, 0].max
        y = [y.to_i + @window_y, 0].max
        # Set the coordinate
        return self.set_real_pos(x, y)
      # * Get Button Double-Click State
      #     button : the button to check
      def self.double_click?(button)
        # Validate button
        return false if (button < 1 || button > 6)
        # Return the double click state
        return @double_click[button]
      # * Get Last Click X
      #     button : the button to check
      def self.last_click_x(button)
        # Validate button
        return false if (button < 1 || button > 6)
        # Return the double click state
        return @last_click_x[button]
      # * Get Last Click Y
      #     button : the button to check
      def self.last_click_y(button)
        # Validate button
        return false if (button < 1 || button > 6)
        # Return the double click state
        return @last_click_y[button]
      # * Convert X Coordinate to Real X Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.x_to_real(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_width - 1].min + @window_x
      # * Convert Y Coordinate to Real Y Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.y_to_real(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_height - 1].min + @window_y
      # * Convert X Coordinate to Relative X Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.x_to_relative(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_width - 1].min
      # * Convert Y Coordinate to Relative Y Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.y_to_relative(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_height - 1].min
      # * Convert Real X Coordinate to X Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.real_x_to_x(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord - @window_x, 0].max, @window_width - 1].min
      # * Convert Real Y Coordinate to Y Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.real_y_to_y(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord - @window_y, 0].max, @window_height - 1].min
      # * Convert Real X Coordinate to Relative X Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.real_x_to_relative(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return coord - @window_x
      # * Convert Real Y Coordinate to Relative Y Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.real_y_to_relative(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return coord - @window_y
      # * Convert Relative X Coordinate to X Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.relative_x_to_x(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_width - 1].min
      # * Convert Relative Y Coordinate to Y Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.relative_y_to_y(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_height - 1].min
      # * Convert Relative X Coordinate to Real X Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.relative_x_to_real(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_width - 1].min + @window_x
      # * Convert Relative Y Coordinate to Real Y Coordinate
      #     coord : the coordinate to convert
      def self.relative_y_to_real(coord)
        # Correct coordinate and return
        return [[coord, 0].max, @window_height - 1].min + @window_y
      # * Initialize Module
    # ** Keys
    #  This module performs key input processing
    module Keys
      # Add class data
      class << self
        # * Alias Methods
        # If the update method has not been aliased
        unless method_defined?(:mouseinputmodule_keys_update)
          # Alias the update method
          alias mouseinputmodule_keys_update update
        # * Frame Update
        def update
          # Call original method
          # Update Keys module

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  • Place this script above Main, and below the default scripts. This script must also be placed below Glitchfinder's Key Input Module. (I realize this is obvious to most, but some people don't get it.)
  • This script requires Glitchfinder's Key Input Module. This can be found here
  • This module is automatically updated by the required Keys module, which means that the only time you need to call the update method is in a scene that does not update the default Input module.
  • This module does not break the functionality of the default Input module.
  • If you wish to read keys from a gamepad, you must still use the default input module to do so.
  • To use this module, simply use one of the four methods (press?(key), trigger?(key), repeat?(key), or release?(key)), where key is the index of the key you want to check. Key may also be used as Mouse::KEYNAME. For a list of acceptable key names, look below the header.
  • There is a key named ANYKEY. This can be used like any other key, with the exception that, instead of corresponding to any one key, it reacts to them all. If you use it, and any other key would cause the same method to return true, then the ANYKEY will also return true. This takes into account all keys on the keyboard, as well.
  • There is a key named ANYBUTTON. This can be used like any other key, with the exception that, instead of corresponding to any one key, it reacts to them all. If you use it, and any other key would cause the same method to return true, then the ANYBUTTON will also return true. This only takes into account keys on the mouse.
  • One function in this script uses a default image, which goes in "Graphics/Pictures/GF001-Cursor01.png". You can find an example for this image here.
  • This script has several additional methods, details of which are in the method list below.

