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More than 4 frames for movement?



I know this is possible since I've seen it in Grenciel Witches, and some of the CBS here support an infinite number of frames. But what I'm having trouble finding is a stand alone script that allows you to show more than 4 frames during map movement, (particularly for ABS) when you're walking, attacking, and so on. My game will be a side scroller and the sprites are on the higher quality end so it would really make the movement animation look much smoother if I can use more than 4 frames. If someone can make this or know where I can find a script for this, please let me know. Thank you.



Okay, thank you. But I'm having a lot of difficulty finding it even after searching various spellings of Devvulfman but that member doesn't seem to exist. I like to give everything a try before I ask for help but I've run out of ways to find him other than looking through every page of the script forum one at a time. If anyone has a link, I'll appreciate it.

Edit: I found him after looking through some pages in the script forum. Now I just need to go through his recent posts to see where he might have posted the script. Thanks a lot.

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