Authors: game_guy
Version: 1.2
Type: Event Modification
Key Term: Environment Add-on
Ever need more than 4 self switches? With this small script, you can now have as many self switches you want. You aren't just limited to letters either. You can have names for them.
More Self Switches
Name them whatever

XP Version
# More Self-Switches
# Version 1.2
# Author game_guy
# Intro:
# Ever need more than 4 self switches? With this small script, you can now
# have as many self switches you want. You aren't just limited to letters
# either. You can have names for them.
# Features:
# -More Self Switches
# -Name them whatever
# Instructions:
# -First, lets create a self switch for our event. Anywhere in the event, add
# a comment and type this,
# Switch:switch_name.
# switch_name can be whatever you want to name the switch. Thats all you have
# to do to create a self switch for that page.
# There cannot be any spaces between the colon and the switch name.
# e.g. Switch: switch - Does not work.
# e.g. Switch:switch - Does work.
# You also need the Self-Switch box on the page checked.
# -Now to turn this switch of or on, call this in a script call.
# self_switch("switch", true/false)
# switch is the switch name, this must be in double " " or single ' ' quotes.
# true/false tells the script whether to turn it off or on. true = on,
# false = off.
# -If you want to see if a self switch is on/off, use this script in a
# condtional branch.
# self_switch_state("switch") == true/false
# switch is the switch name, this must be in double " " or single ' ' quotes.
# true = on, false = off
# Compatibility:
# Not tested with SDK.
# Should work with anything.
# Credits:
# game_guy ~ For creating it.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
alias gg_init_more_switches_lat initialize
def initialize(map_id, event)
gg_init_more_switches_lat(map_id, event)
@event.pages.each {|page| page.list.each {|command|
if [108, 408].include?(command.code)
command.parameters.each {|p| check_custom_switch(page, p) }
def check_custom_switch(page, code)
a = code.split(':')
if a[0].downcase == "switch" && a[1] != nil
page.condition.self_switch_ch = a[1]
class Interpreter
def self_switch(switch, state)
if @event_id > 0
key = [$game_map.map_id, @event_id, switch]
$game_self_switches[key] = state
$game_map.need_refresh = true
def self_switch_state(switch)
key = [$game_map.map_id, @event_id, switch]
return $game_self_switches[key]
VX Version - Believe it or not, there was only one line difference to get it to work.
# More Self-Switches (VX Version)
# Version 1.0
# Author game_guy
# Intro:
# Ever need more than 4 self switches? With this small script, you can now
# have as many self switches you want. You aren't just limited to letters
# either. You can have names for them.
# Features:
# -More Self Switches
# -Name them whatever
# Instructions:
# -First, lets create a self switch for our event. Anywhere in the event, add
# a comment and type this,
# Switch:switch_name.
# switch_name can be whatever you want to name the switch. Thats all you have
# to do to create a self switch for that page.
# There cannot be any spaces between the colon and the switch name.
# e.g. Switch: switch - Does not work.
# e.g. Switch:switch - Does work.
# You also need the Self-Switch box on the page checked.
# -Now to turn this switch of or on, call this in a script call.
# self_switch("switch", true/false)
# switch is the switch name, this must be in double " " or single ' ' quotes.
# true/false tells the script whether to turn it off or on. true = on,
# false = off.
# -If you want to see if a self switch is on/off, use this script in a
# condtional branch.
# self_switch_state("switch") == true/false
# switch is the switch name, this must be in double " " or single ' ' quotes.
# true = on, false = off
# Compatibility:
# Not tested with SDK.
# Should work with anything.
# Credits:
# game_guy ~ For creating it.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
alias gg_init_more_switches_lat initialize
def initialize(map_id, event)
gg_init_more_switches_lat(map_id, event)
@event.pages.each {|page| page.list.each {|command|
if [108, 408].include?(command.code)
command.parameters.each {|p| check_custom_switch(page, p) }
def check_custom_switch(page, code)
a = code.split(':')
if a[0].downcase == "switch" && a[1] != nil
page.condition.self_switch_ch = a[1]
class Game_Interpreter
def self_switch(switch, state)
if @event_id > 0
key = [$game_map.map_id, @event_id, switch]
$game_self_switches[key] = state
$game_map.need_refresh = true
def self_switch_state(switch)
key = [$game_map.map_id, @event_id, switch]
return $game_self_switches[key]
In the script.
Place above main, below Scene_Debug, the normal.
Not tested with SDK.
Should work with anything.
Credits and Thanks
game_guy ~ For creating it.
Author's Notes