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Method List

  • Mouse.update
    • Updates mouse input. Calls to this method are not necessary unless the default Input module is not being updated.
    • Determines whether the button determined by key is currently being pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true. If not, returns false.
    • Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again. "Pressed again" is seen as time having passed between the button being not pressed and being pressed. If the button is being pressed, returns true. If not, returns false.
    • Determines whether the button determined by key is being pressed again. Unlike trigger?(), this takes into account the repeat input of a button being held down continuously. If the button is being pressed, returns true. If not, returns false.
    • Determines whether the button determined by key has just been released. If the button has been released, returns true. If not, returns false.
    • Determines whether the button determined by key has been toggled. This functions like Caps Lock, Number Lock, and Scroll Lock, only for all keys.
    • Functions in the same manner as Mouse.press?(), only it takes an array of keys as input.
    • Functions in the same manner as Mouse.trigger?(), only it takes an array of keys as input.
    • Functions in the same manner as Mouse.repeat?(), only it takes an array of keys as input.
    • Functions in the same manner as Mouse.release?(), only it takes an array of keys as input.
    • Functions in the same manner as Mouse.toggle?(), only it takes an array of keys as input.
    • This method returns true if the mouse is over the game window, and false if not. (The function returns false if the mouse is currently over the window title or edge, instead of the client area)
    • This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the following format: [x, y]
    • This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the following format: [x, y] The position returned by this method is the exact position of the mouse on the monitor.
    • This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the following format: [x, y] The position returned by this method is similar to the position returned by Mouse.pos, only it will return offscreen coordinates as well.
    • This method returns an array containing the current mouse position, in the following format: [x, y] The position returned by this method will be the position of the map tile the mouse is currently hovering over.
    • Returns the current mouse x position. If the mouse is to the left of the game screen, returns 0. If the mouse is to the right of the game window, returns the width of the window minus one.
    • Returns the current mouse y position. If the mouse is above the game screen, returns 0. If the mouse is below the game window, returns the height of the window minus one.
    • Returns the current x position of the mouse on the monitor.
    • Returns the current y position of the mouse on the monitor.
    • Returns the current mouse x position. If the mouse is to the left of the game screen, returns negative values. If the mouse is to the right of the game window, returns values higher than the width of the game window.
    • Returns the current mouse y position. If the mouse is above the game screen, returns negative values. If the mouse is below the game window, returns values higher than the height of the game window.
    • Returns the x position of the map tile the mouse is currently hovering over. If the mouse is to the left of the game screen, returns 0. If the mouse is to the right of the game window, returns the x position of the tiles on the right edge of the screen.
    • Returns the y position of the map tile the mouse is currently hovering over. If the mouse is above the game screen, returns 0. If the mouse is below the game window, returns the y position of the tiles on the bottom edge of the screen.
    • Checks to see if the mouse is currently dragging. (The primary button is being held while the mouse moves across the screen) Returns true if the mouse is dragging, false if the mouse is not. If an argument is supplied, this will check the dragging status of the button in question. Otherwise, the check will supply the status of the primary mouse key.
    • Checks to see if the mouse is dragging, and returns the rect of the drag area. If the mouse is not currently dragging, returns an empty rect. If the mouse is dragging, returns a screen rect that covers the current drag area. If an argument is supplied, this will check the dragging status of the button in question. Otherwise, the check will supply the status of the primary mouse key.
    • Checks to see if the mouse is dragging, and returns the starting coordinates. If the mouse is not dragging, returns the current mouse position. If an argument is supplied, this will check the dragging status of the button in question. Otherwise, the check will supply the status of the primary mouse key.The return data is in the following format: [x, y]
    Mouse.in_area?(x, y, width, height)
    • Determines if the mouse is within the specified area. You can input either a rect or the x, y, width, and height of the area. If the mouse is currently within that area, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
    • Hides the mouse cursor while it is over the game screen. No arguments are needed. If reset_state is false, the mouse state will not be changed and it will remain visible. Reset_state is set to true by default.
    Mouse.show_cursor(reset_state, cursor_name)
    Mouse.show_cursor(cursor_name, reset_state)
    • Shows the mouse cursor. No arguments are needed. If reset_state is false, the mouse state will not be changed and it will remain invisible. Reset_state is set to true by default. The cursor_name argument is the location of a bitmap to use as the cursor image. This defaults to "Graphics/Pictures/GF001-Cursor01" for the file location.
    • Returns true if the specified button is triggered twice within a short time.
    • Returns the coordinate of the last location at which the supplied mouse button was pressed.
    Mouse.set_pos(x, y)
    Mouse.set_real_pos(x, y)
    Mouse.set_relative_pos(x, y)
    • Sets the mouse location. These functions follow the same coordinate rules as the equivalent checks listed above.
    • Converts a coordinate from one system to another. These follow the same rules as the equivalent functions listed above.

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  • This script is licensed under the MIT License:

    The License":345fcfk7 said:
    Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Sean Porter (Glitchfinder) <glitchkey@gmail.com>

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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I just tested this in RMVX, and, to the best of my knowledge, it works perfectly in both VX and XP. I have changed the script header and post icon to reflect this.



Dude this really looks good. I wish I had a game that uses a mouse command, if I ever need it I will save it and maybe use it for a later project. It's also good that it works in both XP and VX. I'm surprised nobody has commented yet, I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't find this really neat.
Star":ertgzy9l said:
Dude this really looks good. I wish I had a game that uses a mouse command, if I ever need it I will save it and maybe use it for a later project. It's also good that it works in both XP and VX. I'm surprised nobody has commented yet, I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't find this really neat.

Thanks for the great comment! As far as I know, this is the only mouse input module that is both cross-compatible between XP and VX, and that doesn't include a lot of other, unrelated stuff.

Anyway, I just updated this to version 1.10. It's mostly superficial, since I renamed the majority of the methods so that they would no longer include a mouse_ prefix. (This was mostly because I was trying to make it easier on those switching from AWorks, but that's pretty much a worthless feature) At the same time, I updated it so that, instead of adding a second alias to the default Input module's update method, this will now be updated automatically by my Keys module, since that module is required for this one to function properly. Anyway, enjoy. (And here I am, still hoping to see what Bluescope would have to say about this and my Key Input Module)
So, here I am... and unlike the keyboard module, I have lots and lots of stuff to complain about! (I so feel at home... :tongue: )

First of all, you use a bunch of API calls, and while each of the variables get an appropriate name (such as @getCursorPos for the GetCursorPos call), GetSystemMetrics gets brutally chopped into @metrics... which is neither understandable to me, nor something good to do in terms of keeping a consistent style.

Next up is key assignment... now you quite cleverly check the OS' settings on the button swapping, which I haven't seen before in a mouse module, however, you seem to do something weird, being...
PRIMARY    = !SWAPBUTTON ? 0x01 : 0x02 # Primary Mouse Button

SECONDARY  = !SWAPBUTTON ? 0x02 : 0x01 # Secondary Mouse Button
...while you could just as well do...
PRIMARY = SWAPBUTTON ? 0x02 : 0x01 # Primary Mouse Button

SECONDARY = SWAPBUTTON ? 0x01 : 0x02 # Secondary Mouse Button
Also, the comments in there again seem to be redundant, as one should be able to figure out that PRIMARY within a mouse input script has somethign to do with the mouse's primary button ^^

Later on, you got a check for the cursor being in the screen, or not. It's located in update, which I don't quite understand, as putting that to a compact method will save you both the calculation of the cursor's coordinates each frame, as well as an instance variable, like so:
[rgss]  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # * Is the Mouse on Screen?
  def self.in_screen?
    if (@mouse_x < 0 || @mouse_y < 0 || @mouse_x >= @window_width ||
      @mouse_y >= @window_height)
      in_screen = false # set the mouse to off screen
      in_screen = true # set the mouse to on screen
    return in_screen

At this point, let me note that I expected you, as everyone else, to forget about the double click functionality. You included it, which I haven't seen before other than in a snippet I did some time ago, so yeah - nice ^^

Originally, I was going to complain about your @mouse_x and @mouse_y values getting falsified to ensure they're within the screen. On a later thought, that actually is useful for a bunch of occasions, including a script I'm working on at the moment... while I wanna thank you for that, I wanna add that some applications might still require something like @mouse_real_x, for example if a line's getting drawn from the center of the screen to the cursor - it'd have a different direction with your way than by having the real coordinates preserved.
Actually, writing this, I notice it shouldn't be a commonly used function... therefore, doing something like this should be sufficient:
[rgss]  def self.real_pos
    x, y = cursor_position.unpack('LL')
    return [x, y]

Last but not least, something I noticed in the Keyboard script as well - you're using your nickname for alias names. I'm mentioning this purely for assuring people I'm still crazy about it, not because I actually think anyone will listen to me... :tongue:

Overall, nice work definately... despite all the little things I mentioned (from which probably 50% are perfectly fine the way they are XD ), it's still a clean, non-lazy way of handling mouse input processing, and as you said, isn't weaved into some cluttery comprehensive scripts that also have keyboard input, gamepad input, a menu systen and a brush-your-teeth instruction manual ^^

Keep up the good work!
Thanks for commenting, BlueScope! I think I'll address what you said with this one, since some things really do need a bit of explanation.
BlueScope":29rghdpe said:
So, here I am... and unlike the keyboard module, I have lots and lots of stuff to complain about! (I so feel at home... :tongue: )

First of all, you use a bunch of API calls, and while each of the variables get an appropriate name (such as @getCursorPos for the GetCursorPos call), GetSystemMetrics gets brutally chopped into @metrics... which is neither understandable to me, nor something good to do in terms of keeping a consistent style.
Actually, this one was on purpose. Sort of. Specifically, I have this thing about lines extending onto a second line, and absolutely hate doing it. You're right, however, and I'll probably change that when I include several of your other suggestions.

BlueScope":29rghdpe said:
Next up is key assignment... now you quite cleverly check the OS' settings on the button swapping, which I haven't seen before in a mouse module, however, you seem to do something weird, being...
PRIMARY    = !SWAPBUTTON ? 0x01 : 0x02 # Primary Mouse Button

SECONDARY  = !SWAPBUTTON ? 0x02 : 0x01 # Secondary Mouse Button
...while you could just as well do...
PRIMARY = SWAPBUTTON ? 0x02 : 0x01 # Primary Mouse Button

SECONDARY = SWAPBUTTON ? 0x01 : 0x02 # Secondary Mouse Button
Also, the comments in there again seem to be redundant, as one should be able to figure out that PRIMARY within a mouse input script has somethign to do with the mouse's primary button ^^
The odd code is probably due more to the fact that I was writing it at around 1:00 in the morning, and it didn't occur to me to use the second type of statement. As for the redundant commenting, it's out of habit. I tend to comment everything, even when the comment provides very little in the way of illumination. I'm of the opinion that it's always better to have the comment, just in case it does help.

BlueScope":29rghdpe said:
Later on, you got a check for the cursor being in the screen, or not. It's located in update, which I don't quite understand, as putting that to a compact method will save you both the calculation of the cursor's coordinates each frame, as well as an instance variable, like so:
[rgss]   #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # * Is the Mouse on Screen?
  def self.in_screen?
    if (@mouse_x < 0 || @mouse_y < 0 || @mouse_x >= @window_width ||
      @mouse_y >= @window_height)
      in_screen = false # set the mouse to off screen
      in_screen = true # set the mouse to on screen
    return in_screen
All right. I'm going to have to flat-out disagree with this one. While it might save me the calculation of the mouse's coordinates every frame, that's only if the script is not being used, which makes you wonder why it would be in the project in the first place. If they're using one of the majority of the methods in the script, it would be required to call this method. And if they're using more than one of the methods, or calling the same one multiple times, it would be recalculating these values every single time the method was called, every single frame. In other words, this would actually reduce efficiency, assuming that the script was actually being used.

BlueScope":29rghdpe said:
At this point, let me note that I expected you, as everyone else, to forget about the double click functionality. You included it, which I haven't seen before other than in a snippet I did some time ago, so yeah - nice ^^
I couldn't really call this a mouse module without double clicking, could I? I would also like to note that AWorks includes a double clicking feature as well.

BlueScope":29rghdpe said:
Originally, I was going to complain about your @mouse_x and @mouse_y values getting falsified to ensure they're within the screen. On a later thought, that actually is useful for a bunch of occasions, including a script I'm working on at the moment... while I wanna thank you for that, I wanna add that some applications might still require something like @mouse_real_x, for example if a line's getting drawn from the center of the screen to the cursor - it'd have a different direction with your way than by having the real coordinates preserved.
Actually, writing this, I notice it shouldn't be a commonly used function... therefore, doing something like this should be sufficient:
[rgss]  def self.real_pos
    x, y = cursor_position.unpack('LL')
    return [x, y]
Actually, this is an excellent idea, and one I'm surprised I didn't come up with on my own. Even if it wouldn't be used often, I will probably end up including both a method to read the position, and methods for the x/y of the mouse, just likee I did for the current methods.

BlueScope":29rghdpe said:
Last but not least, something I noticed in the Keyboard script as well - you're using your nickname for alias names. I'm mentioning this purely for assuring people I'm still crazy about it, not because I actually think anyone will listen to me... :tongue:
This one has a very, very simple explanation. I learned my script formatting style by studying the guide in the SDK, which has very specific rules regarding the formatting of an alias, to prevent the same alias being used more than once.

BlueScope":29rghdpe said:
Overall, nice work definately... despite all the little things I mentioned (from which probably 50% are perfectly fine the way they are XD ), it's still a clean, non-lazy way of handling mouse input processing, and as you said, isn't weaved into some cluttery comprehensive scripts that also have keyboard input, gamepad input, a menu systen and a brush-your-teeth instruction manual ^^

Keep up the good work!
Again, thanks for the great comment, since You did point out things I hadn't seen before. I would like to note that this script does require my keyboard script, since it uses that to keep track of the mouse keys, instead of simply checking them itself. (One thing to note is that, if you really wanted to be a weird scripter, you could route keyboard input checks through this script, since it isn't programmed to reject them)
Consider everything not addressed in this post as totally agreed with :p

Af for the in_screen? matter... right now, that method is called every frame, no matter if needed or not (which is also during the title screen, transitions, all that stuff where 90% won't ever use any input at all), while the downside obviously is that people using this multiple times will get more calculations. I guess it depends on how you use it (which ultimately comes down to if you use it in a single or multiple scenes), but yeah... I guess both methods have their advantages and flaws...

And yeah, interesting that the weird way of putting nicknames in aliases comes from the SDK... I was aware of Seph being one of the first to use it, however I didn't know he was spreading it like a virus :x

I'm glad I could help! :) I hope it'll do something for the script you PMed me, which I'm at right now ^^
friend":3opcl0j1 said:
I'll try it later, I hope its more accurate and responsive than the last mouse script I used

If that last mouse script was AInput, the answer would be a definite yes. I was using that script as the major comparison for testing and such when I made this one, and would never have released mine if it performed worse than AInput did.
Glitchfinder":nx3sy5qx said:
friend":nx3sy5qx said:
I'll try it later, I hope its more accurate and responsive than the last mouse script I used

If that last mouse script was AInput, the answer would be a definite yes. I was using that script as the major comparison for testing and such when I made this one, and would never have released mine if it performed worse than AInput did.
Well I forgot about testing this today, I'll do it tomorrow.

And I forogt which mouse script it was.



You've got in_rect, how about in_radius? Something to check if within a circle?

Or more specifically, be able to activate certain events if within their individually defined radius, including the mouse changing image when in that radius.

This actually being alive might make me tempted to work on my point-and-click game again.

Still, it's really cool to see an in_rect function there.
I'm no scripter, so I must ask, how do I implement this script?

Not install, if that is what you think. Its how do I put it to use.

My guess is that I put Mouse.press?(key) in the scripts that I want to call right?

Can you give me an example on how to implement this on the start screen so I can get a flow of it?
Taylor":c9bpykb0 said:
You've got in_rect, how about in_radius? Something to check if within a circle?

Or more specifically, be able to activate certain events if within their individually defined radius, including the mouse changing image when in that radius.

This actually being alive might make me tempted to work on my point-and-click game again.

Still, it's really cool to see an in_rect function there.

in_radius would be a bit tougher to implement, simply because dealing with circles would be tougher to deal with. That said, I'll look into it, I suppose.

friend":c9bpykb0 said:
I'm no scripter, so I must ask, how do I implement this script?

Not install, if that is what you think. Its how do I put it to use.

My guess is that I put Mouse.press?(key) in the scripts that I want to call right?

Can you give me an example on how to implement this on the start screen so I can get a flow of it?

Sure! Instead of giving you an edit to the title screen, I'll give you an edit to Window_Command, since that is both easier to do and more effective for what you wanted. I commented it to make it a bit easier to understand.


# ** Window_Command


#  This window deals with general command choices.



class Window_Command < Window_Selectable


  # * Frame Update


  def update

    # Call the update method from Window_Selectable


    # Calculate the starting position of the commands

    x = self.x + 16

    y = self.y + 16

    # Calculate the dimensions of the command

    width = self.width - 32

    height = 32

    # Iterate through all of the commands

    for i in 0...@commands.size

      # Calculate the y position of the current command

      extra_y = 32 * i

      # Create a rectangle with the current command's position

      rect = Rect.new(x, y + extra_y, width, height)

      # Check to see if the mouse is over the command

      if Mouse.in_area?(rect)

        # Check to see if this command is not currently selected

        if self.index != i

          # Play the option change SE


          # Select the new command

          self.index = i






Just keep in mind that this mouse script does require my keyboard script as well, so it will crash your game if you don't have that in there too.
Thanks mate, and yeah I downloaded the keyboard input too...

sadly I don't think I'll use RMXP for a project anyway, I'll give this script a try though



Thankies ^_^
It was pretty easy converting to your script. Of course there may be some subtle differences which needs to be fixed, but overall it was nice and easy to use.
The idea behind the mouse system was to enable the mouse to control all the menus while leaving the map alone. It is also an experiment where I use an eventing concept for the mouse control which I have been very pleased with. It is way easier to manage than using a top-down approach.
You can indeed make point and click events, but that was not a part of what I intended with the system. There is nothing wrong with building on top of my system.

I do hope my implementation also helps people getting an idea of how much scripting is still required after adding your script to have the mouse feel fully functioning.
Lemme add a little disclaimer just incase: The parts I have scripted are free to use in commercial and noncommercial alike, but use are your own risk only.

ok, i tested it with all my scripts, it works like a charm, i like the new features(though i had added many of them myself to your old one) there is one downside IMO. i have my own little cursor i use in game. i use this to hide the real one
[rgss]cursor = Win32API.new("user32", "ShowCursor", "i", "i" ).call(0)
i had no problems with your old script doing this, but for what ever reason when i replaced it with your new version it isnt hiding the mouse any more. i didnt play with it much. just replaced your old script with your new one

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